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Last active December 17, 2021 19:09
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namespace App\Controllers;
class AppController extends Controller
public function index()
# Player Log variables flash data
$player_name = $this->app->old('player_name');
$timein = $this->app->old('$timein');
$player_saved = $this->app->old('player_saved');
$competitor = $this->app->old('competitor');
# If the game was just played, we'll have a "timestamp" in flash data
# If it exists, use it to look up the results frmo the database
$timestamp = $this->app->old('timestamp');
if ($timestamp) {
$round = $this->app->db()->findByColumn('rounds', 'timestamp', '=', $timestamp);
$round = $round[0]; # Narrow it down to the first row returned
# Decode the turn "arrays" that were stored as strings in the db
$round['player_turns'] = $this->convertTurnsFromStringToArray($round['player_turns']);
$round['opponent_turns'] = $this->convertTurnsFromStringToArray($round['opponent_turns']);
# Show the round on the page
return $this->app->view('index', [
'player_name' => $player_name,
'timein' => $timein,
'player_saved' => $player_saved,
'competitor' => $competitor,
'round' => $round ?? null,
public function game()
# Intiailize variables
$goal = 25;
$player_sum = 0;
$player_turns = [];
$opponent_sum = 0;
$opponent_turns = [];
$timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
# Play the game
while ($player_sum <= $goal && $opponent_sum <= $goal) {
# Player
$points = $this->getPoints(); # Helper function
$player_sum += $points; # Accumulate points
$player_turns[] = [$points, $player_sum]; # Build an array of turns, storing both the points and their sum
# Opponent
$points = $this->getPoints(); # Helper function
$opponent_sum += $points; # Accumulate points
$opponent_turns[] = [$points, $opponent_sum]; # Build an array of turns, storing both the points and their sum
# Player or opponent has reached goal; determine winner
if ($player_sum >= $goal or $opponent_sum >= $goal) {
$winner = $player_sum >= $goal ? 'Player' : 'Winner';
# Array of round data to insert into the database
$round = [
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
'player_turns' => $this->convertTurnsFromArrayToString($player_turns),
'opponent_turns' => $this->convertTurnsFromArrayToString($opponent_turns),
'winner' => $winner
# Insert the round data into the database
$this->app->db()->insert('rounds', $round);
# Redirect back to the homepage where we'll show the results
$this->app->redirect('/', ['timestamp' => $timestamp]);
public function history()
$rounds = $this->app->db()->all('rounds');
return $this->app->view('history', ['rounds' => $rounds]);
public function round()
# Get the id from the URL/query string
$id = $this->app->param('id');
# Retrieve the round data from the database
$round = $this->app->db()->findById('rounds', $id);
# Convert the turns data back to an array
$round['player_turns'] = $this->convertTurnsFromStringToArray($round['player_turns']);
$round['opponent_turns'] = $this->convertTurnsFromStringToArray($round['opponent_turns']);
# Load the view, including the round data
return $this->app->view('round', ['round' => $round]);
public function playerlog()
'player_name' => 'required|alphaNumericDash|minLength:10',
$id = $this->app->param('id');
$player_name = $this->app->input('player_name');
$competitor = $this->app->input('competitor');
$timein = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$this->app->db()->insert('players', [
'id' => $id,
'player_name' => $player_name,
'competitor' => $competitor,
'timein' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
$player = $player_saved;
$players = $this->app->db()->all('players');
$this->app->redirect('/', [
'player_saved' => true,
'id' => $this->app-> param('id'),
'player_name' => $this->app->input('player_name'),
'competitor' => $this->app->input('competitor'),
'timein' => $this->app->input('timein')
private function convertTurnsFromArrayToString($turns)
$results = '';
foreach ($turns as $turn) {
$turnAsString = implode(",", $turn); # Convert each turn to a string
$results .= $turnAsString . "|";
$results = trim($results, '|'); # Remove trailing |
return $results;
private function convertTurnsFromStringToArray($turns)
$results = [];
$turns = explode('|', $turns);
foreach ($turns as $turn) {
$turn = explode(',', $turn);
$results[] = $turn;
return $results;
public function register()
$player_saved = $this->app->old('player_saved');
