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Last active February 28, 2024 14:04
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  • Save suryadana/781b45781f403c6a0b4e7703b59f515c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(function(global, factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
module.exports = global.document ?
factory(global, true) :
function(w) {
if (!w.document) {
throw new Error("getorgchart requires a window with a document");
return factory(w);
} else {
// Pass this if window is not defined yet
})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function(window, noGlobal) {
getOrgChartW = '</div>';
var getOrgChartW;
getOrgChart = function(b, a) {
this.config = {
theme: "ula",
color: "blue",
enableEdit: true,
enableZoom: true,
enableSearch: true,
enableMove: true,
enableGridView: false,
enableDetailsView: true,
enablePrint: false,
enableExportToImage: false,
enableZoomOnNodeDoubleClick: true,
enableDragDrop: false,
scale: "auto",
linkType: "M",
orientation: getOrgChart.RO_TOP,
primaryFields: ["Name", "Title"],
photoFields: ["Image"],
idField: null,
parentIdField: null,
secondParentIdField: null,
levelSeparation: 100,
siblingSeparation: 30,
separationMixedHierarchyNodes: 25,
subtreeSeparation: 40,
removeNodeEvent: "",
updateNodeEvent: "",
updatedEvent: "",
insertNodeEvent: "",
createNodeEvent: "",
clickNodeEvent: "",
renderNodeEvent: "",
embededDefinitions: "",
maxDepth: 30,
dataSource: null,
customize: [],
expandToLevel: 3,
boxSizeInPercentage: {
minBoxSize: {
width: 5,
height: 5
boxSize: {
width: null,
height: null
maxBoxSize: {
width: 100,
height: 100
layout: null
var d = getOrgChart.util._6("colorScheme");
if (d) {
this.config.color = d
if (a) {
for (var c in this.config) {
if (typeof(a[c]) != "undefined") {
this.config[c] = a[c]
this.version = "2.5.2";
this.theme = getOrgChart.themes[this.config.theme];
this.element = b;
this.nodes = {};
this._aA = [];
this._aZ = [];
this._zf = [];
this._zj = 0;
this._zu = 0;
this._a1 = null;
this._am = [];
this._zn = new getOrgChart.node(-1, null, null, null, 2, 2);
this._zQ = {
found: [],
showIndex: 0,
oldValue: "",
timer: ""
this._a7 = {};
this._aJ = null;
this._zq = null;
this._zG = null;
this.scale = null;
this.maxScale = null;
this.maxScale = null;
this.maxLevel = 0;
this._S = false;
if (this.theme.defs) {
this.config.embededDefinitions += this.theme.defs
for (const id in this.config.customize) {
if (this.config.customize[id].theme) {
this.config.embededDefinitions += getOrgChart.themes[this.config.customize[id].theme].defs
this._X = new getOrgChart._X(this.element);
getOrgChart.prototype._ae = function() {
var a = getOrgChart.INNER_HTML.replace("[theme]", this.config.theme).replace("[color]", this.config.color).replace(/\[height]/g, this._a8).replace(/\[toolbar-height]/g, this.theme.toolbarHeight);
if (typeof(getOrgChartW) !== "undefined") {
a = a.slice(0, -6);
a += getOrgChartW
this.element.innerHTML = a
getOrgChart.prototype.resize = function() {
this._f(); = this._a8 + "px"; = this._a8 + "px"; = this._a8 + "px"
getOrgChart.prototype._f = function() {
this._zL = get._c().msie ? this.element.clientWidth : window.getComputedStyle(this.element, null).width;
this._zL = parseInt(this._zL);
if (this._zL < 3) {
this._zL = 1024; = "1024px"
this._zO = get._c().msie ? this.element.clientHeight : window.getComputedStyle(this.element, null).height;
this._zO = parseInt(this._zO);
if (this._zO < 3) {
this._zO = parseInt((this._zL * 9) / 16); = this._zO + "px"
this._a9 = this._zL;
this._a8 = this._zO - this.theme.toolbarHeight
getOrgChart.prototype.changeColorScheme = function(a) {
if (this.config.color == a) {
this._X._zK.className = this._X._zK.className.replace(this.config.color, a);
this.config.color = a
getOrgChart.prototype._zw = function() {
this._aA = [];
this._aZ = [];
this._zf = [];
getOrgChart._T(this, this._zn, 0);
getOrgChart._zS(this, this._zn, 0, 0, 0);
getOrgChart.prototype._zD = function(b, a) {
if (this._aA[a] == null) {
this._aA[a] = 0
if (this._aA[a] < b.h) {
this._aA[a] = b.h
getOrgChart.prototype._zC = function(b, a) {
if (this._aZ[a] == null) {
this._aZ[a] = 0
if (this._aZ[a] < b.w) {
this._aZ[a] = b.w
getOrgChart.prototype._zR = function(b, a) {
b.leftNeighbor = this._zf[a];
if (b.leftNeighbor != null) {
b.leftNeighbor.rightNeighbor = b
this._zf[a] = b
getOrgChart.prototype._2 = function(a) {
switch (this.config.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
return a.w;
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
return a.h
return 0
getOrgChart.prototype._P = function(g, d, e) {
if (d >= e) {
return g
if (g._N() == 0) {
return null
var f = g._N();
for (var a = 0; a < f; a++) {
var b = g._Y(a);
var c = this._P(b, d + 1, e);
if (c != null) {
return c
return null
getOrgChart.prototype._A = function() {
var f = [];
var h;
if (this._X._v) {
h = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X)
} else {
h = this._8()
f.push(getOrgChart.OPEN_SVG.replace("[defs]", this.config.embededDefinitions).replace("[viewBox]", h.toString()));
for (var b in this.nodes) {
var d = this.nodes[b];
if (this.isCollapsed(d)) {
var e = d.draw(this.config);
this._V("renderNodeEvent", {
node: d,
content: e
var c = d._Z(this.config);
if (this.config.secondParentIdField != null) {
for (var b in this.nodes) {
var g = this.nodes[b]._W(this.config);
var a = f.join("");
return a
getOrgChart.prototype._r = function(a, i, c, b, g, h) {
var d = a;
var f = null;
if (i) {
f = i * ((this._a9 / 100) / (b.w + g))
var e = null;
if (c) {
e = c * ((this._a8 / 100) / (b.h + h))
if (f != null && e != null) {
d = f > e ? e : f
} else {
if (f != null) {
d = f
} else {
if (e != null) {
d = e
return d
getOrgChart.prototype._8 = function() {
var p = this.config.siblingSeparation / 2;
var q = this.config.levelSeparation / 2;
var o;
var d;
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
var c = this.nodes[Object.keys(this.nodes)[0]];
var f = 0;
var g = 0;
var h = 0;
var i = 0;
for (var e in this.nodes) {
var j = this.nodes[e];
if (j.x > f) {
f = j.x
if (j.y > g) {
g = j.y
if (j.x < h) {
h = j.x
if (j.y < i) {
i = j.y
if (this.config.boxSizeInPercentage != null) {
var l = this.config.siblingSeparation;
var m = this.config.levelSeparation;
switch (this.config.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
var l = this.config.levelSeparation;
var m = this.config.siblingSeparation;
this.scale = this._r(this.config.scale, this.config.boxSizeInPercentage.boxSize.width, this.config.boxSizeInPercentage.boxSize.height, c, l, m);
this.minScale = this._r(0, this.config.boxSizeInPercentage.minBoxSize.width, this.config.boxSizeInPercentage.minBoxSize.height, c, l, m);
this.maxScale = this._r(10000000, this.config.boxSizeInPercentage.maxBoxSize.width, this.config.boxSizeInPercentage.maxBoxSize.height, c, l, m)
switch (this.config.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
o = Math.abs(h) + Math.abs(f) + this.theme.size[0];
d = Math.abs(i) + Math.abs(g) + this.theme.size[1];
var k = this._a9 / this._a8;
var n = o / d;
if (this.scale === "auto") {
if (k < n) {
d = o / k;
b = (-d) / 2 + (g - i) / 2 + this.theme.size[1] / 2
} else {
o = d * k;
a = (-o) / 2 + (f - h) / 2 + this.theme.size[0] / 2
} else {
o = (this._a9) / this.scale;
d = (this._a8) / this.scale;
if (this.config.orientation == getOrgChart.RO_TOP) {
a = c.x - o / 2 + c.w / 2
this.initialViewBoxMatrix = [-p + a, q + b, o + this.config.siblingSeparation, d];
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
o = Math.abs(h) + Math.abs(f) + this.theme.size[0];
d = Math.abs(i) + Math.abs(g);
var k = this._a9 / this._a8;
var n = o / d;
if (this.scale === "auto") {
if (k < n) {
d = o / k;
b = (-d) / 2 + (g - i) / 2
} else {
o = d * k;
a = (-o) / 2 + (f - h) / 2 + this.theme.size[0] / 2
} else {
o = (this._a9) / this.scale;
d = (this._a8) / this.scale;
if (this.config.orientation == getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM) {
a = c.x - o / 2 + c.w / 2
this.initialViewBoxMatrix = [-p + a, -q - d - b, o + this.config.siblingSeparation, d];
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
o = Math.abs(h) + Math.abs(f);
d = Math.abs(i) + Math.abs(g) + this.theme.size[1];
var k = this._a9 / this._a8;
var n = o / d;
if (this.scale === "auto") {
if (k < n) {
d = o / k;
b = (-d) / 2 + (g - i) / 2 + this.theme.size[1] / 2
} else {
o = d * k;
a = (-o) / 2 + (f - h) / 2
} else {
o = (this._a9) / this.scale;
d = (this._a8) / this.scale;
if (this.orientation == getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT) {
b = c.y - d / 2 + c.h / 2
this.initialViewBoxMatrix = [-o - q - a, -p + b, o, d + this.config.siblingSeparation];
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
o = Math.abs(h) + Math.abs(f) + this.theme.size[0];
d = Math.abs(i) + Math.abs(g) + this.theme.size[1];
var k = this._a9 / this._a8;
var n = o / d;
if (this.scale === "auto") {
if (k < n) {
d = o / k;
b = (-d) / 2 + (g - i) / 2 + this.theme.size[1] / 2
} else {
o = d * k;
a = (-o) / 2 + (f - h) / 2 + this.theme.size[0] / 2
} else {
o = (this._a9) / this.scale;
d = (this._a8) / this.scale;
if (this.config.orientation == getOrgChart.RO_LEFT) {
b = c.y - d / 2 + c.h / 2
this.initialViewBoxMatrix = [q + a, -p + b, o, d + this.config.siblingSeparation];
return this.initialViewBoxMatrix.toString()
getOrgChart.prototype.draw = function(a) {
// Button Center
this._q(document.getElementById('get-recenter'), 'click', this.clickCenter);
this._X._t.innerHTML = this._A();
if (this.config.enableSearch) { = "inherit"; = "inherit"; = "inherit"
if (this.config.enableZoom) { = "inherit"; = "inherit"
if (this.config.enableGridView) { = "inherit"
if (this.config.enablePrint) { = "inherit"
if (this.config.enableExportToImage) { = "inherit"
if (this.config.enableMove) { = "none"; // inherit = "none"; // inherit = "display: none !important"; = "display: none !important";
return this
getOrgChart.prototype._z = function(a) {
var g = [];
for (var d in this.nodes) {
if (this.nodes[d]._z1 == null || this.nodes[d]._z2 == null) {
if (this.nodes[d]._z1 == this.nodes[d].x && this.nodes[d]._z2 == this.nodes[d].y) {
var f = this._X.getNodeById(d);
if (!f) {
for (var c = 0; c < g.length; c++) {
var e = g[c];
var f = this._X.getNodeById(;
var b = getOrgChart.util._5(f);
