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Postgres table / advisory lock context managers for Django python apps
import contextlib
import enum
import hashlib
import typing as t
from django.apps import apps
from django.db import models, transaction, connection, OperationalError, InternalError
from psycopg2 import sql
__all__ = (
class LockMode(str, enum.Enum):
AccessShare = "ACCESS SHARE"
RowShare = "ROW SHARE"
RowExclusive = "ROW EXCLUSIVE"
ShareUpdateExclusive = "SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE"
Share = "SHARE"
ShareRowExclusive = "SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE"
Exclusive = "EXCLUSIVE"
AccessExclusive = "ACCESS EXCLUSIVE"
class LockTimeoutError(OperationalError):
""" Issued when lock timeout has been reached """
class LockNowaitError(LockTimeoutError):
""" Issued while trying to lock already locked table with nowait set to True"""
class TableLock(contextlib.ContextDecorator):
def __init__(self, *tables: str, using: str = None, mode: LockMode = None, nowait: bool = False, timeout: int = None):
if nowait and timeout:
raise ValueError("Can't set both nowait and timeout options")
if timeout == 0:
timeout, nowait = None, True # type: ignore
elif timeout is not None and timeout <= 0:
raise ValueError("Lock timeout should be a positive integer")
self.tables = tables
self.using = using
self.mode = mode
self.nowait = nowait
self.timeout = timeout
def for_model(cls, *models: t.Union[str, t.Type[models.Model]], **kwargs):
all_models = (apps.get_model(_) if isinstance(_, str) else _ for _ in models)
tables = (model._meta.db_table for model in all_models)
return cls(*tables, **kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
query, params = self._prepare_lock_query()
self._exec_lock_query(query, params)
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
return False
def _exec_lock_query(self, lock_query: sql.SQL, params: tuple[t.Any, ...]):
conn = transaction.get_connection(self.using)
with conn.cursor() as c:
c.execute(lock_query, params)
except OperationalError as e:
if self.nowait:
raise LockNowaitError from e
if self.timeout is not None:
raise LockTimeoutError(self.timeout) from e
def _prepare_lock_query(self):
empty, params, mode = sql.SQL(""), (), self.mode
query = "LOCK TABLE {tables} {lock_mode} {nowait}"
query = sql.SQL(query).format(
tables=sql.SQL(", ").join(map(sql.Identifier, self.tables)),
lock_mode=(empty if mode is None else sql.SQL(f"IN {mode.value} MODE")),
nowait=(sql.SQL("NOWAIT") if self.nowait else empty),
if self.timeout is not None:
query = sql.SQL("SET LOCAL lock_timeout = %s; {}").format(query)
params = (f"{self.timeout}s",)
return query, params
class AdvisoryLock(contextlib.ContextDecorator):
_transaction: bool = False
_connection = connection
def __init__(self, *lock_id: t.Union[int, str], using: str = None, shared: bool = False, nowait: bool = False, timeout: int = None):
if nowait and timeout:
raise ValueError("Can't set both nowait and timeout options")
if timeout == 0:
timeout, nowait = None, True # type: ignore
elif timeout is not None and timeout < 0:
raise ValueError("Timeout should be a positive integer")
self.lock_id = self._validate_lock_id(lock_id)
self.using = using
self.shared = shared
self.nowait = nowait
self.timeout = timeout
def __enter__(self):
self._connection = conn = transaction.get_connection(self.using)
self._transaction = conn.in_atomic_block
if self.timeout is not None and not self._transaction:
raise InternalError("Timeout can only be used in transaction block")
lock_func = self._prepare_lock_function()
with conn.cursor() as c:
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
if (unlock_func := self._prepare_unlock_function()) is not None:
with self._connection.cursor() as c:
self._connection = connection
self._transaction = False
return False
def _prepare_lock_function(self) -> "_AdvisoryLockFunction":
expr = sql.SQL("pg_")
ctor, args = _AdvisoryLockFunction, {}
if self.nowait:
ctor = _NowaitAdvisoryLockFuncion
expr += sql.SQL("try_")
elif self.timeout is not None:
ctor = _TimeoutAdvisoryLockFunction
args["timeout"] = self.timeout
expr += sql.SQL("advisory_xact_lock" if self._transaction else "advisory_lock")
if self.shared:
expr += sql.SQL("_shared")
return ctor(expr, self.lock_id, **args)
def _prepare_unlock_function(self) -> t.Optional["_AdvisoryLockFunction"]:
if self._transaction:
return None
expr = sql.SQL("pg_advisory_unlock")
if self.shared:
expr += sql.SQL("_shared")
return _AdvisoryLockFunction(expr, self.lock_id)
def _validate_lock_id(self, lock_id) -> t.Union[tuple[int], tuple[int, int]]:
""" Since ``pg_advisory_lock`` functions family expects either a single bigint
or a pair of ints, application-specific IDs consisting of strings
or large ints should be transformed either by clamping or hashing.
