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Created June 14, 2013 13:46
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Ragel Json Parser
// Some playing around with ragel.
// Install ragel (e.g. `brew install ragel`)
// Compile with `ragel -Z json.rl`
package main
import (
// Ragel expects these variables to be declared in the host program
var (
// Index of the current state.
cs int
// Pointer to the input. In Go it is an offset.
p int
// Pointer to the end of the input. In Go it is the length.
pe int
// eof must be set to pe if we reached end of file, -1 otherwise.
// The distinction between eof and pe is, that our input
// might be split into blocks (think network) and pe marks
// end of a block, eof marks when a block is the last block.
eof int = -1
// data is the input, Go only.
data []byte
// Stack for stack-based machines (optional). Resizing must be
// taken care of by the user.
stack []int
// Pointer to the top of the sack (optional).
top int
// ???
act int
// ???
ts int
// ???
te int
func main() {
data = []byte(`{"abc":"def","hij": 123}`)
pe = len(data)
eof = pe
%% machine json;
# '=' => Pattern definition
# ':=' => Machine instantiation
Quote = '"';
StringStart = Quote;
String = [^"]+ Quote @{fmt.Println("Found string")};
StringParser := String @{fret;};
FloatStart = [+\-0-9];
Float = (([0-9]* '.')? [0-9]+ ([eE][+\-]?[0-9]+)?)@{fmt.Println("Found float")};
FloatParser := Float @{fret;};
# 'fcall' puts the current state on the stack
# and jumps to the given machine.
ArrayStart = '[';
Array = []@{fcall JSON;} (',' @{fcall JSON;})* ']' @{fmt.Println("Found array")};
ArrayParser := Array @{fret;};
ObjectStart = '{';
ObjectItem = StringStart String ':' @{fcall JSON;};
Object = (ObjectItem (',' ObjectItem)*)? '}' @{fmt.Println("Found object")};
ObjectParser := Object @{fret;};
# 'fret' jumps back to the last machine state on the stack.
JSON := (
StringStart > {fcall StringParser;} |
FloatStart > {fcall FloatParser;} |
ArrayStart > {fcall ArrayParser;} |
ObjectStart > {fcall ObjectParser;}
) @{fret;};
main := (
StringStart > {fcall StringParser;} |
FloatStart > {fcall FloatParser;} |
ArrayStart > {fcall ArrayParser;} |
ObjectStart > {fcall ObjectParser;}
# Handle stack growth
prepush {
if stack == nil || len(stack) == cap(stack) {
new_stack := make([]int, len(stack), cap(stack)*2)
copy(new_stack, stack)
stack = new_stack
// Append new element
stack = append(stack, 0)
# Handle stack shrinking
postpop {
stack = stack[0:len(stack)-1]
%% write data;
func machine() {
// Put initialization code here
%% write init;
// Put execution code here
%% write exec;
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