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Created July 28, 2018 08:50
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create litecoin genesis block, the missing code
#include "assert.h"
#include "chainparams.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
using namespace boost::assign;
struct SeedSpec6 {
uint8_t addr[16];
uint16_t port;
#include "chainparamsseeds.h"
// Main network
// Convert the pnSeeds6 array into usable address objects.
static void convertSeed6(std::vector<CAddress> &vSeedsOut, const SeedSpec6 *data, unsigned int count)
// It'll only connect to one or two seed nodes because once it connects,
// it'll get a pile of addresses with newer timestamps.
// Seed nodes are given a random 'last seen time' of between one and two
// weeks ago.
const int64_t nOneWeek = 7*24*60*60;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
struct in6_addr ip;
memcpy(&ip, data[i].addr, sizeof(ip));
CAddress addr(CService(ip, data[i].port));
addr.nTime = GetTime() - GetRand(nOneWeek) - nOneWeek;
class CMainParams : public CChainParams {
CMainParams() {
// The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
// The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
// a large 4-byte int at any alignment.
pchMessageStart[0] = 0x60;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0x34;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0x12;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0x08;
vAlertPubKey = ParseHex("");
nDefaultPort = 16814;
nRPCPort = 16815;
bnProofOfWorkLimit = CBigNum(~uint256(0) >> 20);
// Build the genesis block. Note that the output of the genesis coinbase cannot
// be spent as it did not originally exist in the database.
//CBlock(hash=000001faef25dec4fbcf906e6242621df2c183bf232f263d0ba5b101911e4563, ver=1, hashPrevBlock=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, hashMerkleRoot=12630d16a97f24b287c8c2594dda5fb98c9e6c70fc61d44191931ea2aa08dc90, nTime=1393221600, nBits=1e0fffff, nNonce=1312314, vtx=1, vchBlockSig=)
// Coinbase(hash=12630d16a9, nTime=1420323277, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
// CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000, 4294967295), coinbase 00012a24323020466562203230313420426974636f696e2041544d7320636f6d6520746f20555341)
// CTxOut(empty)
// vMerkleTree: 12630d16a9
const char* pszTimestamp = "2015,January, Coindesk: Missing Mt Gox Bitcoins Likely an Inside Job, Say Japanese Police";
CTransaction txNew;
txNew.nTime = 1420323277;;
txNew.vout.resize(1);[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 0 << CBigNum(42) << vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
genesis.hashPrevBlock = 0;
genesis.hashMerkleRoot = genesis.BuildMerkleTree();
genesis.nVersion = 1;
genesis.nTime = 1420323277;
genesis.nBits = bnProofOfWorkLimit.GetCompact();
genesis.nNonce = 1312314;
// uncomment to log genesis block info
// // start
// if (true && genesis.GetHash() != hashGenesisBlock)
// {
// printf("Searching for genesis block...\n");
// uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(genesis.nBits).getuint256();
// uint256 thash;
// while (true)
// {
// thash = genesis.GetHash();
// if (thash <= hashTarget)
// break;
// if ((genesis.nNonce & 0xFFF) == 0)
// {
// printf("nonce %08X: hash = %s (target = %s)\n", genesis.nNonce, thash.ToString().c_str(), hashTarget.ToString().c_str());
// }
// ++genesis.nNonce;
// if (genesis.nNonce == 0)
// {
// printf("NONCE WRAPPED, incrementing time\n");
// ++genesis.nTime;
// }
// }
// printf("genesis.nTime = %u \n", genesis.nTime);
// printf("genesis.nNonce = %u \n", genesis.nNonce);
// printf("genesis.nVersion = %u \n", genesis.nVersion);
// printf("genesis.GetHash = %s\n", genesis.GetHash().ToString().c_str()); //first this, then comment this line out and uncomment the one under.
// // printf("genesis.hashMerkleRoot = %s \n", genesis.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str()); //improvised. worked for me, to find merkle root
// }
// //end
hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(hashGenesisBlock == uint256("0x000004e1f72eebe05375e870a6d29e991a28f75295b30c0480ce0efdcc8541f0"));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256("0x3aff80cc60ca24508a1018f087c1cb8b1a097ccc60c7dd65d83cf69143937fae"));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = list_of(43);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = list_of(8);
base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = list_of(171);
base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xB2)(0x1E);
base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xAD)(0xE4);
convertSeed6(vFixedSeeds, pnSeed6_main, ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));
virtual const CBlock& GenesisBlock() const { return genesis; }
virtual Network NetworkID() const { return CChainParams::MAIN; }
virtual const vector<CAddress>& FixedSeeds() const {
return vFixedSeeds;
CBlock genesis;
vector<CAddress> vFixedSeeds;
static CMainParams mainParams;
// Testnet
class CTestNetParams : public CMainParams {
CTestNetParams() {
// The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
// The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
// a large 4-byte int at any alignment.
