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Last active July 17, 2020 08:34
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Python Class to clean exited docker containers and untagged docker images in the native docker env. To Install python docker package : pip install docker
Python Class to clean exited docker containers and untagged docker images in the native env
Actions are performed used by Docker - Python SDK
__author__ = "Suresh Kumar B"
__email__ = ""
import docker, docker.errors
class DockerCleaner:
def __init__(self):
self._client = docker.from_env()
self._version = self._client.version()
self._config = self._client.configs
def _get_all_images(self):
return self._client.images.list()
except docker.errors.APIError:
return None
def _delete_container(self, container_id):
if self._client.containers.get(container_id) is not None:
return "deleted"
except docker.errors.APIError as exc:
return None
def remove_stopped_containers(self):
for container in self._client.containers.list(all=True):
container_state = container.attrs['State']
(container_status, running_status) = (container_state['Status'], container_state['Running'])
if (container_status, running_status) != ('running', True):
return "Deleted dead containers"
except docker.errors.APIError:
print(f"Error occurred at cleaning containers")
return None
def remove_untagged_images(self):
for image in self._get_all_images():
if (not image.attrs['RepoTags']) and (not image.attrs['RepoDigests']) and (not image.tags):
return "Deleted Untagged Images"
except docker.errors.APIError as exc:
return None
docker_cleaner_client = DockerCleaner()
container_removal_status = docker_cleaner_client.remove_stopped_containers()
if container_removal_status is not None:
print(f"Stale Containers have been removed successfully!")
images_removal_status = docker_cleaner_client.remove_untagged_images()
if images_removal_status is not None:
print(f"Untagged Images have been removed successfully!")
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