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Last active January 17, 2016 20:29
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Save sustained/a3dd7ec8482f35019270 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
No idea why Gist does't like my tabstops....
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
* This code is not particularly good (and the "story" is even worse, it's only supposed to be amusing).
* I'd even go so far as to say that the code is fairly bad. For one, it uses reflection when it probably
* doesn't need to, not if I had done things differently at least but it *does* function. I only wanted
* to learn a bit more about C# and make it slightly less cumbersome to add states, which has been achieved.
* I was thinking about making the system more advanced but I want to move on to section four and beyond.
* That said, maybe I'll come back to this later on and try to make it a little more advanced. If nothing
* else, it is good practise for learning C# and improving at programming. In any case, feel free to do
* whatever you want with it. Share how you'd do things differently or improve it yourself, if you'd like.
* One idea was that the first sentence which tells you *where you are* could change depending on if it
* was your first time in the area (A) or not (B). For example:
* A: You walk out into the hall. It is rather dark and dingy.
* B: You return back to the dimly lit hall.
* Another idea was to make it so that options could have requirements. For example, you might need to find a
* key before you can use a door. This could be handled by just having more states but if you do it that way
* then complexity would quickly begin to spiral out of control.
* A further idea was to make it so that you could have states that were sort of connected, which would be useful
* if you had a lot of text. With the current system, if you had to split a state in two due to the length of the
* text there would have to be a "continue reading" choice which is clunky.
* One last idea was to make it so that instead of the choices being based soley on the state names, instead
* you could specify the text. This would make the choices for the state "cell", for example, more natural:
* 1: Use the computer
* 2: Speak to the butler
* 3: Approach the door
public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text text;
private struct State {
public string[] Choices;
public State(string[] choices) {
Choices = choices;
private Dictionary<string, State> States = new Dictionary<string, State> {
{"intro", new State(new string[] {"cell"})},
{"tryagain", new State(new string[] {"intro"})},
{"cell", new State(new string[] {"computer", "butler", "bed", "door"})},
{"computer", new State(new string[] {"playgame", "cell"})},
{"butler", new State(new string[] {"cell"})},
{"bed", new State(new string[] {"patterns", "cell"})},
{"playgame", new State(new string[] {"panic"})},
{"panic", new State(new string[] {"tryagain"})},
{"patterns", new State(new string[] {"crackcode", "cell"})},
{"crackcode", new State(new string[] {"rest", "dontrest", "cell"})},
{"rest", new State(new string[] {"tryagain"})},
{"dontrest", new State(new string[] {"cell"})},
{"door", new State(new string[] {"cell", "hall"})},
{"hall", new State(new string[] {"left", "cell"})},
{"left", new State(new string[] {"pickup", "hall"})},
{"right", new State(new string[] {"hall"})},
{"pickup", new State(new string[] {"read", "drop"})},
{"read", new State(new string[] {"gameover"})},
{"drop", new State(new string[] {"left"})},
{"gameover", new State(new string[] {"intro"})}
private bool stateSetup = false;
private string currentState = "intro";
public void StateIntro() {
"You are in prison for a crime you didn't commit. By starting you in a prison, we can then " +
"compare our story to The Elder Scrolls, which makes our game sound better than it is but I " +
"digress....\n\nYou are in a prison. This would be all well and good (it's a Norwegian prison) " +
"however there is one problem. The world is about to end and only you know how to stop it...");
public void StateTryagain() {
"You had one job. You have disappointed more than seven billion people and you should feel bad.");
public void StateCell() {
"You are in your cell and you should probably try to to escape, so that you can save the world. " +
"In your cell, there is a gaming PC, a king size bed and your personal butler.");
public void StateComputer() {
SetText("This is no time to be playing video games!");
public void StatePlaygame() {
"You become immersed in an open-world story-driven RPG and the next thing you know, almost an hour " +
"has passed.");
public void StatePanic() {
"Through the window, the skies are beginning to turn red like blood. All of a sudden, there is a bang " +
"so loud that it ruptures your eardrums. You fall to the floor and begin to writhe around in intense " +
"pain, holding your bleeding ears. There is an unfathomably bright flash and then... nothing.");
public void StateBed() {
"The bed is a king size canopy bed, with red silk curtains. They are adorned with the most " +
"wonderful golden patterns which are almost entrancing in their nature...");
public void StatePatterns() {
"You study the patterns more closely. You can't shake the feeling that there is some kind of code " +
"hidden within them.");
public void StateCrackcode() {
"After some time, you determine that the idea of the curtains containing some kind of hidden code " +
"is preposterous. You are feeling quite sleepy now, though. Perhaps you should rest your head?");
public void StateRest() {
"Your lay on the bed. It is so indescribably comfortable and you quickly fall into a deep sleep, " +
"during which the world ends.");
public void StateDontrest() {
SetText("It's good that you seem to have your priorities in order.");
public void StateButler() {
SetText("You don't actually have a butler. Sorry. We shouldn't lie to you like that.");
public void StateDoor() {
SetText("You walk up to the door. It is open, for whatever reason.");
public void StateHall() {
"You are in the hall. You can either turn left and walk down the hall, or you can go back " +
"into your cell.");
public void StateLeft() {
SetText("You head towards the left. After a few moments you come upon a letter, laid on the floor.");
public void StatePickup() {
SetText("You bend down and pick up the letter. It is adressed to 'Player'");
public void StateDrop() {
SetText("You throw the letter back on the floor. Although you should probably reconsider...");
public void StateRead() {
"You read the letter...\n\n" +
"Dear Player\n" +
"We ran out of funding for the game at this point in the development cycle...\n" +
"Our most sincere apologies. I guess this means that you win.\n\n" +
public void StateGameover() {
SetText("You win!");
private void Update () {
if (States.ContainsKey(currentState)) {
if (stateSetup == false) {
this.GetType().GetMethod("State" + FirstCharToUpper(currentState)).Invoke(this, null);
private void SetText(string input) {
text.text = input + "\n\n";
private void AddChoices() {
int index = 0;
State current = States[currentState];
text.text += "What would you like to do?\n\n";
foreach(string state in current.Choices) {
text.text += "\t" + index + ": " + state + "\n";
stateSetup = true;
private void HandleInput() {
int index = 0;
State current = States[currentState];
foreach(string state in current.Choices) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode) Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), "Alpha" + index))
|| Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode) Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), "Keypad" + index))) {
stateSetup = false;
currentState = state;
private static string FirstCharToUpper(string input)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) {
throw new ArgumentException("String input is null or empty.");
return input.First().ToString().ToUpper() + input.Substring(1);
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