var h = b.slice(0);
h[4] = e.x;
h[5] = e.y;
get._z(f, {
transform: b
}, {
transform: h
}, 200, get._z._a2, function(i) {
if (a && g[g.length - 1].id == i[0].getAttribute("data-node-id")) {
if (a && g.length == 0) {
getOrgChart.prototype._aC = function(c, b) {
this._q(c, "mouseup", this._aR);
this._q(c, "mouseleave", this._aR);
var d = this;
var a = 100;
c.interval = setInterval(function() {
switch (c) {
case d._X._zh:
d.move("right", a);
case d._X._ao:
d.move("left", a);
case d._X._Q:
d.move("up", a);
case d._X._zI:
d.move("down", a);
if (a > 10) {
}, 20)
getOrgChart.prototype._aR = function(b, a) {
this._zb(b, "mouseup", this._aR);
this._zb(b, "mouseleave", this._aR);
getOrgChart.prototype.move = function(f, a, b) {
var h = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var e = h.slice(0);
var c = this.theme.size[0] / a;
var d = this.theme.size[1] / a;
var g = false;
switch (f) {
case "left":
e[0] -= c;
case "down":
e[1] -= d;
case "right":
e[0] += c;
case "up":
e[1] += d;
e[0] = f[0];
e[1] = f[1];
e[2] = f[2];
e[3] = f[3];
g = true;
if (g) {
get._z(this._X._v, {
viewBox: h
}, {
viewBox: e
}, 300, get._z._av, function() {
if (b) {
} else {
this._X._v.setAttribute("viewBox", e)
return this
getOrgChart.prototype.isCollapsed = function(a) {
if ((a.parent == this._zn) || (a.parent == null)) {
return false
if (a.parent.collapsed != getOrgChart.EXPANDED) {
return true
} else {
return this.isCollapsed(a.parent)
return false
getOrgChart.prototype._e = function() {
if (this.config.enableGridView) {
this._q(this._X._0, "click", this._zF);
this._q(this._X._aq, "click", this._zV)
if (this.config.enablePrint) {
this._q(this._X._zv, "click", this._zt)
if (this.config.enableExportToImage) {
this._q(this._X._D, "click", this._C)
if (this.config.enableMove) {
if ("ontouchstart" in window) {
this._q(this._X._t, "touchstart", this._y, "canvasContainer");
this._q(this._X._t, "touchmove", this._b, "canvasContainer");
this._q(this._X._t, "touchend", this._g, "canvasContainer")
} else {
this._q(this._X._zh, "mousedown", this._aC);
this._q(this._X._ao, "mousedown", this._aC);
this._q(this._X._Q, "mousedown", this._aC);
this._q(this._X._zI, "mousedown", this._aC);
this._q(this._X._t, "mousemove", this._aX);
this._q(this._X._t, "mousedown", this._aS);
this._q(this._X._t, "mouseup", this._aE);
this._q(this._X._t, "mouseleave", this._aE)
this._q(window, "keydown", this._au);
for (let i = 0; i < this._X._aG.length; i++) {
if ("ontouchstart" in window && "onorientationchange" in window) {
this._q(this._X._aG[i], "touchstart", this._aB)
} else {
this._q(this._X._aG[i], "click", this._aB)
for (let i = 0; i < this._X._aK.length; i++) {
if (this.config.enableDragDrop) {
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "mousedown", this._aH);
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "mouseover", this._aU);
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "mouseleave", this._aN)
} else {
if ("ontouchstart" in window && "onorientationchange" in window) {
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "touchstart", this._aP);
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "touchmove", this._aL);
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "touchend", this._aO)
} else {
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "mousedown", this._aM);
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "click", this._aY);
this._q(this._X._aK[i], "mouseover", this._aI)
this._q(this._X._o, "click", this._zm);
if (this.config.enableZoom) {
this._q(this._X._z4, "click", this._z5);
this._q(this._X._z6, "click", this._z7);
this._q(this._X._t, "DOMMouseScroll", this._zp);
this._q(this._X._t, "mousewheel", this._zp)
if (this.config.enableSearch) {
this._q(this._X._aV, "click", this._aT);
this._q(this._X._zc, "click", this._zr);
this._q(this._X._zA, "keyup", this._zZ);
this._q(this._X._zA, "paste", this._zW)
var b = "onorientationchange" in window,
a = b ? "orientationchange" : "resize";
this._q(window, a, this._zy);
if ("ontouchstart" in window && "onorientationchange" in window) {
this._q(this._X._u, "touchstart", this._zo, "detilsView");
this._q(this._X._u, "touchmove", this._zk, "detilsView")
getOrgChart.prototype._q = function(b, c, d, e) {
if (!e) {
e = ""
if (!b.getListenerList) {
b.getListenerList = {}
if (b.getListenerList[c + e]) {
function g(h, j) {
return function() {
if (j) {
return j.apply(h, [this, arguments])
d = g(this, d);
function f(h) {
var j = d.apply(this, arguments);
if (j === false) {
return (j)
function a() {
var h =, window.event);
if (h === false) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true
return (h)
if (b.addEventListener) {
b.addEventListener(c, f, false)
} else {
b.attachEvent("on" + c, a)
b.getListenerList[c + e] = f
getOrgChart.prototype._zb = function(a, b) {
if (a.getListenerList[b]) {
var c = a.getListenerList[b];
a.removeEventListener(b, c, false);
delete a.getListenerList[b]
getOrgChart.prototype._zP = function(b, a) {
if (!this._E) {
this._E = {}
if (!this._E[b]) {
this._E[b] = new Array()
getOrgChart.prototype._d = function() {
if (this.config.removeNodeEvent) {
this._zP("removeNodeEvent", this.config.removeNodeEvent)
if (this.config.updateNodeEvent) {
this._zP("updateNodeEvent", this.config.updateNodeEvent)
if (this.config.createNodeEvent) {
this._zP("createNodeEvent", this.config.createNodeEvent)
if (this.config.clickNodeEvent) {
this._zP("clickNodeEvent", this.config.clickNodeEvent)
if (this.config.renderNodeEvent) {
this._zP("renderNodeEvent", this.config.renderNodeEvent)
if (this.config.insertNodeEvent) {
this._zP("insertNodeEvent", this.config.insertNodeEvent)
if (this.config.updatedEvent) {
this._zP("updatedEvent", this.config.updatedEvent)
getOrgChart.prototype._V = function(b, a) {
if (!this._E) {
return true
if (!this._E[b]) {
return true
var d = true;
if (this._E[b]) {
var c;
for (let c = 0; c < this._E[b].length; c++) {
if (this._E[b][c](this, a) === false) {
d = false
return d
getOrgChart._X = function(a) {
this.element = a;
getOrgChart._X.prototype._ze = function() {
this._zK = this.element.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
var a = this._zK.children;
this._zH = a[0];
this._t = a[1];
this._u = a[2];
this._9 = a[3]
getOrgChart._X.prototype._zx = function() {
this._v = this._t.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
this._zz = this._v.getElementsByTagName("g")[0];
this._zN = this._zH.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
var d = this._zN.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
var a = this._zN.getElementsByTagName("div")[1];
var b = this._zN.getElementsByTagName("div")[2];
this._zA = d.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
var c = d.getElementsByTagName("a");
this._aV = c[1];
this._zc = c[0];
this._z6 = c[2];
this._z4 = c[3];
this._0 = c[4];
this._zv = c[5];
this._D = c[6];
this._m = this._u.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
this._i = this._u.getElementsByTagName("div")[1];
this._aG = this._zz.querySelectorAll("[data-btn-action]");
this._aK = this._zz.querySelectorAll("[data-node-id]");
c = a.getElementsByTagName("a");
this._o = c[0];
c = b.getElementsByTagName("a");
this._aq = c[0];
this._zB = [];
var e = this._v.getElementsByTagName("text");
for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
this._zh = this._zK.getElementsByClassName("get-right")[0];
this._ao = this._zK.getElementsByClassName("get-left")[0];
this._Q = this._zK.getElementsByClassName("get-down")[0];
this._zI = this._zK.getElementsByClassName("get-up")[0];
getOrgChart._X.prototype._zi = function(a) { = "auto"; = (a + "px")
getOrgChart._X.prototype._M = function() {
return this._i.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]
getOrgChart._X.prototype._U = function() {
var a = this._i.getElementsByTagName("input");
var c = {};
for (let i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
var d = a[i].value;
var b = a[i].parentNode.previousSibling.innerHTML;
c[b] = d
return c
getOrgChart._X.prototype._I = function() {
return this._i.getElementsByTagName("input")
getOrgChart._X.prototype._J = function() {
var a = this._i.getElementsByTagName("select");
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i].className == "get-oc-labels") {
return a[i]
return null
getOrgChart._X.prototype._K = function() {
var a = this._i.getElementsByTagName("select");
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i].className == "get-oc-select-parent") {
return a[i]
return null
getOrgChart._X.prototype.getNodeById = function(a) {
return this._zz.querySelector("[data-node-id='" + a + "']")
getOrgChart._X.prototype.removeLinks = function() {
var a = this._zz.querySelectorAll("[data-link-id]");
var b = a.length;
while (b--) {
getOrgChart._X.prototype.getButtonByType = function(a) {
return this._zz.querySelector("[data-btn-action='" + a + "']")
getOrgChart._X.prototype._zM = function(a) {
var c;
if (!a) {
c = this._zB
} else {
c = this.getNodeById(a).getElementsByTagName("text")
for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
var e = c[i].getAttribute("x");
var d = c[i].getAttribute("width");
if (c[i].offsetParent === null) {
var b = c[i].getComputedTextLength();
while (b > d) {
c[i].textContent = c[i].textContent.substring(0, c[i].textContent.length - 4);
c[i].textContent += "...";
b = c[i].getComputedTextLength()
getOrgChart.SCALE_FACTOR = 1.2;
getOrgChart.INNER_HTML = '<div class="get-[theme] get-[color] get-org-chart"><div class="get-oc-tb"><div><div style="height:[toolbar-height]px;"><input placeholder="Search" type="text" /><button type="button" id="get-recenter"></button><a title="previous" class="get-prev get-disabled" href="javascript:void(0)">&nbsp;</a><a title="next" class="get-next get-disabled" href="javascript:void(0)">&nbsp;</a><a class="get-minus" title="zoom out" href="javascript:void(0)">&nbsp;</a><a class="get-plus" title="zoom in" href="javascript:void(0)">&nbsp;</a><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="get-grid-view" title="grid view">&nbsp;</a><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="get-print" title="print">&nbsp;</a><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="get-export-to-image" title="export to image">&nbsp;</a></div ><div style="height:[toolbar-height]px;"><a title="previous page" class="get-prev-page" href="javascript:void(0)">&nbsp;</a></div><div style="height:[toolbar-height]px;"><a title="previous page" class="get-prev-page" href="javascript:void(0)">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div><div class="get-oc-c" style="height:[height]px;"></div><div class="get-oc-v" style="height:[height]px;"><div class="get-image-pane"></div><div class="get-data-pane"></div></div><div class="get-oc-g" style="height:[height]px;"></div><div class="get-left"><div class="get-left-icon"></div></div><div class="get-right"><div class="get-right-icon"></div></div><div class="get-up"><div class="get-up-icon"></div></div><div class="get-down"><div class="get-down-icon"></div></div></div>';
getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_INPUT_HTML = '<div data-field-name="[label]"><div class="get-label">[label]</div><div class="get-data"><input value="[value]"/></div></div>';
getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_USER_LOGO = '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" xmlns:xml="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" class="get-user-logo" preserveAspectRatio="xMaxYMin meet"><g><path class="get-user-logo" d="M258.744,293.214c70.895,0,128.365-57.472,128.365-128.366c0-70.896-57.473-128.367-128.365-128.367 c-70.896,0-128.368,57.472-128.368,128.367C130.377,235.742,187.848,293.214,258.744,293.214z"/><path d="M371.533,322.432H140.467c-77.577,0-140.466,62.909-140.466,140.487v12.601h512v-12.601 C512,385.341,449.112,322.432,371.533,322.432z"/></g></svg>';
getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_USER_LOGO = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 482.9 482.9" style="enable-background:new 0 0 482.9 482.9;" xml:space="preserve" class="get-user-logo"> <path d="M239.7,260.2c0.5,0,1,0,1.6,0c0.2,0,0.4,0,0.6,0c0.3,0,0.7,0,1,0c29.3-0.5,53-10.8,70.5-30.5 c38.5-43.4,32.1-117.8,31.4-124.9c-2.5-53.3-27.7-78.8-48.5-90.7C280.8,5.2,262.7,0.4,242.5,0h-0.7c-0.1,0-0.3,0-0.4,0h-0.6 c-11.1,0-32.9,1.8-53.8,13.7c-21,11.9-46.6,37.4-49.1,91.1c-0.7,7.1-7.1,81.5,31.4,124.9C186.7,249.4,210.4,259.7,239.7,260.2z M164.6,107.3c0-0.3,0.1-0.6,0.1-0.8c3.3-71.7,54.2-79.4,76-79.4h0.4c0.2,0,0.5,0,0.8,0c27,0.6,72.9,11.6,76,79.4 c0,0.3,0,0.6,0.1,0.8c0.1,0.7,7.1,68.7-24.7,104.5c-12.6,14.2-29.4,21.2-51.5,21.4c-0.2,0-0.3,0-0.5,0l0,0c-0.2,0-0.3,0-0.5,0 c-22-0.2-38.9-7.2-51.4-21.4C157.7,176.2,164.5,107.9,164.6,107.3z"/> <path d="M446.8,383.6c0-0.1,0-0.2,0-0.3c0-0.8-0.1-1.6-0.1-2.5c-0.6-19.8-1.9-66.1-45.3-80.9c-0.3-0.1-0.7-0.2-1-0.3 c-45.1-11.5-82.6-37.5-83-37.8c-6.1-4.3-14.5-2.8-18.8,3.3c-4.3,6.1-2.8,14.5,3.3,18.8c1.7,1.2,41.5,28.9,91.3,41.7 c23.3,8.3,25.9,33.2,26.6,56c0,0.9,0,1.7,0.1,2.5c0.1,9-0.5,22.9-2.1,30.9c-16.2,9.2-79.7,41-176.3,41 c-96.2,0-160.1-31.9-176.4-41.1c-1.6-8-2.3-21.9-2.1-30.9c0-0.8,0.1-1.6,0.1-2.5c0.7-22.8,3.3-47.7,26.6-56 c49.8-12.8,89.6-40.6,91.3-41.7c6.1-4.3,7.6-12.7,3.3-18.8c-4.3-6.1-12.7-7.6-18.8-3.3c-0.4,0.3-37.7,26.3-83,37.8 c-0.4,0.1-0.7,0.2-1,0.3c-43.4,14.9-44.7,61.2-45.3,80.9c0,0.9,0,1.7-0.1,2.5c0,0.1,0,0.2,0,0.3c-0.1,5.2-0.2,31.9,5.1,45.3 c1,2.6,2.8,4.8,5.2,6.3c3,2,74.9,47.8,195.2,47.8s192.2-45.9,195.2-47.8c2.3-1.5,4.2-3.7,5.2-6.3 C447,415.5,446.9,388.8,446.8,383.6z"/> </svg>';
getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_ID_INPUT = '<input value="[personId]" type="hidden"></input>';
getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_ID_IMAGE = '<img src="[src]" />';
getOrgChart.MOVE_FACTOR = 2;
getOrgChart.W = '</div>';;
getOrgChart.RO_TOP = 0;
getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM = 1;
getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT = 2;
getOrgChart.RO_LEFT = 3;
getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT = 4;
getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP = 6;
getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP = 7;
getOrgChart.OPEN_SVG = '<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="[viewBox]"><defs>[defs]</defs><g>';
getOrgChart.CLOSE_SVG = "</svg>";
getOrgChart.OPEN_NODE = '<g data-node-id="[data-node-id]" class="get-level-[level] [nodeCssClass]" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,[x],[y])">';
getOrgChart.CLOSE_NODE = "</g>";
getOrgChart.NOT_DEFINED = 0;
getOrgChart.COLLAPSED = 1;
getOrgChart.EXPANDED = 2;
getOrgChart._T = function(h, g, d) {
var c = null;
g.x = 0;
g.y = 0;
g._zd = 0;
g._aW = 0;
g.level = d;
g.leftNeighbor = null;
g.rightNeighbor = null;
h._zD(g, d);
h._zC(g, d);
h._zR(g, d);
if (g.collapsed == getOrgChart.NOT_DEFINED) {
g.collapsed = (h.config.expandToLevel && h.config.expandToLevel <= d && g._N() ? getOrgChart.COLLAPSED : getOrgChart.EXPANDED)
if (g._N() == 0 || d == h.config.maxDepth) {
c = g._1();
if (c != null) {
g._zd = c._zd + h._2(c) + h.config.siblingSeparation
} else {
g._zd = 0
} else {
var f = g._N();
for (var a = 0; a < f; a++) {
var b = g._Y(a);
getOrgChart._T(h, b, d + 1)
var e = g._H(h);
e -= h._2(g) / 2;
c = g._1();
if (c != null) {
g._zd = c._zd + h._2(c) + h.config.siblingSeparation;
g._aW = g._zd - e;
getOrgChart._w(h, g, d)
} else {
if (h.config.orientation <= 3) {
g._zd = e
} else {
g._zd = 0
getOrgChart._w = function(t, m, g) {
var a = m._O();
var b = a.leftNeighbor;
var c = 1;
for (var d = t.config.maxDepth - g; a != null && b != null && c <= d;) {
var i = 0;
var h = 0;
var o = a;
var f = b;
for (var e = 0; e < c; e++) {
o = o.getParent();
f = f.getParent();
i += o._aW;
h += f._aW
var s = (b._zd + h + t._2(b) + t.config.subtreeSeparation) - (a._zd + i);
if (s > 0) {
var q = m;
var n = 0;
for (; q != null && q != f; q = q._1()) {
if (q != null) {
var r = m;
var p = s / n;
for (; r != f; r = r._1()) {
r._zd += s;
r._aW += s;
s -= p
if (a._N() == 0) {
a = t._P(m, 0, c)
} else {
a = a._O()
if (a != null) {
b = a.leftNeighbor
getOrgChart._zS = function(i, e, b, j, l) {
if (b <= i.config.maxDepth) {
var k = i._zu + e._zd + j;
var m = i._zj + l;
var d = 0;
var f = 0;
var a = false;
switch (i.config.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
d = i._aA[b];
f = e.h;
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
d = i._aZ[b];
a = true;
f = e.w;
e.x = k;
e.y = m;
if (a) {
var h = e.x;
e.x = e.y;
e.y = h
switch (i.config.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
e.y = -e.y - f;
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
e.x = -e.x - f;
if (e._N() != 0) {
var c = i.config.levelSeparation;
if (i.config.layout == getOrgChart.MIXED_HIERARCHY_RIGHT_LINKS && e.children.length == 0) {
c = i.config.separationMixedHierarchyNodes
getOrgChart._zS(i, e._O(), b + 1, j + e._aW, l + d + c)
var g = e._4();
if (g != null) {
getOrgChart._zS(i, g, b, j, l)
getOrgChart._zY = function(e) {
e._zu = e._zn.x;
e._zj = e._zn.y;
if (e._a1) {
var b = e.nodes[];
var c = e._a1.old_x - b.x;
var d = e._a1.old_y - b.y;
for (var a in e.nodes) {
if (e.nodes[a].isVisible()) {
e.nodes[a].x += c;
e.nodes[a].y += d
e._a1 = null
getOrgChart.node = function(d, f, h, c, g, e, a, b) { = d; = f;
this.spid = h;
this.displayPid = null; = c;
this.w = g[0];
this.h = g[1];
this.parent = null;
this.secondParent = null;
this.displayParent = null;
this.children = [];
this.secondChildren = [];
this.displayChildren = null;
this.leftNeighbor = null;
this.rightNeighbor = null;
this.photoFields = e;
this.type = "node";
this.collapsed = a;
this.color = b == undefined ? null : b;
this.x = 0;
this._z1 = null;
this._z2 = null;
this.y = 0;
this._zd = 0;
this._aW = 0
getOrgChart.node.prototype._ab = function(a) {
var b = this.parent;
while (b != null) {
if (b == a) {
return true
b = b.parent
return false
getOrgChart.node.prototype.getParent = function() {
if (this.displayParent != null) {
return this.displayParent
return this.parent
getOrgChart.node.prototype.getChildren = function() {
if (this.displayChildren != null) {
return this.displayChildren
var a = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
if (this.children[i].displayParent == null) {
return a
getOrgChart.node.prototype.getImageUrl = function() {
if (this.photoFields &&[this.photoFields[0]]) {
return null
getOrgChart.node.prototype._N = function() {
if (this.displayChildren == null && this.collapsed == getOrgChart.COLLAPSED) {
return 0
} else {
if (this.getChildren() == null) {
return 0
} else {
return this.getChildren().length
getOrgChart.node.prototype._1 = function() {
if (this.leftNeighbor != null && this.leftNeighbor.getParent() == this.getParent()) {
return this.leftNeighbor
} else {
return null
getOrgChart.node.prototype.isVisible = function() {
if (this.x == 0 && this.y == 0) {
return false
return true
getOrgChart.node.prototype._4 = function() {
if (this.rightNeighbor != null && this.rightNeighbor.getParent() == this.getParent()) {
return this.rightNeighbor
} else {
return null
getOrgChart.node.prototype._Y = function(a) {
return this.getChildren()[a]
getOrgChart.node.prototype._H = function(a) {
const node = this._O();
const node1 = this._L();
return node._zd + ((node1._zd - node._zd) + a._2(node1)) / 2
getOrgChart.node.prototype._O = function() {
return this._Y(0)
getOrgChart.node.prototype._L = function() {
return this._Y(this._N() - 1)
getOrgChart.node.prototype._Z = function(a) {
if (!this.getChildren().length) {
return []
var d = [];
var p = 0,
u = 0,
q = 0,
v = 0,
r = 0,
w = 0,
t = 0,
x = 0;
var f = 0,
l = 0,
g = 0,
m = 0,
h = 0,
n = 0,
j = 0,
o = 0;
var c = null;
var e = a.customize[] && a.customize[].theme ? getOrgChart.themes[a.customize[].theme] : getOrgChart.themes[a.theme];
switch (a.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
p = this.x + (this.w / 2);
u = this.y + this.h;
f = this.x + (this.w);
l = this.y + (this.h / 2);
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
p = this.x + (this.w / 2);
u = this.y;
f = this.x + (this.w);
l = this.y + (this.h / 2);
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
p = this.x;
u = this.y + (this.h / 2);
f = this.x + (this.w / 2);
l = this.y + (this.h);
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
p = this.x + this.w;
u = this.y + (this.h / 2);
f = this.x + (this.w / 2);
l = this.y + (this.h);
for (var b = 0; b < this.getChildren().length; b++) {
c = this.getChildren()[b];
switch (a.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
t = r = c.x + (c.w / 2);