I think the latter approach is better in a sense of avoiding collisions.
def prep_id_part(id_val: t.Union[int, str, bytes], bit_len: t.Literal[32, 64]):
if isinstance(id_val, (str, t.ByteString)):
if isinstance(id_val, str):
id_val = id_val.encode()
digest = hashlib.md5(id_val, usedforsecurity=False).digest()
id_hash = int.from_bytes(digest, "little", signed=True)
elif isinstance(id_val, int):
id_hash = id_val
raise ValueError(f"Can't prepare lock id from {id_val}")
# Reduce hash length to conform pg_advisory_lock signature
# (64 OR (32, 32) bit signed int)
hash_len = id_hash.bit_length()
while hash_len > bit_len:
hash_len >>= 1
hi_mask = (1 << hash_len) - 1
lo_mask = hi_mask << hash_len
id_hash = (id_hash & hi_mask) ^ ((id_hash & lo_mask) >> hash_len)
# Convert back to signed int
signed_len = bit_len - 1
return (id_hash & ((1 << signed_len) - 1)) - (id_hash & (1 << signed_len))
if len(lock_id) == 1:
valid_lock_id = (prep_id_part(lock_id[0], 64),)
elif len(lock_id) == 2:
a, b = lock_id
valid_lock_id = prep_id_part(a, 32), prep_id_part(b, 32)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported number of arguments: {lock_id}")
return valid_lock_id
class _AdvisoryLockFunction:
__slots__ = "func", "lock_id"
def __init__(
func: sql.Composable,
lock_id: t.Union[tuple[int], tuple[int, int]],
self.func = func
self.lock_id = lock_id
def get_lock_expr(self):
expr_params = sql.SQL(", ").join((sql.Placeholder(),) * len(self.lock_id))
expr = self.func + sql.SQL("({})").format(expr_params)
return sql.SQL("SELECT {}").format(expr)
def exec(self, cursor):
cursor.execute(self.get_lock_expr(), self.lock_id)
class _NowaitAdvisoryLockFuncion(_AdvisoryLockFunction):
__slots__ = ()
def exec(self, cursor):
cursor.execute(self.get_lock_expr(), self.lock_id)
if not cursor.fetchone()[0]:
raise LockNowaitError(self.lock_id)
class _TimeoutAdvisoryLockFunction(_AdvisoryLockFunction):
__slots__ = "timeout"
def __init__(
func: sql.Composable,
lock_id: t.Union[tuple[int], tuple[int, int]],
timeout: int,
super().__init__(func, lock_id, *args, **kwargs)
self.timeout = timeout
def exec(self, cursor):
cursor.execute("SET LOCAL lock_timeout = %s", [f"{self.timeout}s"])
cursor.execute(self.get_lock_expr(), self.lock_id)
except OperationalError as e:
raise LockTimeoutError(self.lock_id, self.timeout) from e
table_lock = TableLock
advisory_lock = AdvisoryLock
import pytest
from threading import Thread
from django.apps import apps
from django.db import transaction, InternalError
from django_pg_locks import table_lock, advisory_lock, LockNowaitError, LockTimeoutError
def test_table_lock(reraise):
def raise_nowait_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(LockNowaitError):
with transaction.atomic(), table_lock("flight", nowait=True):
assert False, "Should not reach there"
with transaction.atomic(), table_lock("flight"):
thread = Thread(target=raise_nowait_err)
def test_model_table_lock(reraise):
Flight = apps.get_model("flight", "Flight")
def raise_nowait_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(LockNowaitError):
with transaction.atomic(), table_lock.for_model(Flight, "flight.Airport", nowait=True):
assert False, "Should not reach there"
with transaction.atomic(), table_lock.for_model(Flight, "flight.Airport"):
thread = Thread(target=raise_nowait_err)
def test_table_lock_timeout(reraise):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
table_lock("asdf", nowait=True, timeout=10)
table_lock("asdf", timeout=-1)
def raise_flight_lock_timeout_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(LockTimeoutError):
with transaction.atomic(), table_lock("flight", timeout=1):
assert False, "Should not reach there"
def raise_flight_lock_nowait_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(LockNowaitError):
with transaction.atomic(), table_lock("flight", timeout=0):
assert False, "Should not reach there"
with transaction.atomic(), table_lock("flight"):
threads = []
for func in [raise_flight_lock_timeout_err, raise_flight_lock_nowait_err]:
thread = Thread(target=func)
for thread in threads:
def test_advisory_lock(reraise):
def raise_nowait_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(LockNowaitError), advisory_lock(1, nowait=True):
assert False, "Should not reach there"
def lock_passes():
with reraise, advisory_lock(2, nowait=True):
with advisory_lock(1):
thread = Thread(target=raise_nowait_err)
another = Thread(target=lock_passes)
def test_advisory_lock_timeout(reraise):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
advisory_lock("asdf", 1, nowait=True, timeout=10)
advisory_lock("asdf", 1, timeout=-1)
def raise_timeout_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(LockTimeoutError):
with transaction.atomic(), advisory_lock("asdf", 1, timeout=1):
assert False, "Should not reach here"
def raise_nowait_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(LockNowaitError):
with transaction.atomic(), advisory_lock("asdf", 1, timeout=0):
assert False, "Should not reach here"
def raise_internal_err():
with reraise, pytest.raises(InternalError):
with advisory_lock("asdf", 2, timeout=1):
assert False, "Should not be run outside of transaction"
with advisory_lock("asdf", 1):
threads = []
for func in [raise_timeout_err, raise_nowait_err, raise_internal_err]:
thread = Thread(target=func)
for thread in threads:
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["lock_id"], [
[(1 << 63 - 1,)],
[(1 << 63,)],
[(1 << 64,)],
[(1 << 65,)],
[(1 << 31 - 1, 1 << 31)],
[(1 << 32, 1 << 33)],
def test_large_lock_ids(lock_id):
with advisory_lock(*lock_id):
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