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Created December 6, 2011 18:31
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Socketio-Websocket usecase
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHandler;
import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClient;
import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig;
import com.ning.http.client.HttpResponseBodyPart;
import com.ning.http.client.Response;
import com.ning.http.client.async.AbstractBasicTest.AsyncCompletionHandlerAdapter;
import com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider;
import com.ning.http.client.websocket.WebSocket;
import com.ning.http.client.websocket.WebSocketListener;
import com.ning.http.client.websocket.WebSocketUpgradeHandler;
public class SocketioTest {
public static String sessionid = null;
public static String sessionidWS = null;
public static String transports = null;
public static AsyncHttpClient getAsyncHttpClient(AsyncHttpClientConfig config) {
if (config == null) {
config = new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder().build();
return new AsyncHttpClient(new GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider(config), config);
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AsyncHttpClient c = getAsyncHttpClient(new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder().setFollowRedirects(true).build());
// on va chercher une sessionID
c.prepareGet("http://localhost:8080/socketiochat/ChatAtmosphereHandler/1/").execute(new AsyncCompletionHandlerAdapter() {
public Response onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {
try {
String body = response.getResponseBody();
String array[] = body.split(":");
sessionid = array[0];
} finally {
return response;
// on ouvre une connection en long-polling pour faire le connect
c.prepareGet("http://localhost:8080/socketiochat/ChatAtmosphereHandler/1/xhr-polling/" + sessionid).execute(new AsyncCompletionHandlerAdapter() {
public Response onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {
try {
String body = response.getResponseBody();
System.err.println("XHR Body=" + body);
} finally {
return response;
// on ouvre une 2e connection en long-polling pour etre en suspend
c.prepareGet("http://localhost:8080/socketiochat/ChatAtmosphereHandler/1/xhr-polling/" + sessionid).execute(new AsyncCompletionHandlerAdapter() {
public Response onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {
try {
String body = response.getResponseBody();
System.err.println("XHR Body=" + body);
} finally {
return response;
// on ouvre une 3e connection en long-polling pour etre en suspend
c.prepareGet("http://localhost:8080/socketiochat/ChatAtmosphereHandler/1/xhr-polling/" + sessionid).execute(new AsyncCompletionHandlerAdapter() {
public Response onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {
try {
String body = response.getResponseBody();
System.err.println("XHR Body=" + body);
} finally {
return response;
// on va chercher une sessionID pour les Websocket
c.prepareGet("http://localhost:8080/socketiochat/ChatAtmosphereHandler/1/").execute(new AsyncCompletionHandlerAdapter() {
public Response onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {
try {
String body = response.getResponseBody();
String array[] = body.split(":");
sessionidWS = array[0];
} finally {
return response;
// on ouvre une connection en WebSocket
WebSocket websocket = c.prepareGet("ws://localhost:8080/socketiochat/ChatAtmosphereHandler/1/websocket/" + sessionidWS).execute(new WebSocketUpgradeHandler()).get();
websocket.addMessageListener(new WebSocketListener() {
public void onMessage(byte[] message) {
System.err.println("WS onMessage = " + new String(message));
public void onClose() {
System.err.println("WS onClose");
public void onError(Throwable t) {
// on fait un connect, donc la connection en long-polling va recevoir un message
// on ouvre une 3e connection en long-polling pour recevoir les messages non recus
c.prepareGet("http://localhost:8080/socketiochat/ChatAtmosphereHandler/1/xhr-polling/" + sessionid).execute(new AsyncCompletionHandlerAdapter() {
public Response onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {
try {
String body = response.getResponseBody();
System.err.println("XHR Body=" + body);
} finally {
return response;
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