x = c.y;
q = p;
v = w = x - a.levelSeparation / 2;
j = c.x + c.w;
o = n = c.y + c.h / 2;
h = g = c.x + c.w + a.siblingSeparation / 2;
m = l;
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
t = r = c.x + (c.w / 2);
x = c.y + c.h;
q = p;
v = w = x + a.levelSeparation / 2;
j = c.x + c.w;
o = n = c.y + c.h / 2;
h = g = c.x + c.w + a.siblingSeparation / 2;
m = l;
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
t = c.x + c.w;
x = w = c.y + (c.h / 2);
v = u;
q = r = t + a.levelSeparation / 2;
j = h = c.x + c.w / 2;
o = c.y + (c.h);
g = f;
m = n = c.y + c.h + a.siblingSeparation / 2;
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
t = c.x;
x = w = c.y + (c.h / 2);
v = u;
q = r = t - a.levelSeparation / 2;
j = h = c.x + c.w / 2;
o = c.y + (c.h);
g = f;
m = n = c.y + c.h + a.siblingSeparation / 2;
if (this.displayChildren == null && c.displayChildren != null && this.collapsed == getOrgChart.EXPANDED) {
switch (a.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
d.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link" d="M' + p + "," + u + " " + q + "," + v + " " + g + "," + v + " " + h + "," + n + " L" + j + "," + o + '"/>');
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
d.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link" d="M' + p + "," + u + " " + q + "," + v + " " + q + "," + m + " " + h + "," + n + " L" + j + "," + o + '"/>');
} else {
if (this.displayChildren != null) {
d.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link" d="M' + f + "," + l + " " + g + "," + m + " " + h + "," + n + " L" + j + "," + o + '"/>')
} else {
if (this.collapsed == getOrgChart.EXPANDED) {
switch (a.linkType) {
case "M":
d.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link" d="M' + p + "," + u + " " + q + "," + v + " " + r + "," + w + " L" + t + "," + x + '"/>');
case "B":
d.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link" d="M' + p + "," + u + " C" + q + "," + v + " " + r + "," + w + " " + t + "," + x + '"/>');
if (a.expandToLevel && this.displayChildren == null) {
d.push(getOrgChart.buttons.expColl.replace("[display]", this.collapsed == getOrgChart.EXPANDED ? "none" : "block").replace(/\[xa]/g, (p - e.expandCollapseBtnRadius)).replace(/\[ya]/g, (u - e.expandCollapseBtnRadius)).replace(/\[start]/g, ((e.expandCollapseBtnRadius * 2) / 6)).replace(/\[middle]/g, (e.expandCollapseBtnRadius)).replace(/\[end]/g, ((e.expandCollapseBtnRadius * 2 / 6) * 5)).replace(/\[id]/g,
return d.join("")
getOrgChart.node.prototype._W = function(c) {
if (!this.secondChildren.length) {
return []
var p = [];
var r = 0,
u = 0,
t = 0,
v = 0,
a = 0,
b = 0;
var e = 0,
g = 0,
f = 0,
h = 0;
var j = 0,
m = 0,
l = 0,
n = 0;
var o = null;
var q = c.customize[] && c.customize[].theme ? getOrgChart.themes[c.customize[].theme] : getOrgChart.themes[c.theme];
switch (c.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
r = this.x + (this.w / 2);
u = this.y + this.h;
e = this.x + this.w;
g = this.y + (this.h / 2);
j = this.x;
m = this.y + (this.h / 2);
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
r = this.x + (this.w / 2);
u = this.y;
e = this.x + this.w;
g = this.y + (this.h / 2);
j = this.x;
m = this.y + (this.h / 2);
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
r = this.x;
u = this.y + (this.h / 2);
e = this.x + this.w / 2;
g = this.y + this.h;
j = this.x + this.w / 2;
m = this.y;
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
r = this.x + this.w;
u = this.y + (this.h / 2);
e = this.x + this.w / 2;
g = this.y + this.h;
j = this.x + this.w / 2;
m = this.y;
for (var d = this.secondChildren.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
o = this.secondChildren[d];
if (o.isCollapsed()) {
switch (c.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
t = o.x + (o.w / 2);
v = o.y;
b = u;
if (r > t) {
a = r - q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
t += q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
} else {
a = r + q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
t -= q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
f = o.x;
h = o.y + (o.h / 2);
l = o.x + o.w;
n = o.y + (o.h / 2);
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
t = o.x + (o.w / 2);
v = o.y + o.h;
b = u;
if (r > t) {
a = r - q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
t += q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
} else {
a = r + q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
t -= q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
f = o.x;
h = o.y + (o.h / 2);
l = o.x + o.w;
n = o.y + (o.h / 2);
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
t = o.x + o.w;
v = yc = o.y + (o.h / 2);
a = r;
if (u > v) {
b = u - q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
v += q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
} else {
b = u + q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
v -= q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
f = o.x + (o.w / 2);
h = o.y;
l = o.x + (o.w / 2);
n = o.y + o.h;
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
t = o.x;
v = yc = o.y + (o.h / 2);
a = r;
if (u > v) {
b = u - q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
v += q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
} else {
b = u + q.expandCollapseBtnRadius;
v -= q.expandCollapseBtnRadius
f = o.x + (o.w / 2);
h = o.y;
l = o.x + (o.w / 2);
n = o.y + o.h;
if (o.leftNeighbor == this) {
p.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link-second-parent" d="M' + e + "," + g + " L" + f + "," + h + '"/>')
} else {
if (o.rightNeighbor == this) {
p.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link-second-parent" d="M' + j + "," + m + " L" + l + "," + n + '"/>')
} else {
p.push('<path data-link-id="' + + '" class="link-second-parent" d="M' + a + "," + b + " L" + t + "," + v + '"/>')
return p.join("")
getOrgChart.node.prototype.isCollapsed = function() {
if (this.parent == null) {
return false
if (this.parent.collapsed == getOrgChart.COLLAPSED) {
return true
} else {
return this.parent.isCollapsed()
return true
getOrgChart.node.prototype.getMostDeepChild = function(c) {
var b = this;
function a(f, g) {
if (f.collapsed == getOrgChart.EXPANDED || f.displayChildren != null) {
for (var d = 0; d < f.getChildren().length; d++) {
var e = g[f.getChildren()[d].id];
if (e.level > b.level) {
b = e
a(f.getChildren()[d], g)
a(this, c);
return b
getOrgChart.node.prototype.draw = function(a) {
var h = [];
var b = this.getImageUrl();
var m = a.customize[] && a.customize[].theme ? getOrgChart.themes[a.customize[].theme] : getOrgChart.themes[a.theme];
var f = a.customize[] && a.customize[].theme ? " get-" + a.customize[].theme : "";
var e = a.customize[] && a.customize[].color ? " get-" + a.customize[].color : "";
if (f && !e) {
e = " get-" + a.color
if (this.color != null && (this.displayChildren != null || this.displayParent != null)) {
e += " get-" + this.color
if (e && !f) {
f = " get-" + a.theme
var d = f + e;
var l = b ? m.textPoints : m.textPointsNoImage;
h.push(getOrgChart.OPEN_NODE.replace("[data-node-id]","[x]", this._z1 == null ? this.x : this._z1).replace("[y]", this._z2 == null ? this.y : this._z2).replace("[level]", this.level).replace("[nodeCssClass]", d));
for (const themeProperty in m) {
switch (themeProperty) {
case "image":
if (b) {
h.push(m.image.replace("[href]", b))
case "text":
var j = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < a.primaryFields.length; k++) {
var g = l[j];
var c = a.primaryFields[k];
if (!g || ! || ![c]) {
h.push(m.text.replace("[index]", j).replace("[text]",[c]).replace("[y]", g.y).replace("[x]", g.x).replace("[rotate]", g.rotate).replace("[width]", g.width));
if (themeProperty != "size" && themeProperty != "toolbarHeight" && themeProperty != "textPoints" && themeProperty != "expandCollapseBtnRadius" && themeProperty != "textPointsNoImage") {
return h
if (!getOrgChart) {
var getOrgChart = {}
getOrgChart.themes = {
annabel: {
size: [500, 220],
toolbarHeight: 46,
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x: 10,
y: 200,
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x: 210,
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x: 210,
y: 90,
width: 290
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x: 210,
y: 115,
width: 290
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x: 210,
y: 140,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
y: 90,
width: 490
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x: 10,
y: 115,
width: 490
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x: 10,
y: 140,
width: 490
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box: '<path class="get-box" d="M0 0 L500 0 L500 220 L0 220 Z"/>',
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image: '<image xlink:href="[href]" x="20" y="-20" height="170" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" width="170"/>'
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size: [500, 220],
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x: 210,
y: 40,
width: 290
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x: 210,
y: 65,
width: 290
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x: 210,
y: 90,
width: 290
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x: 210,
y: 115,
width: 290
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x: 210,
y: 140,
width: 290
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
y: 40,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
y: 90,
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x: 10,
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width: 490
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x: 10,
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x: 110,
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x: 110,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
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x: 40,
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ula: {
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
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x: 210,
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x: 210,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
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box: '<path class="get-box" d="M0 0 L500 0 L500 220 L0 220 Z"/>',
