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Last active August 3, 2016 16:48
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Susi Irwin - M1 Portfolio


Areas of Emphasis

This module's focus has been mainly on learning the basics of Ruby and Object-Oriented Programming, but also to get more comfortable as a Turing Student. I want to develop good, strong habits as well as best practices so that when I move into my new career I am capable of suceeding. I want to build my confidence and lessen my hesitence when it comes to writing Ruby and approaching new projects. Personally, I want to become a part of the Turing community and begin to utilize the resources afforded to me. I need to work on my speed when it comes to taking in the information and creating the corresponding code. My goal to find a mentor was met when I found Matt Rogers. I meet with him on a scheduled weekly basis but also one-off slack and facetime conversations.

End of Module Assessment

Assessed by Mike Dao

Mike noted that he was very impressed by the way I used the learnings I gained from my Mentor and applied them to my work. He was impressed that I understood what my mentor showed me, learned more about it on my own, adn thenw as able to describe and defend the use of it in my assessment. He suggested I write a blog post about this use of creating a new hash.

1. Ruby Syntax & API

  • 3: Developer is able to write Ruby with some debugging of fundamental concepts

2. Completion and Progress

  • 4: Developer fully completes baseline assignment and one of the Challenge options.

3. Testing

  • 4: Developer excels at taking small steps and using the tests for both design and verification

4. Workflow

  • 3: Developer demonstrates comfort with their tools and makes some use of keyboard shortcuts

5. Collaboration

  • 4: Developer actively seeks collaboration both before implementing, while in motion, and when stuck

6. Enumerable & Collections

  • 3: Application demonstrates comfortable use of appropriate Enumerable methods





Assessed By: Mike Dao


  • 15 tests, all passing
  • I4 was implemented really well (round)
  • Some confusion with ivars and methods

Evaluation Rubric

The project will be assessed with the following guidelines:

1. Functional Expectations

  • 3: Application fulfills expectations of iterations 1 - 6 with no bugs, crashes, or missing functionality.

2. Test-Driven Development

  • 3: Application is well tested but does not balance isolation and integration tests, using only the data necessary to test the functionality. ####4 3. Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components
  • 4: Application is expertly divided into logical components each with a clear, single responsibility. ####4 4. Fundamental Ruby & Style
  • 3: Application shows strong effort towards organization, content, and refactoring. ###4 5. Enumerable & Collections
  • 3: Application demonstrates comfortable use of appropriate Enumerable methods


Battleship was the most challenging solo project of the Module. It pushed me harder than I had imagined! I restarted this porject from scratch 7 times - so I definitely learned the value of deleting code! Although this project did not fully run when I turned it in, it is still one of the points of pride for me in this Module. I perservered, asked questions, and really challenged my knowledge. I learned more about how Objects and Classes work together (and in some cases against each other) than I imagined I would. I was extremely proud of my Coordinate Translator class in this project.

Assessed By: Mike Dao


  • Initial REPL works, but it doesnt really game.
  • Good use of class methods
  • Was able to speak very clearly and knowledgeable about their code and what it did.
  • Some minor opportunities to refactor.
  • There's a rake file
  • Simplecov!
  • 32 tests passing,

Evaluation Rubric

The project will be assessed with the following rubric:

1. Fundamental Ruby & Style

  • 3: Application shows strong effort towards organization, content, and refactoring

2. Enumerable & Collections

  • 3: Application demonstrates comfortable use of several Enumerable techniques

3. Test-Driven Development

  • 3: Application is well tested but does not balance isolation and integration tests

4. REPL Interface

  • 1: Application's REPL has enough problems as to make play difficult

5. Breaking Logic into Components

  • 3: Application effectively breaks logical components apart with clear intent and usage




(Night Writer)


(evaluation comments)

(evaluation scores)

(feedback to me)

(Black Thursday)


(evaluation comments)

(evaluation scores)

  • "Susi has a passion and ability to learn that is next to none. Even after being beat down by her Battleship code and effectively restarting the project multiple times, she still had the drive to reach out for help. I spent over three straight hours helping Susi use testing to build a solid foundation for the game. Susi never allows challenges, big or small, stop her from growing and learning more. Her work ethic inspires me, and I look forward to working with her more in the future to push my education further." - Ryan Workman
  • "Susi impressed me from the first time I paired with her. She is meticulous about presenting simple, understandable code. I have always been able to sit down, look at her code, and know what is going on which is a tough thing to learn when you first start writing code. It has been so cool to see her growth throughout module1. She has dubbed herself the ‘cryer’ of her cohort, but I see her as a sunbeam, always happy to celebrate the successes of her peers as well as her own." - Angela Lindow


