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Created October 14, 2016 19:57
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from random import random
import networkx as nx
def updateAliveNeighbors(G, changedNodes, alive_neighbors):
for n in set(changedNodes):
alive_neighbors[n] = 0
for nn in G.neighbors(n):
if G.node[nn]["alive"]:
alive_neighbors[n] += 1
# conways game of live: b=(3,), s=(2, 3)
# maze: b=(3,), s=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# mazectric: b=(3,), s=(1, 2, 3, 4)
def celluarAutomaton(G, b=(3,), s=(1, 2, 3, 4)):
changed = G.nodes()
generation = 0
alive_neighbors = {}
updateAliveNeighbors(G, changed, alive_neighbors)
while changed:
generation += 1
changed = []
for i in G.nodes():
if alive_neighbors[i] in b and not G.node[i]["alive"]:
G.node[i]["alive"] = True
changed += G.neighbors(i)
elif alive_neighbors[i] not in s and G.node[i]["alive"]:
G.node[i]["alive"] = False
changed += G.neighbors(i)
updateAliveNeighbors(G, changed, alive_neighbors)
writeSVG(G, "maze_{:04d}.svg".format(generation))
def writeSVG(G, filename="maze.svg"):
scale = 6
offset = scale/2
x, y = zip(*G.nodes())
x, y = max(x), max(y)
height = (y-1)*scale+2*offset
width = (x-1)*scale+2*offset
header = "<svg version='1.1' baseProfile='full' width='{x}' height='{y}'>\n"
header +="<rect fill='white' width='{x}' height='{y}' />\n"
header = header.format(x=width, y=height)
line = "<line x1='{x1}' x2='{x2}' y1='{y1}' y2='{y2}' stroke='black' stroke-width='{w}' />\n"
rect = "<rect x='{x}' y='{y}' width='{scale}' height='{scale}' stroke='black' fill='black' stroke-width='0' />\n"
footer = "</svg>\n\n"
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for n in G.nodes():
x, y = n
if not G.node[n]["alive"]:
f.write(rect.format(x=x*scale, y=y*scale, scale=scale))
def addDiagonals(G):
for n in G.nodes():
for offset in ((-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1)):
dx, dy = offset
x, y = n
G.add_edge(n, (x+dx, y+dy))
if __name__ == "__main__":
x,y = 320,180
G = nx.grid_2d_graph(x,y)
for i in G.nodes():
if 155 < i[0] < 165 and 85 < i[1] < 95:
G.node[i]["alive"] = random() > 0.5
G.node[i]["alive"] = False
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