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tal: {
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x: 210,
y: 40,
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x: 210,
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x: 210,
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x: 210,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
y: 90,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
y: 140,
width: 490
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box: '<rect x="0" y="0" height="220" width="500" rx="10" ry="10" class="get-box" />',
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size: [500, 220],
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textPoints: [{
x: 10,
y: 200,
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x: 240,
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x: 250,
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x: 270,
y: 90,
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x: 290,
y: 115,
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x: 310,
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x: 10,
y: 40,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
y: 90,
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x: 10,
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x: 10,
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box: '<path class="get-box" d="M0 0 L500 0 L500 220 L0 220 Z"/>',
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size: [500, 220],
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textPoints: [{
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y: 200,
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x: 240,
y: 40,
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x: 250,
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x: 270,
y: 90,
width: 230
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x: 290,
y: 115,
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x: 310,
y: 140,
width: 290
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x: 10,
y: 200,
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x: 10,
y: 40,
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x: 10,
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width: 490
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x: 10,
y: 90,
width: 490
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x: 10,
y: 115,
width: 490
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x: 10,
y: 140,
width: 490
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box: '<rect x="0" y="0" height="220" width="500" rx="10" ry="10" class="get-box" />',
text: '<text width="[width]" class="get-text get-text-[index]" x="[x]" y="[y]">[text]</text>',
image: '<clipPath id="getVivianClip"><polygon class="get-box" points="20,70 75,-20 185,-20 240,70 185,160 75,160"/></clipPath><image preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" clip-path="url(#getVivianClip)" xlink:href="[href]" x="20" y="-20" height="200" width="300"/>'
helen: {
size: [380, 190],
toolbarHeight: 46,
textPoints: [{
x: 20,
y: 170,
width: 350,
rotate: 0
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x: 0,
y: -380,
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rotate: 90
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x: 20,
y: -5,
width: 170,
rotate: 0
textPointsNoImage: [{
x: 20,
y: 170,
width: 350,
rotate: 0
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x: 20,
y: 115,
width: 350,
rotate: 0
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x: 20,
y: 85,
width: 350,
rotate: 0
}, {
x: 20,
y: 55,
width: 350,
rotate: 0
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x: 20,
y: 25,
width: 350,
rotate: 0
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x: 20,
y: -5,
width: 350,
rotate: 0
expandCollapseBtnRadius: 20,
text: '<text transform="rotate([rotate])" width="[width]" class="get-text get-text-[index] get-helen-text" x="[x]" y="[y]">[text]</text>',
image: '<image xlink:href="[href]" x="20" y="0" height="140" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" width="350"/>'
if (typeof(get) == "undefined") {
get = {}
get._z = function(a, c, b, h, i, d) {
var n;
var e = 10;
var k = 1;
var m = 1;
var l = h / e + 1;
var j = document.getElementsByTagName("g");
if (!a.length) {
a = [a]
function f() {
for (var s in b) {
var t = getOrgChart.util._s(["top", "left", "right", "bottom"], s.toLowerCase()) ? "px" : "";
switch (s.toLowerCase()) {
case "d":
var v = i(((m * e) - e) / h) * (b[s][0] - c[s][0]) + c[s][0];
var w = i(((m * e) - e) / h) * (b[s][1] - c[s][1]) + c[s][1];
for (let z = 0; z < a.length; z++) {
a[z].setAttribute("d", a[z].getAttribute("d") + " L" + v + " " + w)
case "transform":
if (b[s]) {
var q = c[s];
var p = b[s];
var r = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var g in q) {
r[g] = i(((m * e) - e) / h) * (p[g] - q[g]) + q[g]
for (let z = 0; z < a.length; z++) {
a[z].setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + r.toString() + ")")
case "viewbox":
if (b[s]) {
var q = c[s];
var p = b[s];
var r = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for (const g in q) {
r[g] = i(((m * e) - e) / h) * (p[g] - q[g]) + q[g]
for (let z = 0; z < a.length; z++) {
a[z].setAttribute("viewBox", r.toString())
case "margin":
if (b[s]) {
var q = c[s];
var p = b[s];
var r = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for (const g in q) {
r[g] = i(((m * e) - e) / h) * (p[g] - q[g]) + q[g]
var o = "";
for (let g = 0; g < r.length; g++) {
o += parseInt(r[g]) + "px "
for (let z = 0; z < a.length; z++) {
if (a[z] && a[z].style) {
a[z].style[s] = u
var u = i(((m * e) - e) / h) * (b[s] - c[s]) + c[s];
for (let z = 0; z < a.length; z++) {
if (a[z] && a[z].style) {
a[z].style[s] = u + t
m = m + k;
if (m > l + 1) {
if (d) {
n = setInterval(f, e)
get._z._at = function(b) {
var a = 2;
if (b < 0) {
return 0
if (b > 1) {
return 1
return Math.pow(b, a)
get._z._a5 = function(c) {
var a = 2;
if (c < 0) {
return 0
if (c > 1) {
return 1
var b = a % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1;
return (b * (Math.pow(c - 1, a) + b))
get._z._af = function(c) {
var a = 2;
if (c < 0) {
return 0
if (c > 1) {
return 1
c *= 2;
if (c < 1) {
return get._z._at(c, a) / 2
var b = a % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1;
return (b / 2 * (Math.pow(c - 2, a) + b * 2))
get._z._ag = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return -Math.cos(a * (Math.PI / 2)) + 1
get._z._a6 = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return Math.sin(a * (Math.PI / 2))
get._z._av = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * a) - 1)
get._z._ax = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return Math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1))
get._z._a4 = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return -Math.pow(2, -10 * a) + 1
get._z._ar = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return a < 0.5 ? 0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (2 * a - 1)) : 0.5 * (-Math.pow(2, 10 * (-2 * a + 1)) + 2)
get._z._as = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return -(Math.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1)
get._z._a3 = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return Math.sqrt(1 - (a - 1) * (a - 1))
get._z._ac = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return a < 1 ? -0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1) : 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - ((2 * a) - 2) * ((2 * a) - 2)) + 1)
get._z._zg = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
if (a < (1 / 2.75)) {
return 1 - 7.5625 * a * a
} else {
if (a < (2 / 2.75)) {
return 1 - (7.5625 * (a - 1.5 / 2.75) * (a - 1.5 / 2.75) + 0.75)
} else {
if (a < (2.5 / 2.75)) {
return 1 - (7.5625 * (a - 2.25 / 2.75) * (a - 2.25 / 2.75) + 0.9375)
} else {
return 1 - (7.5625 * (a - 2.625 / 2.75) * (a - 2.625 / 2.75) + 0.984375)
get._z._aw = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return a * a * ((1.70158 + 1) * a - 1.70158)
get._z._a2 = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return (a - 1) * (a - 1) * ((1.70158 + 1) * (a - 1) + 1.70158) + 1
get._z._ad = function(a) {
if (a < 0) {
return 0
if (a > 1) {
return 1
return a < 0.5 ? 0.5 * (4 * a * a * ((2.5949 + 1) * 2 * a - 2.5949)) : 0.5 * ((2 * a - 2) * (2 * a - 2) * ((2.5949 + 1) * (2 * a - 2) + 2.5949) + 2)
get._z._az = function(c) {
var b = 2;
var a = b * c;
return a * Math.exp(1 - a)
get._z._R = function(c) {
var a = 2;
var b = 2;
return Math.exp(-a * Math.pow(c, b))
if (!getOrgChart) {
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if (typeof(get) == "undefined") {
get = {}
get._c = function() {
if (getOrgChart._c) {
return getOrgChart._c
var g = navigator.userAgent;
g = g.toLowerCase();
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var e = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/;
var d = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/;
var c = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/;
var b = f.exec(g) || e.exec(g) || d.exec(g) || g.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && c.exec(g) || [];
var a = {
browser: b[1] || "",
version: b[2] || "0"
getOrgChart._c = {
msie: (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") != -1),
webkit: a.browser == "webkit",
mozilla: a.browser == "mozilla",
opera: a.browser == "opera"
return getOrgChart._c
getOrgChart.util = {};
getOrgChart.util._7 = function(a) {
var b = a._v.getAttribute("viewBox");
b = "[" + b + "]";
b = b.replace(/\ /g, ",");
b = JSON.parse(b);
return b
getOrgChart.util._5 = function(a) {
var b = a.getAttribute("transform");
b = b.replace("matrix", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
if (get._c().msie) {
b = b.replace(/ /g, ",")
b = getOrgChart.util._zJ(b);
b = "[" + b + "]";
b = JSON.parse(b);
return b
getOrgChart.util._zJ = function(a) {
return a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
getOrgChart.util._s = function(a, c) {
if (a && Array.isArray(a)) {
var b = a.length;
while (b--) {
if (a[b] == c) {
return true
return false
getOrgChart.util._G = function(b) {
var a = "1";
while (b[a]) {
return a
getOrgChart.util._6 = function(f) {
var h = [],
var d = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf("?") + 1).split("&");