$player = $player_saved;
$players = $this->app->db()->all('players');
return $this->app->view('register', ['players' => $players]);
private function getPoints()
# Create the points with conditions from the outcome of each "turn"
# Utilized in the while loop which accumulates each "turn" until "goal or more"
# Array of special numbers, keys=> are value that determine points,
# The =>value is the random number that begins each turn
$special_numbers = [
11 => 5, # Magic
6 => 4, # Bonus
0 => 9, # Curse
1 => 2, # Mystic
15 => 7 # Wild
$random_number = random_int(1, 10);
# Check if random number generated is "special"
$special_number = array_search($random_number, $special_numbers);
return ($special_number) ? $special_number : $random_number;
Game History
<h2 class='center margin'>Game History (Eachdraidh geama)</h2>
<div class='center'>
<ul class='left'>
@foreach ($rounds as $round)
<li><a href='/round?id={{ $round['id'] }}'>Round: {{ $round['id'] }} – {{ $round['timestamp'] }}</a>
<p class='center'>&larr; <a href='/' class='center'>Return to Game (Till air ais chun gheama)</a></p>
{{-- @section('title')
Game of Gnomes
@endsection --}}
<h2 class='center margin'>Welcome (M'ath)</h2>
<form method='POST' action='/playerlog' id='playerlog' class='center'>
<input type='hidden' name='timein' value='{{ $timein }}'>
<p>Select which competitor you want to be.</p>
<input type='radio' name='competitor' value='player'>
<label for='player'>Player </label>
<input type='radio' name='competitor' value='opponent' checked>
<label for='competitor'>Opponent</label>
@if ($app->errorsExist())
<ul test='name-bad-input' test='validation-errors-alert' class='error alert alert-danger'>
@foreach ($app->errors() as $error)
<li>{{ $error }}</li>
@if ($player_saved)
<div test='validation-errors-alert' class='alert alert-success margin'> Thank you,&nbsp;
{{ $app->old('player_name') }} your name is registered.</div>
<label for='player_name'>Name</label>
<input test='name-input' type='text' name='player_name' id='player_name' placeholder=' * Your Name' autofocus>
<button test='submit-button' 'type=' submit' class='btn' id='enter' class='inline'>Enter</button>
<p class='detail'>*Name is required to play.
Min. length: 10 characters; <br>alpha-numeric, dashes, underscores only</p>
<p class='center'><a href='/register' class='center'> View Registered Players Log </a> &rarr;</p>
<div class='center'>
<form method='POST' action='/game' id='game'>
<button test='submit-play-button' type='submit' name='play' id='play' value='play' class='btn'>Play
{{-- Display Output of Results from AppController --}}
@if ($round)
<dt class='left'>Player turn:</dt>
<dd class='inline left'>
@foreach ($round['player_turns'] as $turn)
Roll: {{ $turn[0] }} → {{ $turn[1] }}<br>
<dt class='left'>Opponent turn:</dt>
<dd class='inline left'>
@foreach ($round['opponent_turns'] as $turn)
Roll: {{ $turn[0] }} → {{ $turn[1] }}<br>
<dt class='left'>Winner: {{ $round['winner'] }}</dt>
<dd class='left'>Round: {{ $round['id'] }}</dd>
<dd class='left'> {{ $round['timestamp'] }}</dd>
<p><a href='/history' class='center'> View Game History </a> &rarr;</p>
<p class='details'>Faic eachdraidh geama</p>
<h3 class='left'>Game Instructions</h3>
<ul class='left'>
<li>Select Player or the Opponent</li>
<li>Start the game by pressing "Play" which initiates a random number from 1-10 for moves toward the "Goal" which is
<li>The moves are recorded and accumulate sums for each turn</li>
<li>Some numbers generated will produce special moves (positive and negative!)
<li>Number 5 is "Magic" moves 11 instead</li>
<li>Number 4 is "Bonus" moves 6 instead</li>
<li>Number 9 is "Curse" moves 0 instead</li>
<li>Number 2 is "Mystic" moves 1 instead</li>
<li>Number 7 is "Wild" moves 15 instead</li>
<li>"Turns" continue until the score reaches or exceeds the "Goal".</li>
<li> Whomever reaches "Goal" first Wins!</li>
Round Details
<h2 class="center">Round Details (Cuairt)</h2>
<dt>Round: {{ $round['id'] }}</dt>
<dd>Timestamp: {{ $round['timestamp'] }}</dd>
<dt class='left'>Player turn:</dt>
<dd class='inline'>
@foreach ($round['player_turns'] as $turn)
Roll: {{ $turn[0] }} → {{ $turn[1] }}<br>
<dt class='left'>Opponent turn:</dt>
<dd class='inline'>
@foreach ($round['opponent_turns'] as $turn)
Roll: {{ $turn[0] }} → {{ $turn[1] }}<br>
<dt class='left'>Winner: {{ $round['winner'] }}</dt>
<a href='/history' class='center'> &larr; Return to History (Till air ais gu eachdraidh) </a></p>
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