Giving Feedback

  • Mark Miranda - Mark was my first student interaction at Turing, as he was my pre-work guide. I had no idea that pre-work guides were only required to check in with students for around 30 minutes per week! Mark checked in with me literally every day before I began Module 1. He was my champion when it came to the pre-work but also to my countdown for giving notice at my job, approaching my last day of work, taking time for myself before Turing started, and sending me good luck on my first day. He has been a constant source of support academically as well as emotionally. Because of Mark, I am no longer afraid to speak up and ask for help. Mark has shown me, by his example, what it means to be a software developer. Above and beyond does not even begin to describe what Mark has done for me over the past few months (he reached out to me initially in early May). I am not sure I would have come as far as I have in the past 6 weeks if it wasn't for his encouragement, support, and honesty.
  • Jasmin Hudacsek - Jasmin was an absolute delight to partner with on Night Writer. Her strong organizational skills and motivated attitude pushed us forward at a fantastic rate. Jasmin is easy to comminucate with in person, as well as remotely. I was excited to be paired with her for our first paired project and was not disappointed. She has an innate ability to calm nerves and logically look at the issues as they are presented. Jasmin was able to keep our motivation alive even when we hit bumps in the road. Her enthusiasm and charisma are absolutely wonderful!
  • Raphael Barbo - Raphael was such an amazing support through Black Thursday as well as the rest of Module 1. Academically he was able to coach me through difficult spots while still keeping our pace lively and productive. He never thought twice about breaking issues down into smaller steps and reminding me that I was capable of anything. He has a very logical and positive way of approaching coding. Raphael was an emotional support for me as well as this project was a challenge for me. He was able to calmly lead me down the path needed to contribute to our project.
  • Ryan Workman - Ryan's enthusiasm and positivity are absolutely contagious. His passion for coding and helping others make him an amazing asset to our cohort as well as the Turing community at large. At times his passion and enthusiasm take him down adventurous Ruby paths, but a gentle nudge to follow the spec brings him back immediately. He paired with me on Battleship and was an incredible partner through some very challenging code. His patience and encouraging words allowed me to stop doubting myself and be more confident in my learning. I have not received so many high-fives in one afternoon in my entire life!
  • Kris Sparks - I have worked with Kris in the mornings many times throughout Module 1. He always, ALWAYS lends an ear when I need it and has never once told me that he was unable to take some time to coach me through something. He was monumental in teaching me and my cohort-mates more ways to use Pry and really helped me understood how powerful of a tool it is for developing and learning. Kris is one of the most sincere people I have met and his encouragement and commitment to learning is unmatched. His passion for Turing and the Turing communtity is ever present. Every morning he comes to school and cleans up the kitchen area in the Big Workspace, even though no one asks him to and I am not sure many people know that he does it at all. He is an incredible person and an amazing asset to our community.
  • Angela Lindow: I have had the fortune to partner with Angela on a few occasions throughout Module 1. She has always been super supportive and encouraging. Her pairing style and general demeanor is incredible and super easy with which to follow. As a fellow Mom at Turing, Angela has been an inspiration point for me. I have gone to her for advice about schedules and family/turing management and she has always been able to offer advice and comforting words. I am so glad that she is here to reach out to when I need support.

Being a Community Member

  • I am a member of the Pahlka posse and attend as many sessions as I can. I have been an active participant in brainstorming sessions. I have enjoyed meeting people outside of my cohort and gaining visibility into techniques that I will be using in future modules.
  • The imposter lunch has been an amazing weekly session for me. I have been able to meet and get to know other students at Turing who feel as "outsider" as I do. I have found that I am able to have conversations with these students outside of the lunch sessions about issues as they pop up for me and them.
  • I arrive at Turing each day by 6:30am. In arriving so early, I am able to connect with other students both in my cohort as well as in upper Modules. This time is used for socializing, pairing, getting extra help, and getting more comfortable in the Turing community. On mutliple occasions members of my cohort came together int he early mornings to get more work done and to help each other through tough concepts.
  • Pomodoro's and walks - Each day I do my best to take the Pomorodo breaks as hints to get up, stretch, and get some fresh air. I do my best to grab someone from the cohort to go with me. This time is used to vent, to breathe, to enjoy the company of my classmates, and to get the blood flowing - physcially and mentally.

Playing a Part

I do my best to be an ear and a support for my fellow Turing students. I think it is important to build relationships outside of those created during cohort sessions. I have made a huge effort to introduce myself to as many students as possible in the past 6 weeks. Turing is the hardest thing I have ever been challenged to do and that pressure is only aided byt talking and working with members of the Turing community. I feel that my involvement in the Imposter sessions has been my best contribution thus far at Turing. Despite my own emotions and stress in Module 1, I do feel that I was able to listen to and help my fellow students work through some of their own emotions and stress.


Rubric Scores

  • A: End-of-Module Assessment: X
  • B: Individual Work & Projects: X
  • C: Group Work & Projects: X
  • D: Community Participation: X
  • E: Peer & Instructor Feedback: X


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