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
c = d[e].split("=");
if (c && c.length == 2 && c[0] === f) {
var a, b;
var g = /(%[^%]{2})/;
while ((encodedChar = g.exec(c[1])) != null && encodedChar.length > 1 && encodedChar[1] != "") {
a = parseInt(encodedChar[1].substr(1), 16);
b = String.fromCharCode(a);
c[1] = c[1].replace(encodedChar[1], b)
return decodeURIComponent(escape(c[1]))
return null
getOrgChart.util._zT = function(c) {
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var a = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
a.async = "false";
} else {
var b = new DOMParser();
var a = b.parseFromString(c, "text/xml")
return a
getOrgChart.util._an = function(a) {
if (a == null || typeof(a) == "undefined" || a == "" || a == -1) {
return true
return false
getOrgChart.util._ay = function(a) {
return (typeof a !== "undefined" && a !== null)
getOrgChart.util._a0 = function(b, a) {
var c = b.getBoundingClientRect();
var d = a.touches[0].pageX - c.left;
var f = a.touches[0].pageY -;
var g = a.touches[1].pageX - c.left;
var h = a.touches[1].pageY -;
return Math.sqrt((d - g) * (d - g) + (f - h) * (f - h))
getOrgChart.util._za = function(b, a) {
var c = b.getBoundingClientRect();
var g = a.touches[0].pageX - c.left;
var h = a.touches[0].pageY -;
var i = a.touches[1].pageX - c.left;
var j = a.touches[1].pageY -;
var d = ((g - i) / 2 + i) / (c.width / 100);
var f = ((h - j) / 2 + j) / (c.height / 100);
return [d, f]
getOrgChart.util._aD = function(a, b, c) {
var d = a.getBoundingClientRect();
var g = b - d.left;
var h = c -;
var e = (g) / (d.width / 100);
var f = (h) / (d.height / 100);
return [e, f]
getOrgChart.util._zU = function(b, a) {
var c = b.getBoundingClientRect();
var d = a.touches[0].pageX - c.left;
var f = a.touches[0].pageY -;
return Math.sqrt((d - t2x) * (d - t2x) + (f - t2y) * (f - t2y))
getOrgChart.util._3 = function(a) {
var b = ["darkred", "pink", "darkorange", "orange", "lightgreen", "green", "lightteal", "teal", "lightblue", "blue", "darkpurple", "purple", "mediumdarkblue", "darkblue", "cordovan", "darkcordovan", "neutralgrey"];
var c = b.indexOf(a);
b.splice(c, 1);
var d = Math.floor((Math.random() * 16) + 1);
return b[d]
getOrgChart.util._al = function(b, a) {
var c = b.parent;
if (a >= 0) {
} else {
a = 0
if (c) {
return getOrgChart.util._al(c, a)
} else {
return a
getOrgChart.prototype.showDetailsView = function(d) {
var h = this.nodes[d];
var f = (h.parent == this._zn);
var b = function(p, n, q) {
var l = f ? 'style="display:none;"' : "";
var r = "<select " + l + 'class="get-oc-select-parent"><option value="' + p + '">--select parent--</option>';
var o = null;
for (var k in n) {
o = n[k];
if (h == o) {
var s = "";
for (let i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
var m = q[i];
if (! || ![m]) {
if (s) {
s = s + ", " +[m]
} else {
s +=[m]
if ( == p) {
r += '<option selected="selected" value="' + + '">' + s + "</option>"
} else {
r += '<option value="' + + '">' + s + "</option>"
r += "</select>";
return r
var a = function(l, k) {
var n = '<select class="get-oc-labels"><option value="">--other--</option>';
var m;
for (let i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
if (!getOrgChart.util._s(l, k[i])) {
m += '<option value="' + k[i] + '">' + k[i] + "</option>"
n += m;
n += "</select>";
if (!m) {
n = ""
return n
var c = "";
var g = [];
c += b(, this.nodes, this.config.primaryFields);
c += getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_ID_INPUT.replace("[personId]",;
for (const label in {
c += getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_INPUT_HTML.replace(/\[label]/g, label).replace("[value]",[label]);
c += a(g, this._am);
this._X._i.innerHTML = c;
var e = h.getImageUrl ? h.getImageUrl() : "";
if (e) {
this._X._m.innerHTML = getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_ID_IMAGE.replace("[src]", e)
} else {
this._X._m.innerHTML = getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_USER_LOGO
var j = this.config.customize[] && this.config.customize[].theme ? getOrgChart.themes[this.config.customize[].theme].toolbarHeight : this.theme.toolbarHeight; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px"; = j + "px"; = "0px"; = "relative"; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px";
this._X._9.innerHTML = ""; = 0; = 0;
get._z(this._X._m, {
opacity: 0
}, {
opacity: 1
}, 400, get._z._a6);
get._z(this._X._zN, {
top: 0
}, {
top: -j
}, 200, get._z._a6);
get._z(this._X._i, {
opacity: 0
}, {
opacity: 1
}, 200, get._z._ag)
getOrgChart.prototype._k = function() {
var a = this._X._I();
if (this._X._J()) {
this._q(this._X._J(), "change", this._j)
getOrgChart.prototype._j = function(l, a) {
var m = this._X._U();
var k = this._X._J();
var h = k.value;
for (var c = 0; c < k.options.length; c++) {
if (h == k.options[c].value) {
k.options[c] = null
if (!h) {
var b = this._X._i.innerHTML;
var e = getOrgChart.DETAILS_VIEW_INPUT_HTML.replace(/\[label]/g, h).replace("[value]", "");
var d = b.indexOf('<select class="get-oc-labels">');
this._X._i.innerHTML = b.substring(0, d) + e + b.substring(d, b.length);
var f = this._X._I();
var g = 1;
for (const c in m) {
f[g].value = m[c];
getOrgChart.prototype._zm = function(e, a) {
if (this._S) {
var b = this._X._M().value;
var d;
if (this._X._K() && this._X._K().value) {
d = this._X._K().value
var c = this._X._U();
this.updateNode(b, d, c);
this._S = false
getOrgChart.prototype._zF = function() {
getOrgChart.prototype.showGridView = function() {
var a = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
a += "<tr>";
a += "<th>ID</th><th>Parent ID</th>";
for (let i = 0; i < this._am.length; i++) {
var c = this._am[i];
a += "<th>" + c + "</th>"
a += "</tr>";
for (var b in this.nodes) {
var d = this.nodes[b];
var f = (i % 2 == 0) ? "get-even" : "get-odd";
var e =;
a += '<tr class="' + f + '">';
a += "<td>" + + "</td>";
a += "<td>" + + "</td>";
for (let j = 0; j < this._am.length; j++) {
var c = this._am[j];
var g = e[c];
a += "<td>";
a += g ? g : "&nbsp;";
a += "</td>"
a += "</tr>"
a += "</table>";
this._X._9.innerHTML = a; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px"; = this.theme.toolbarHeight + "px"; = "0px";
get._z(this._X._9, {
left: 100,
opacity: 0
}, {
left: 0,
opacity: 1
}, 200, get._z._a4);
get._z(this._X._zN, {
top: 0
}, {
top: -this.theme.toolbarHeight * 2
}, 200, get._z._a6)
getOrgChart.prototype._zV = function(b, a) {
getOrgChart.prototype.showMainView = function() { = this.theme.toolbarHeight + "px"; = "0px"; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px"; = "-9999px";
this._X._9.innerHTML = "";
if ( != 0 && != "" && != "0px") {
get._z(this._X._zN, {
top: -46
}, {
top: 0
}, 200, get._z._a6)
getOrgChart.prototype._zt = function(b, a) {
getOrgChart.prototype.print = function() {
var b = this,
d = this._X.element,
k = this._X._zH,
g = [],
h = d.parentNode,
j =,
a = document.body,
c = a.childNodes,
if (b._ah) {
b._ah = true;
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var f = c[e];
if (f.nodeType === 1) {
g[e] =; = "none"
} = "none";
setTimeout(function() {
for (let e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var i = c[e];
if (i.nodeType === 1) { = g[e]
} = j;
b._ah = false
}, 1000)
getOrgChart.prototype._z5 = function() {
this.zoom(true, true)
getOrgChart.prototype._z7 = function() {
this.zoom(false, true)
getOrgChart.prototype._zo = function(b, a) {
this._zl = this._X._u.scrollTop + a[0].touches[0].pageY
getOrgChart.prototype._zk = function(b, a) {
this._X._u.scrollTop = this._zl - a[0].touches[0].pageY
getOrgChart.prototype._zp = function(d, b) {
this._X._n = undefined;
var a = b[0].wheelDelta ? b[0].wheelDelta / 40 : b[0].detail ? -b[0].detail : 0;
if (a) {
var e = a > 0;
var c = getOrgChart.util._aD(this._X._v, b[0].pageX, b[0].pageY);
this.zoom(e, false, c)
return b[0].preventDefault() && false
getOrgChart.prototype._zy = function(b, a) {
var c = this;
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 300)
getOrgChart.prototype._aX = function(g, b) {
this._X._n = undefined;
if (this._a7.dragStart) { = "move";
var e = (b[0].pageX - this._X._t.offsetLeft);
var f = (b[0].pageY - this._X._t.offsetTop);
var j = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var k = j[2] / this._a9;
var c = j[3] / this._a8;
var a = k > c ? k : c;
j[0] = -((e - this._a7.dragStart.x) * a) + this._a7.dragStart.viewBoxLeft;
j[1] = -((f - this._a7.dragStart.y) * a) + this._a7.dragStart.viewBoxTop;
j[0] = parseInt(j[0]);
j[1] = parseInt(j[1]);
this._X._v.setAttribute("viewBox", j.toString())
if (this.config.enableMove) {
var i = this;
if (this._aF) {
this._aF = setTimeout(d, 4000);
function h() {
get._z(i._X._zh, {
right: -30,
opacity: 0
}, {
right: 1,
opacity: 0.8
}, 500, get._z._ax);
get._z(i._X._ao, {
left: -30,
opacity: 0
}, {
left: 1,
opacity: 0.8
}, 500, get._z._ax);
get._z(i._X._zI, {
top: 19,
opacity: 0
}, {
top: 49,
opacity: 0.8
}, 500, get._z._ax);
get._z(i._X._Q, {
bottom: -30,
opacity: 0
}, {
bottom: 1,
opacity: 0.8
}, 500, get._z._ax)
function d() {
get._z(i._X._zh, {
right: 1,
opacity: 0.8
}, {
right: -30,
opacity: 0
}, 500, get._z._ax, function() {
i._aF = null
get._z(i._X._ao, {
left: 1,
opacity: 0.8
}, {
left: -30,
opacity: 0
}, 500, get._z._ax, function() {
i._aF = null
get._z(i._X._zI, {
top: 49,
opacity: 0.8
}, {
top: 19,
opacity: 0
}, 500, get._z._ax, function() {
i._aF = null
get._z(i._X._Q, {
bottom: 1,
opacity: 0.8
}, {
bottom: -30,
opacity: 0
}, 500, get._z._ax, function() {
i._aF = null
this._aF = setTimeout(d, 4000)
getOrgChart.prototype._aS = function(b, a) { = = = "none";
var c = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
this._a7.dragStart = {
x: (a[0].pageX - this._X._t.offsetLeft),
y: (a[0].pageY - this._X._t.offsetTop),
viewBoxLeft: c[0],
viewBoxTop: c[1]
getOrgChart.prototype._aE = function(b, a) {
this._a7.dragStart = null; = "default"
getOrgChart.prototype.zoom = function(c, a, b) {
if (this._z3) {
return false
this._z3 = true;
var i = this;
var j = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var f = j.slice(0);
var h = j[2];
var g = j[3];
if (c === true) {
j[2] = j[2] / (getOrgChart.SCALE_FACTOR * 1.2);
j[3] = j[3] / (getOrgChart.SCALE_FACTOR * 1.2)
} else {
if (c === false) {
j[2] = j[2] * (getOrgChart.SCALE_FACTOR * 1.2);
