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Created November 1, 2023 01:48
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Example for alilienfeld
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Project 2 High or Low</title>
<link href='/styles.css' rel='stylesheet'>
<li>The computer will pull a random card from a standard deck
<li>Aces are represented with 1, Jacks are 11, Queens are 12, and Kings are 13.</li>
<li>There are no suits but there is a full deck of cards, so four of each card.</li>
<li>Player should pick if the next card drawn will be high, low, or the same.</li>
<li>The next card will be drawn by the computer.</li>
<li>If they player guesses right they win if they guess wrong they lose</li>
<h2>Game Play</h2>
<form action='process.php' method='POST'>
<label for='guess'>Will the next card be higher, lower or the same as <b><?php echo $current_card ?></b>?</label>
<input type='radio' name='guess' id='high' value='high'
<?php echo (!isset($guess) or $guess == 'high') ? 'checked' : '' ?>><label for='high'>High</label>
<input type='radio' name='guess' id='low' value='low'
<?php echo (isset($guess) and $guess == 'low') ? 'checked' : '' ?>><label for='low'>Low</label>
<input type='radio' name='guess' id='tie' value='tie'
<?php echo (isset($guess) and $guess == 'tie') ? 'checked' : '' ?>><label for='tie'>Same</label>
<button type='submit' class='button'>Submit</button>
Cards left in the deck: <?php echo count($deck) ?>
<?php if (isset($results)) { ?>
<ul class='results'>
<li>The last card was <?php echo $last_card ?>.
<li>You guessed the next card would be <b><?php echo $guess ?></b>.</li>
<li>The next card was <?php echo $next_card ?>.</li>
<li>The answer is <b><?php echo $answer ?></b>.</li>
<?php if ($winner) { ?>
<li class='won'>You win!</li>
<?php } else { ?>
<li class='lose'>You lose!</li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<a href='reset.php'>Reset</a>
// If we're just landing on the index page and cards have not yet been picked
// redirect the user to the process page where that can happen
if(!isset($_SESSION['current_card'])) {
header('Location: process.php');
// Uncomment the following lines when debugging
// echo '<pre>';
// var_dump($_SESSION);
// echo '</pre>';
// We can assume if we made it here the redirect did not happen and we should have access to the cards as stored in the session from process.php
$current_card = $_SESSION['current_card'];
$next_card = $_SESSION['next_card'];
$deck = $_SESSION['deck'];
// We will have results if the form was submitted to process.php
if (isset($_SESSION['results'])) {
$last_card = $_SESSION['last_card'];
$results = $_SESSION['results'];
$winner = $results['winner'];
$guess = $results['guess'];
$answer = $results['answer'];
require 'index-view.php';
// If we have a guess, the form was submitted and we should determine the results
if(isset($_POST['guess'])) {
$next_card = $_SESSION['next_card'];
$current_card = $_SESSION['current_card'];
$_SESSION['last_card'] = $current_card;
// Was the next card low, high, or the same?
if ($current_card > $next_card) {
$answer = 'low';
} elseif ($current_card < $next_card) {
$answer = 'high';
} else {
$answer = 'tie';
// Was the player’s guess correct?
$guess = $_POST['guess'];
$winner = $answer == $guess;
// Store the results so they can be output when we redirect back to index.php
$_SESSION['results'] = [
'guess' => $guess,
'winner' => $winner,
'answer' => $answer,
// If deck does not exist OR there are not enough cards to play again - reset the deck
if(!isset($_SESSION['deck']) or count($_SESSION['deck']) < 2) {
// I simplified the deck for development/debugging purposes so I could quickly play through the game and test the scenario when the deck is empty
$deck = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
// Otherwise, use the existing deck which exists in the session
} else {
$deck = $_SESSION['deck'];
// Shuffle the deck and pick the cards
$current_card = array_pop($deck);
$next_card = array_pop($deck);
// Store this data so it can be accessed in index.php
$_SESSION['current_card'] = $current_card;
$_SESSION['next_card'] = $next_card;
$_SESSION['deck'] = $deck;
// Redirect back to index.php
header('Location: index.php');
header('Location: index.php');
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