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Created November 30, 2011 04:54
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<h1>The Sabras</h1>
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<h2>Fun Facts</h2>
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<h3>Favorite Games:</h3>
<li class="junglejons">Jungle Jons (Kids' Favorite)</li>
<li class="superpopandstop">Super Pop &amp; Stop (Mom's Favorite)</li>
<li class="snakesinthegrass">Snakes in the Grass (Kids' Favorite)</li>
<h3>As a parent, what do you like best about Ohanarama?</h3>
<p>I absolutely love Ohanarama because it's academically challenging, fast-paced, fun, interactive, and addictive. The girls are building math, logic, reasoning, spatial skills and abilities effortlessly through the speed and dynamics of these great games. They often forget they are learning because Ohanarama is so enjoyable.</p>
<p>Ohanarama also serves as a great incentive and time management tool in my home, because the girls are not allowed to play until they complete (and excel in) all their homeschool work, chores, and physical activities. What's not to love in a free, educational, addictive tool that encourages your kids to do everything, I (as a parent) want them to achieve!</p>
<h3>What do your kids like best?</h3>
<p>The girls love absolutely every single game. They actually like the idea of the Family Contest because it announces new games, and has them focus their time on a few games for a certain period of time.</p>
<h3>What are your plans for the Kindle 3G?</h3>
<p>Interestingly, we found a need for an eReader this summer when our two older daughters were beginning their SAT preparation and were accepted into a local community college, so winning this Family Contest was awesome! We actually need "real" books, such as the classics, for their studies, especially when we’re traveling.</p>
<h3>What program and books did you choose for your $100 book donation?</h3>
<p>We chose New Haven Reads, an incredible literacy program in New Haven, CT, for low-income families and resourceful homeschoolers, such as our family, and other readers in the Greater New Haven area. After learning about the program's need for Mary Pope Osborne's <em>Magic Tree House</em> books, Ohanarama, with support from Random House Children's Books, donated 50 <em>Magic Tree House</em> books to the New Haven Reads library!</p>
<h3>What are your special family routines or traditions?</h3>
<p>Our day is anchored by our five daily prayers, so we start our day as a family during our pre-dawn prayer. Each morning we sit down to a huge, slow, healthy family breakfast. There is at least one time in the day that there is silent time for reading books. No laptops, textbooks, activity books, or magazines.</p>
<p>Once dinner is set, the entire night is "family time." We clear the tables, wash dishes, and start playing board games, cook, or bake snacks and desserts, and work on projects such as our robots. Then we'll explore outside (we love bonfires), or enjoy popcorn with a family movie or, very occasionally, TV. We have a family night routine that includes the last of our five daily prayers together and relaxing Qur'an recitations.</p>
<h3>What do you like to do as a family?</h3>
<p>We travel constantly! However, every single life experience is a hands-on opportunity to learn. Although we're a high-tech, wireless, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) family and my girls own their own <a href="">money-making blog</a>; we're offline a great deal. We are a big natural family who bakes our own breads and gardens, and we create our own car and board games. The girls are all award-winning inventors.</p>
<p>In Islam, it's haram (prohibited) to be bored, so my girls have learned how to make use of their time and resources wisely. We love scavenger hunts, hiking, finding deals as frugal shoppers, art, visiting museums, writing, and touring factory, business or media outlets. The girls enjoy horseback riding, archery, and shooting air rifles. Their newest joy is robotics!</p>
<h3>What "real world" games do you like to play?</h3>
<p>We were just introduced to <a href=""></a> games and love them! We play tons of brain teaser card games, Hasbro games, educational games, and have a series of Islamic board games. </p>
<h3>What would you tell other parents about Ohanarama?</h3>
<p>While other sites are clearly for kids, Ohanarama is unique in that the parents, adults and extended family members can challenge and participate in the educational process in a safe and secure environment, <em>and</em> reward the kids for their efforts and successes. As a world-traveling, primarily Internet-based homeschool family with daughters who have been on more than a dozen development teams, review, or beta testing panels of educational software, websites, virtual worlds, etc., Ohanarama stands out as one of our family’s favorites.</p>
<p class="centered"><a href="faq.php">Learn more about Ohanarama Family Contests</a></p>
<p class="centered">Read about our last Family Contest Winners:<br/><a href="familyprofile-miller.php">The Miller Family</a></p>
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