j[3] = j[3] * (getOrgChart.SCALE_FACTOR * 1.2)
} else {
j[2] = j[2] / (c);
j[3] = j[3] / (c)
if (!b) {
b = [50, 50]
j[0] = f[0] - (j[2] - h) / (100 / b[0]);
j[1] = f[1] - (j[3] - g) / (100 / b[1]);
var d = this._a9 / j[2];
var e = this._a8 / j[3];
this.scale = d > e ? e : d;
if (this.scale < this.minScale) {
this.scale = this.minScale;
j[2] = this._a9 / this.scale;
j[3] = this._a8 / this.scale;
j[0] = f[0] - (j[2] - h) / (100 / b[0]);
j[1] = f[1] - (j[3] - g) / (100 / b[1])
if (this.scale > this.maxScale) {
this.scale = this.maxScale;
j[2] = this._a9 / this.scale;
j[3] = this._a8 / this.scale;
j[0] = f[0] - (j[2] - h) / (100 / b[0]);
j[1] = f[1] - (j[3] - g) / (100 / b[1])
if (a) {
get._z(this._X._v, {
viewBox: f
}, {
viewBox: j
}, 300, get._z._a2, function() {
i._z3 = false
} else {
this._X._v.setAttribute("viewBox", j.toString());
this._z3 = false
return false
getOrgChart.prototype._aT = function(c, b) {
if (c.className.indexOf("get-disabled") > -1) {
return false
var a = this;
this._zQ.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)
getOrgChart.prototype._zr = function(c, b) {
if (c.className.indexOf("get-disabled") > -1) {
return false
var a = this;
this._zQ.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)
getOrgChart.prototype._zZ = function(c, b) {
var a = this;
this._zQ.timer = setTimeout(function() {
a._zQ.found = a._F(a._X._zA.value);
a._zQ.currentIndex = 0;
}, 500)
getOrgChart.prototype._zW = function(c, b) {
var a = this;
this._zQ.timer = setTimeout(function() {
a._zQ.currentIndex = 0;
a._zQ.found = a._F(a._X._zA.value);
}, 100)
getOrgChart.prototype.mainNode = function() {
let result = null;
for (const node in this.nodes) {
if (!this.nodes[node].pid) {
result = this.nodes[node];
return result;
getOrgChart.prototype.clickCenter = function() {
var g = this.mainNode();
var m = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var f = m.slice(0);
var a = f[2] / f[3];
f[2] = g.w * (1.5 * 3);
f[3] = f[2] / a;
f[0] = (g.x - (g.w*1.8));
f[1] = (g.y - (f[3] / 2) + g.h);
getOrgChart.prototype._aa = function() {
if (this._zQ.found.length) {
getOrgChart.prototype.highlightNode = function(c) {
var a = this;
function b() {
var d = a.nodes[c];
var e = getOrgChart.util._7(a._X);
var f = d.x - a.initialViewBoxMatrix[2] / 2 + d.w / 2;
var g = d.y - a.initialViewBoxMatrix[3] / 2 + d.h / 2;
a.move([f, g, a.initialViewBoxMatrix[2], a.initialViewBoxMatrix[3]], null, function() {
var i = a._X.getNodeById(c);
var h = getOrgChart.util._5(i);
var j = h.slice(0);
j[4] = j[4] - ((d.w / 2) * (getOrgChart.HIGHLIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR - 1));
j[5] = j[5] - ((d.h / 2) * (getOrgChart.HIGHLIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR - 1));
get._z(i, {
transform: h
}, {
transform: j
}, 200, get._z._ag, function(k) {
get._z(k[0], {
transform: j
}, {
transform: h
}, 200, get._z._a6, function() {})
if (this.isCollapsed(this.nodes[c])) {
this.expand(this.nodes[c].parent, b)
} else {
getOrgChart.prototype._aj = function(a) {};
getOrgChart.prototype._l = function() {
if ((this._zQ.currentIndex < this._zQ.found.length - 1) && (this._zQ.found.length != 0)) {
this._X._aV.className = this._X._aV.className.replace(" get-disabled", "")
} else {
if (this._X._aV.className.indexOf(" get-disabled") == -1) {
this._X._aV.className = this._X._aV.className + " get-disabled"
if ((this._zQ.currentIndex != 0) && (this._zQ.found.length != 0)) {
this._X._zc.className = this._X._zc.className.replace(" get-disabled", "")
} else {
if (this._X._zc.className.indexOf(" get-disabled") == -1) {
this._X._zc.className = this._X._zc.className + " get-disabled"
getOrgChart.prototype._F = function(g) {
var e = [];
if (g == "") {
return e
if (g.toLowerCase) {
g = g.toLowerCase()
for (var b in this.nodes) {
var f = this.nodes[b];
for (const m in {
if (m == this.config.photoFields[0]) {
var c = -1;
if (getOrgChart.util._ay(f) && getOrgChart.util._ay([m])) {
var d =[m].toString().toLowerCase();
c = d.indexOf(g)
if (c > -1) {
indexOf: c,
node: f
function a(h, i) {
if (h.indexOf < i.indexOf) {
return -1
if (h.indexOf > i.indexOf) {
return 1
return 0
return e
getOrgChart.prototype._aI = function(g, a) {
var c = g.getAttribute("data-node-id");
var e = this.nodes[c];
var f = e.x + e.w - 15;
var d = e.x - 30;
var h = e.y - 30;
var b = e.y + e.h - 15;
if (this.config.enableDetailsView) {
this._zE("details", f, h, c)
if (this.config.enableEdit == true || getOrgChart.util._s(this.config.enableEdit, c)) {
this._zE("add", f, b, c);
this._zE("edit", d, h, c);
this._zE("del", d, b, c)
getOrgChart.prototype._aM = function(i, c) {
var b = c[0];
this._aI(i, c);
var h = new Date().getTime();
var k = this;
if (this._aJ == null) {
this._aJ = {
time: h
if (b.touches && b.touches.length && b.touches.length > 1) {
this._aJ = null;
if (!this.config.enableZoomOnNodeDoubleClick) {
this._aJ = null;
var l = h - this._aJ.time;
if ((l < 400) && (l > 0)) {
this._a7.dragStart = null;
var d = i.getAttribute("data-node-id");
var g = this.nodes[d];
var m = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var f = m.slice(0);
if (!this._aJ.viewBox || != d) {
var f = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var a = f[2] / f[3];
f[2] = g.w * 1.5;
f[3] = f[2] / a;
f[0] = (g.x - (g.w / 4));
f[1] = (g.y - (f[3] / 2) + g.h / 2);
if (this._aJ.viewBox) {
m = this._aJ.viewBox
this._aJ = {
id: d,
viewBox: m
} else {
this._aJ = null
if (this._aJ) {
this._aJ.time = h
getOrgChart.prototype._zE = function(a, d, e, c) {
var b = this._X.getButtonByType(a); = "block";
b.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(0.14,0,0,0.14," + d + "," + e + ")");
b.setAttribute("data-btn-id", c)
getOrgChart.prototype._aY = function(d, a) {
var b = d.getAttribute("data-node-id");
var c = this.nodes[b];
if (!this._V("clickNodeEvent", {
node: c
})) {
getOrgChart.prototype._aB = function(d, b) {
var c = d.getAttribute("data-btn-id");
var a = d.getAttribute("data-btn-action");
if (a == "del") {
} else {
if (a == "add") {
} else {
if (a == "details") {
} else {
if (a == "edit") {
} else {
if (a == "expColl") {
getOrgChart.prototype.showEditView = function(a) {
this._S = true;
getOrgChart.prototype.expand = function(b, a) {
var c = this;
b.collapsed = getOrgChart.EXPANDED;
if ((b.parent == this._zn) || (b.parent == null)) {
this.loadFromJSON(this.nodes, true, function() {
} else {
this.expand(b.parent, a)
getOrgChart.prototype.expandOrCollapse = function(a) {
var c = this;
var b = this.nodes[a];
this._a1 = {
id: a,
old_x: b.x,
old_y: b.y
if (b.collapsed == getOrgChart.EXPANDED) {
b.collapsed = getOrgChart.COLLAPSED
} else {
b.collapsed = getOrgChart.EXPANDED
this.loadFromJSON(this.nodes, true, function() {
if (b.collapsed == getOrgChart.EXPANDED) {
getOrgChart.prototype.moveToMostDeepChildForNode = function(b) {
var c = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
b = b.getMostDeepChild(this.nodes);
var d = this.config.siblingSeparation / 2;
var e = this.config.levelSeparation / 2;
var a = c.slice(0);
switch (this.config.orientation) {
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP:
case getOrgChart.RO_TOP_PARENT_LEFT:
a[1] = ((b.y + b.h)) - c[3] + e;
if (c[1] < a[1]) {
case getOrgChart.RO_BOTTOM:
a[1] = b.y - e;
if (c[1] > a[1]) {
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT:
case getOrgChart.RO_RIGHT_PARENT_TOP:
a[0] = b.x - d;
if (c[0] > a[0]) {
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT:
case getOrgChart.RO_LEFT_PARENT_TOP:
a[0] = ((b.x + b.w)) - c[2] + d;
if (c[0] < a[0]) {
getOrgChart.prototype.insertNode = function(e, b, c) {
var a = {
id: c,
pid: e,
data: b
if (!this._V("insertNodeEvent", a)) {
b =;
e =;
c =;
var g = this;
var f = this.nodes[e];
this._a1 = {
id: e,
old_x: f.x,
old_y: f.y
if (c == undefined) {
c = getOrgChart.util._G(this.nodes)
if (b == undefined || b == null) {
b = {};
this.config.primaryFields.forEach(function(h) {
b[h] = h
var d = this._h(c, e, null, b, false);
d.x = f.x;
d.y = f.y;
this.loadFromJSON(this.nodes, true, function() {
return d
getOrgChart.prototype.removeNode = function(b) {
var e = this;
if (!this._V("removeNodeEvent", {
id: b
})) {
var a = this.nodes[b];
var d = a.parent;
for (let j = 0; j < a.children.length; j++) {
a.children[j].pid =
var c = this._X.getNodeById(b);
delete this.nodes[b];
this.loadFromJSON(this.nodes, true, function() {
getOrgChart.prototype.updateNode = function(b, d, a) {
var e = this;
var c = e.nodes[b];
if (this._V("updateNodeEvent", {
node: c,
pid: d,
data: a
})) { = d; = a;
this.loadFromJSON(this.nodes, true, function() {
getOrgChart.prototype._h = function(d, f, g, c, a, b) {
var h = this.config.customize[d] && this.config.customize[d].theme ? getOrgChart.themes[this.config.customize[d].theme] : this.theme;
a = (a == undefined ? getOrgChart.NOT_DEFINED : a);
var e = new getOrgChart.node(d, f, g, c, h.size, this.config.photoFields, a, b);
if (!this._V("createNodeEvent", {
node: e
})) {
return null
if (this.nodes[d]) {
e._z1 = this.nodes[d].x;
e._z2 = this.nodes[d].y
} else {
e._z1 = null;
e._z2 = null
this.nodes[d] = e;
for (const label in {
if (!getOrgChart.util._s(this._am, label)) {
return e
getOrgChart.prototype._aH = function(k, c) {
c[0].preventDefault(); = = = "none";
var n = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var m = this;
var l = this._X._v;
var b = {
x: c[0].clientX,
y: c[0].clientY
var d = getOrgChart.util._5(k);
var o = d[4];
var p = d[5];
var h = this.element.offsetWidth / n[2];
var i = this.element.offsetHeight / n[3];
var g = h > i ? i : h;
var a = k.cloneNode(true);
l.insertBefore(a, l.firstChild); = 0.7;
var f = function(q) {
if (b) {
var r = q.clientX;
var s = q.clientY;
var t = (r - b.x) / g;
var u = (s - b.y) / g;
d[4] = o + t;
d[5] = p + u;
a.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + d.toString() + ")")
var e = function(q) {
l.removeEventListener("mousemove", f);
l.removeEventListener("mouseup", e);
l.removeEventListener("mouseleave", e);
var r = k.getAttribute("data-node-id");
if (m._ak = null && m._ak == r) {
var s = m.nodes[r];
var t = m.nodes[m._ai];
if (!t._ab(s)) {
m.updateNode(r, m._ai,
l.addEventListener("mousemove", f);
l.addEventListener("mouseup", e);
l.addEventListener("mouseleave", e)
getOrgChart.prototype._aU = function(b, a) {
