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Implementing a Design System with Atomic CSS

Design Systems are nothing new — some authors trace their origin back to the pre-Internet era. But even in the context of the Internet: Design Systems were a thing 10 years ago when I started my career as a web developer. Fast-forward 10 years - and I finally have an opportunity to work on implementing a Design System at Thinkific. I went through a lot of different content (articles, books and workshops) on building Design Systems and tend to think that I have a pretty good overview of what's usually discussed in the Design System communities.

Atomic CSS is nothing new either. The first time I heard about it was about the same time that I heard of Design Systems (i.e. 10 years ago). Back then I was kind of puzzled: What benefits do single-property class names bring to the table? It felt "hacky" to have 5-10 different items in the class attribute o

Weather SPA

This is a simple test task that allows to demonstrate the knowledge of React/Redux.


(!) Data may be accuried from website
(!) Usage of react.js+redux is required

App should:
surgeboris / bomberman.js
Created October 21, 2017 13:19
Bomberman test-task
// Given a list of bombs on a 2D-plane, write a function (or functions) that determine the maximum number of bombs that can be detonated by
// triggering just one of the given bombs. Each bomb has an x-, and y-coordinate, as well as an explosion radius. When a bomb explodes, it - in
// turn - detonates all other bombs within its explosion radius.
function getDistance(source, target) {
const xDiff = target.x - source.x;
const yDiff = target.y - source.y;
return Math.sqrt(xDiff**2 + yDiff**2);
surgeboris / scrap-from-google-spaces.js
Created February 24, 2017 08:32
Small script to scrap links from "Google Spaces" via (JS-wrapper around Selenium)
const YOUR_LOGIN = '';
const YOUR_PASSWORD = '';
const YOUR_SPACE = '';
const fs = require('fs');
const webdriverio = require('webdriverio');
const options = {
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome'
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import Events from 'eventemitter3';
-const rawMixin = function () {
+const mixinModel = function (target) {
const attrs = {};
- return Object.assign(this, {
+ return Object.assign(target, {
set (name, value) {