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xad;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xf4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xd0;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xac;
bnProofOfWorkLimit = CBigNum(~uint256(0) >> 16);
vAlertPubKey = ParseHex("");
nDefaultPort = 26814;
nRPCPort = 26815;
strDataDir = "testnet";
// Modify the testnet genesis block so the timestamp is valid for a later start.
genesis.nBits = bnProofOfWorkLimit.GetCompact();
genesis.nNonce = 56399;
//uncomment to log genesis block info
// if (true && genesis.GetHash() != hashGenesisBlock)
// {
// printf("Searching for genesis block...\n");
// uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(genesis.nBits).getuint256();
// uint256 thash;
// while (true)
// {
// thash = genesis.GetHash();
// if (thash <= hashTarget)
// break;
// if ((genesis.nNonce & 0xFFF) == 0)
// {
// printf("nonce %08X: hash = %s (target = %s)\n", genesis.nNonce, thash.ToString().c_str(), hashTarget.ToString().c_str());
// }
// ++genesis.nNonce;
// if (genesis.nNonce == 0)
// {
// printf("NONCE WRAPPED, incrementing time\n");
// ++genesis.nTime;
// }
// }
// printf("genesis.nTime = %u \n", genesis.nTime);
// printf("genesis.nNonce = %u \n", genesis.nNonce);
// printf("genesis.nVersion = %u \n", genesis.nVersion);
// printf("genesis.hashMerkleRoot = %s \n", genesis.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str()); //idk
// printf("genesis.GetHash = %s\n", genesis.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
// }
hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(hashGenesisBlock == uint256("0x0000af25351dc5bff6034c8373ae3e432e582ffc36cf4ab1a6920e88fe005e4e"));
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = list_of(111);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = list_of(196);
base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = list_of(239);
base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = list_of(0x04)(0x35)(0x87)(0xCF);
base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = list_of(0x04)(0x35)(0x83)(0x94);
convertSeed6(vFixedSeeds, pnSeed6_test, ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_test));
virtual Network NetworkID() const { return CChainParams::TESTNET; }
static CTestNetParams testNetParams;
// Regression test
class CRegTestParams : public CTestNetParams {
CRegTestParams() {
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfc;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xaf;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb6;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xcd;
bnProofOfWorkLimit = CBigNum(~uint256(0) >> 1);
genesis.nTime = 1420323277;
genesis.nBits = bnProofOfWorkLimit.GetCompact();
genesis.nNonce = 6;
hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
nDefaultPort = 18444;
strDataDir = "regtest";
//uncomment to log regtest genesis block info
// if (true)
// {
// printf("Searching for genesis block...\n");
// uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(genesis.nBits).getuint256();
// uint256 thash;
// while (true)
// {
// thash = genesis.GetHash();
// if (thash <= hashTarget)
// break;
// if ((genesis.nNonce & 0xFFF) == 0)
// {
// printf("nonce %08X: hash = %s (target = %s)\n", genesis.nNonce, thash.ToString().c_str(), hashTarget.ToString().c_str());
// }
// ++genesis.nNonce;
// if (genesis.nNonce == 0)
// {
// printf("NONCE WRAPPED, incrementing time\n");
// ++genesis.nTime;
// }
// }
// printf("genesis.nTime = %u \n", genesis.nTime);
// printf("genesis.nNonce = %u \n", genesis.nNonce);
// printf("genesis.nVersion = %u \n", genesis.nVersion);
// printf("genesis.hashMerkleRoot = %s \n", genesis.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str()); //idk
// printf("genesis.GetHash = %s\n", genesis.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
// }
assert(hashGenesisBlock == uint256("0x13c0b1f98bc402c1e53cf903d741f43ba0adc5b3af6e973c26e45bba90c16584"));
vSeeds.clear(); // Regtest mode doesn't have any DNS seeds.
virtual bool RequireRPCPassword() const { return false; }
virtual Network NetworkID() const { return CChainParams::REGTEST; }
static CRegTestParams regTestParams;
static CChainParams *pCurrentParams = &mainParams;
const CChainParams &Params() {
return *pCurrentParams;
void SelectParams(CChainParams::Network network) {
switch (network) {
case CChainParams::MAIN:
pCurrentParams = &mainParams;
case CChainParams::TESTNET:
pCurrentParams = &testNetParams;
case CChainParams::REGTEST:
pCurrentParams = &regTestParams;
assert(false && "Unimplemented network");
bool SelectParamsFromCommandLine() {
bool fRegTest = GetBoolArg("-regtest", false);
bool fTestNet = GetBoolArg("-testnet", false);
if (fTestNet && fRegTest) {
return false;
if (fRegTest) {
} else if (fTestNet) {
} else {
return true;
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