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Last active December 10, 2015 01:58
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Setting up STUD network proxy
Specify the configuration in a file and test the same via the "-t" option.
root:~/stud# ./stud -t --config=ss_default_config.conf --ssl
Trying to initialize SSL contexts with your certificates{core}
Note: no DH parameters found in /root/stud/
stud configuration looks ok.
STUD creates two separate process i.e. do a ps from a different screen and you will see 2 pids:
root:~/stud# ps -ef| grep stud
root 21039 20988 0 05:57 pts/6 00:00:00 ./stud --config=ss_default_config.conf --ssl
root 21040 21039 0 05:57 pts/6 00:00:00 ./stud --config=ss_default_config.conf --ssl
root 21042 21001 0 05:57 pts/9 00:00:00 grep --color=auto stud
From other screen test the SSL front end using openssl:
root:~/stud# openssl s_client -msg -connect <frontend_ip>:<frontend_port>
root:~/stud# openssl s_client -connect <frontend_ip>:<frontend_port> -servername
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