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Created May 12, 2023 06:36
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Union serialization provider for F#
let UnionToString (u: 'a) =
match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(u, typeof<'a>) with
| case, _ -> case.Name
let StringToUnion<'a> (s: string) =
match FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<'a> |> Array.filter (fun case -> case.Name = s) with
| [| case |] -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [||]) :?> 'a
| _ -> failwithf "Unable to parse %A" s
type UnionStringSerializer<'a>() =
inherit SerializerBase<'a>()
override this.Deserialize(context, args) =
match context.Reader.GetCurrentBsonType() with
| BsonType.String -> context.Reader.ReadString() |> StringToUnion
| other -> failwithf "Unable to parse %A" other
override this.Serialize(context, args, value: 'a) =
context.Writer.WriteString <| UnionToString value
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