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Created March 14, 2015 20:24
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WICC Workshop March 14 2015
Github repo for Shell
Github repo web page
Clone the repo
git clone
File for Perl exercises
Shell Commands
whoami - Tells you what user you are logged in as
ls - tells you what's in the current folder
ls -l - tells you what's in the current folder (with more information)
ls directory - tells you what's in the given folder
unzip - Unzips a file
command1 | less - Shows you the output of command1 one page at a time.
touch filename - Creates the blank file filename
echo "text" > filename - Creates the file filename with the content text
cat - Displays the contents of a file
nano - A text editor.
nano filename - Edit the file with nano.
cd - Change the directory.
../ - The parent directory of the current directory.
mv oldpath newpath - Moving/renaming a file
wc - Count words/lines/characters in a file
wc -c - Count characters
wc -l - Count lines
sort - Sort its input by the first "column"
pico - Another text editor
wget - Download a file
command1 | command2
Takes the output of command1 and gives it as the input to command2.
Used in place of filenames.
* - All files in the current directory (e.g. wc -l *)
Organization of a UNIX System
/ - The "root" directory (like C:\ on Windows)
- An interpreted language
- Like Python's dictionary
Strict mode:
use strict;
use warnings;
Makes Perl be more strict about interpreting your code.
Static analysis tools
- Catches bugs that the compiler cannot catch
- C++ CppCheck, clang-analyze
Dynamic analysis tools
- Often slow but can catch bugs compiler and static analysis can miss
- Many good tools ( valgrind for c/c++,
- Sanitizers (AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer)
Linters/Formatters for consistent formatting and layout
- Perl (Perl Tidy, Perl Critic)
- C(clang-format, clang-tidy)
Documentation generators
- JavaDoc, DoxyGen
Your own tests
- Google's include-what-you-need
Property tests
- Sample space of test inputs is generated based upon property
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