if (!this.config.enableDragDrop) {
this._ai = b.getAttribute("data-node-id")
getOrgChart.prototype._aN = function(b, a) {
if (!this.config.enableDragDrop) {
this._ai = null
getOrgChart.prototype._C = function(b, a) {
getOrgChart.prototype.exportToImage = function() {
var d = document.getElementById("getExportChartDiv");
if (!d) {
d = document.createElement("div"); = "none"; = "1px"; = "1px"; = "absolute"; = "-10000px"; = "-10000px"; = "getExportChartDiv"
var b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.config));
b.scale = 1;
b.expandToLevel = null;
var o = new getOrgChart(d, b);
var j = 0;
var k = 0;
var l = 0;
var m = 0;
for (var g in o.nodes) {
var n = o.nodes[g];
if (n.x > j) {
j = n.x
if (n.y > k) {
k = n.y
if (n.x < l) {
l = n.x
if (n.y < m) {
m = n.y
width = j;
height = k;
var r = (l - this.config.subtreeSeparation) + "," + (m) + "," + (j + this.theme.size[0] + this.config.subtreeSeparation * 2) + "," + (k + this.theme.size[1]);
o._X._v.setAttribute("viewBox", r);
var q = "png";
var a = document.getElementById("getExportChartCanvas");
if (!a) {
a = document.createElement("canvas");
a.width = width;
a.height = height; = "absolute"; = "-10000px"; = "-10000px"; = "getExportChartCanvas";
var c = a.getContext("2d");
var h = d.getElementsByTagName("image");
function p(t, s) {
if (!t) {
} else {
var u = new XMLHttpRequest();
u.onload = function() {
var v = new FileReader();
v.onloadend = function() {
t.href.baseVal = v.result;
};"GET", t.href.baseVal);
u.responseType = "blob";
function e(u, t, s) {
p(u[t], function() {
if (u.length > t - 1) {
var v = u[t];
if (!v) {
} else {
e(u, t, s)
function f() {
function t(w) {
var v = new MouseEvent("click", {
view: window,
bubbles: false,
cancelable: true
var u = document.createElement("a");
u.setAttribute("download", "getorgchart.png");
u.setAttribute("href", w);
u.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
var s = "";
for (let i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
if (document.styleSheets[i].href && document.styleSheets[i].href.indexOf("get-org-chart.css") != -1) {
s = document.styleSheets[i].href;
if (document.styleSheets[i].href && document.styleSheets[i].href.indexOf("getorgchart.css") != -1) {
s = document.styleSheets[i].href;
get._a._B(s, null, function(u) {
var v = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(o._X._v);
v = v.replace("<svg", '<svg width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" ').replace("<defs/>", '<defs/><g class="' + o._X._zK.className + '"><g class="get-oc-tb"><g class="get-oc-c">').replace("</defs>", '</defs><g class="' + o._X._zK.className + '"><g class="get-oc-tb"><g class="get-oc-c">').replace("<defs/>", '<defs><style type="text/css">' + u + "</style></defs>").replace("</defs>", '<style type="text/css">' + u + "</style></defs>").replace("</svg>", "</g></g></g></svg>");
var w = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
var x = new Image();
var y = new Blob([v], {
type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"
var z = w.createObjectURL(y);
x.onload = function() {
c.drawImage(x, 0, 0);
var A = a.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
x.src = z
e(h, 0, function() {
getOrgChart.prototype.load = function() {
var a = this.config.dataSource;
if (!a) {
if (a.constructor && (a.constructor.toString().indexOf("HTML") > -1)) {
} else {
if (typeof(a) == "string") {
} else {
a = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.config.dataSource));
getOrgChart.prototype.loadFromJSON = function(g, q, a) {
this._zj = 0;
this._zu = 0;
this._zn = new getOrgChart.node(-1, null, null, null, 2, 2);
if (q) {
for (var e in g) {
if (this.nodes[e] && !this.nodes[e].isVisible()) {
this.nodes[e].x = this.nodes[e].parent.x;
this.nodes[e].y = this.nodes[e].parent.y;
this._h(e, g[e].pid, g[e].spid, g[e].data, g[e].collapsed, g[e].color)
} else {
var f = Object.keys(g[0])[0];
var m = Object.keys(g[0])[1];
var s = null;
if (this.config.idField) {
f = this.config.idField
if (this.config.parentIdField) {
m = this.config.parentIdField
if (this.config.secondParentIdField) {
s = this.config.secondParentIdField
for (var d = 0; d < g.length; d++) {
var e = g[d][f];
var n = g[d][m];
var t = null;
delete g[d][f];
delete g[d][m];
if (s != null) {
t = g[d][s];
delete g[d][s]
this._h(e, n, t, g[d])
for (var e in this.nodes) {
var l = this.nodes[e];
var o = this.nodes[];
if (!o) {
o = this._zn
l.parent = o;
var c = o.children.length;
o.children[c] = l;
if (l.spid != null && l.spid != "") {
var u = this.nodes[l.spid];
l.secondParent = u;
var p = u.secondChildren.length;
u.secondChildren[p] = l
if (this.config.layout == getOrgChart.MIXED_HIERARCHY_RIGHT_LINKS) {
for (var e in this.nodes) {
var l = this.nodes[e];
var j = getOrgChart.util._al(l);
l.l = j;
if (j > this.maxLevel) {
this.maxLevel = j
for (var e in this.nodes) {
var l = this.nodes[e];
if (l.l < this.maxLevel) {
var o = this.nodes[];
var k = e;
if (l.children.length == 0) {
for (let z = 0; z < o.children.length; z++) {
var b = o.children[z];
if (b.children.length == 0 && b != this.nodes[k] && b.displayPid == null && b.displayChildren == null) {
if (this.nodes[k].color == null) {
this.nodes[k].color = getOrgChart.util._3(this.config.color)
b.color = this.nodes[k].color;
b.displayPid = k;
b.displayParent = this.nodes[k];
if (this.nodes[k].displayChildren == null) {
this.nodes[k].displayChildren = []
var c = this.nodes[k].displayChildren.length;
this.nodes[k].displayChildren[c] = b;
k =
getOrgChart.prototype.loadFromHTMLTable = function(c) {
var d = c.rows[0];
var g = [];
for (var e = 1; e < c.rows.length; e++) {
var h = c.rows[e];
var b = {};
for (var f = 0; f < h.cells.length; f++) {
var a = h.cells[f];
b[d.cells[f].innerHTML] = a.innerHTML
getOrgChart.prototype.loadFromXML = function(c) {
var a = this;
var b = [];
get._a._B(c, null, function(d) {
a._aQ = 0;
a._ap(d, null, true, b);
}, "xml")
getOrgChart.prototype.loadFromXMLDocument = function(b) {
var a = [];
var c = getOrgChart.util._zT(b);
this._aQ = 0;
this._ap(c, null, true, a);
getOrgChart.prototype._ap = function(m, l, d, h) {
var a = this;
if (m.nodeType == 1) {
if (m.attributes.length > 0) {
var c = {};
a._aQ++; = a._aQ; = l;
for (var g = 0; g < m.attributes.length; g++) {
var b = m.attributes.item(g);
c[b.nodeName] = b.nodeValue
if (d) {
d = false
if (m.hasChildNodes()) {
if (!d) {
l = a._aQ
for (var e = 0; e < m.childNodes.length; e++) {
var f = m.childNodes.item(e);
var k = f.nodeName;
if (f.nodeType == 3) {
this._ap(f, l, d, h)
if (typeof(get) == "undefined") {
get = {}
get._a = {};
get._a._zP = function() {
var a;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new XMLHttpRequest()
} else {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
get._a._zX = function(f, a, d, c, b, e) {
var g = get._a._zP();, f, e);
g.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (!get._c().msie && c == "xml" && g.readyState == 4) {
} else {
if (get._c().msie && c == "xml" && g.readyState == 4) {
try {
var i = new DOMParser();
var j = i.parseFromString(g.responseText, "text/xml");
} catch (h) {
var j = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
} else {
if (g.readyState == 4) {
if (d == "POST") {
g.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
get._a._B = function(g, b, a, c, f) {
var e = [];
for (var d in b) {
e.push(encodeURIComponent(d) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b[d]))
get._a._zX(g + "?" + e.join("&"), a, "GET", c, null, f)
get._a._zs = function(g, b, a, c, f) {
var e = [];
for (var d in b) {
e.push(encodeURIComponent(d) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b[d]))
get._a._zX(g, a, "POST", c, e.join("&"), f)
getOrgChart.prototype._y = function(d, b) {
var a = b[0];
var c = new Date().getTime();
if (b[0].touches.length == 1) {
var f = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
this._a7.dragStart = {
x: (b[0].touches[0].pageX - this._X._t.offsetLeft),
y: (b[0].touches[0].pageY - this._X._t.offsetTop),
viewBoxLeft: f[0],
viewBoxTop: f[1]
if (b[0].touches.length == 2) {
this._a7.dragStart = null;
this._p = null;
this._zq = getOrgChart.util._a0(this._X._v, a)
getOrgChart.prototype._b = function(j, d) {
var c = d[0];
if (d[0].touches.length == 1) {
this._X._n = undefined;
if (this._a7.dragStart) {
var g = (d[0].touches[0].pageX - this._X._t.offsetLeft);
var h = (d[0].touches[0].pageY - this._X._t.offsetTop); = "move";
var l = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var m = l[2] / this._a9;
var f = l[3] / this._a8;
var a = m > f ? m : f;
l[0] = -((g - this._a7.dragStart.x) * a) + this._a7.dragStart.viewBoxLeft;
l[1] = -((h - this._a7.dragStart.y) * a) + this._a7.dragStart.viewBoxTop;
l[0] = parseInt(l[0]);
l[1] = parseInt(l[1]);
this._X._v.setAttribute("viewBox", l.toString())
if (d[0].touches.length == 2) {
var b = getOrgChart.util._a0(this._X._v, d[0]);
var k = 1 + ((b - this._zq) / (this._zq / 100)) / 100;
var i = getOrgChart.util._za(this._X._v, d[0]);
this.zoom(k, null, i);
this._zq = b
getOrgChart.prototype._g = function(d, b) {
var a = b[0];
var c = new Date().getTime()
getOrgChart.prototype._aP = function(i, c) {
var b = c[0];
this._aY(i, c);
this._aI(i, c);
var h = new Date().getTime();
var j = this;
if (this._aJ == null) {
this._aJ = {
time: h
if (b.touches && b.touches.length && b.touches.length > 1) {
this._aJ = null;
if (!this.config.enableZoomOnNodeDoubleClick) {
this._aJ = null;
var k = h - this._aJ.time;
if ((k < 400) && (k > 0)) {
this._a7.dragStart = null;
var d = i.getAttribute("data-node-id");
var g = this.nodes[d];
var l = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var f = l.slice(0);
if (!this._aJ.viewBox || != d) {
var f = getOrgChart.util._7(this._X);
var a = f[2] / f[3];
f[2] = g.w * 1.5;
f[3] = f[2] / a;
f[0] = (g.x - (g.w / 4));
f[1] = (g.y - (f[3] / 2) + g.h / 2);
if (this._aJ.viewBox) {
l = this._aJ.viewBox
this._aJ = {
id: d,
viewBox: l
} else {
this._aJ = null
if (this._aJ) {
this._aJ.time = h
getOrgChart.prototype._aL = function(c, b) {
var a = b[0];
getOrgChart.prototype._aO = function(c, b) {
var a = b[0];
if (a.touches && a.touches.length && a.touches.length == 0) {
this._aJ = null
var obj = {
getOrgChart: getOrgChart,
getOrgChartW: getOrgChartW
return obj;
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