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Last active February 26, 2024 13:33
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Take a sqrt() per-pixel? Hold my bitshifts and adds.
//16x16 rgb led matrix demo
//Yaroslaw Turbin 20.07.2020
#include "FastLED.h"
// Matrix size
#define NUM_ROWS 16
#define NUM_COLS 16
#define kMatrixWidth NUM_ROWS
#define kMatrixHeight NUM_COLS
// LEDs pin
#define DATA_PIN 3
// LED brightness
#define BRIGHTNESS 255
// Define the array of leds
CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS + 1];
uint8_t buffer[NUM_LEDS];
uint8_t divide[256];
0, 255, 30, 0,
32, 0, 0, 0,
// 64, 0, 0, 0,
128, 90, 90, 0,
150, 180, 180, 0,
255, 255, 50, 0
CRGBPalette16 myPal = lava;
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++)
divide[i] = 200 / (i + 1);
void loop() {
uint8_t bx1 = beatsin8(15, 0, NUM_COLS - 1, 0, 0);
uint8_t by1 = beatsin8(18, 0, NUM_ROWS - 1, 0, 0);
uint8_t bx2 = beatsin8(28, 0, NUM_COLS - 1, 0, 32);
uint8_t by2 = beatsin8(23, 0, NUM_ROWS - 1, 0, 32);
uint8_t bx3 = beatsin8(30, 0, NUM_COLS - 1, 0, 64);
uint8_t by3 = beatsin8(24, 0, NUM_ROWS - 1, 0, 64);
uint8_t bx4 = beatsin8(17, 0, NUM_COLS - 1, 0, 128);
uint8_t by4 = beatsin8(25, 0, NUM_ROWS - 1, 0, 128);
uint8_t bx5 = beatsin8(19, 0, NUM_COLS - 1, 0, 170);
uint8_t by5 = beatsin8(21, 0, NUM_ROWS - 1, 0, 170);
if (0) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_COLS; i++) {
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < NUM_ROWS; j++) {
int16_t sum = dist2(i, j, bx1, by1);
sum += dist2(i, j, bx2, by2);
sum += dist2(i, j, bx3, by3);
sum += dist2(i, j, bx4, by4);
sum += dist2(i, j, bx5, by5);
byte col = constrain(sum, 0, 240);
leds[XY (i, j)] = ColorFromPalette(myPal, col, 255);
} else {
radial_fill(buffer, bx1 - kMatrixWidth / 1, by1 - kMatrixHeight / 1);
radial_fill(buffer, bx2 - kMatrixWidth / 1, by2 - kMatrixHeight / 1);
radial_fill(buffer, bx3 - kMatrixWidth / 1, by3 - kMatrixHeight / 1);
radial_fill(buffer, bx4 - kMatrixWidth / 1, by4 - kMatrixHeight / 1);
radial_fill(buffer, bx5 - kMatrixWidth / 1, by5 - kMatrixHeight / 1);
uint8_t* src = buffer;
for (uint8_t y = 0; y < kMatrixHeight; y++) {
uint8_t xy0 = XY(0, y), xydx = XY(1, y) - xy0;
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < kMatrixWidth; x++) {
leds[xy0] = ColorFromPalette(myPal, *src, 255);
xy0 += xydx;
*src++ = 0;
static int frame = 0;
if (frame++ % 32 == 0)
} //loop
byte dist4(uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t x2, uint8_t y2) {
byte dx = abs8(y2 - y1);
byte dy = abs8(x2 - x1);
if ( dx < dy ) return 200 / dy;
else return 200 / dx;
byte dist3(uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t x2, uint8_t y2) {
byte a = y2 - y1;
byte b = x2 - x1;
a *= a;
b *= b;
byte dist = 200 / sqrt16(a + b);
return dist;
byte dist2(uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t x2, uint8_t y2) {
byte a = y2 - y1;
byte b = x2 - x1;
a *= a;
b *= b;
return 200.0 / sqrt16(a + b + 1);
uint16_t XY(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {
uint8_t major, minor, sz_major, sz_minor;
if (x >= kMatrixWidth || y >= kMatrixHeight)
return NUM_LEDS;
major = x, minor = y, sz_major = kMatrixWidth, sz_minor = kMatrixHeight;
major = y, minor = x, sz_major = kMatrixHeight, sz_minor = kMatrixWidth;
if ((XY_MATRIX & FLIPMAJOR) ^ (minor & 1 && (XY_MATRIX & SERPENTINE)))
major = sz_major - 1 - major;
minor = sz_minor - 1 - minor;
return (uint16_t) minor * sz_major + major;
// visits each pixel in raster order whilst maintaining xroot = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
// using only a single sqrt() per frame rather than one per pixel.
// © 2020 Steve Dommett <> - CC BY-SA 2.0
void radial_fill(uint8_t* dst, int8_t x_offset, int8_t y_offset) {
uint8_t screenx, screeny, xroot, yroot;
uint16_t xsumsquares, ysumsquares, xnextsquare, ynextsquare;
int8_t x, y;
// offset the origin in screen space
x = x_offset;
y = y_offset;
ysumsquares = x_offset * x_offset + y * y;
yroot = sqrt16(ysumsquares);
ynextsquare = yroot*yroot;
// Quadrant II (top-left)
screeny = kMatrixHeight;
while (y < 0 && screeny) {
x = x_offset;
screenx = kMatrixWidth;
xsumsquares = ysumsquares;
xroot = yroot;
if (x < 0) {
xnextsquare = xroot * xroot;
while (x < 0 && screenx) {
*dst = qadd8(*dst, divide[xroot]); dst++;
xsumsquares += 2 * x++ + 1;
if (xsumsquares < xnextsquare)
xnextsquare -= 2 * xroot-- - 1;
// Quadrant I (top right)
if (screenx) {
xnextsquare = (xroot + 1) * (xroot + 1);
while (screenx) {
*dst = qadd8(*dst, divide[xroot]); dst++;
xsumsquares += 2 * x++ + 1;
if (xsumsquares >= xnextsquare)
xnextsquare += 2 * ++xroot + 1;
ysumsquares += 2 * y++ + 1;
if (ysumsquares < ynextsquare)
ynextsquare -= 2 * yroot-- - 1;
// Quadrant III (bottom left)
ynextsquare = (yroot + 1) * (yroot + 1);
while (screeny) {
x = x_offset;
screenx = kMatrixWidth;
xsumsquares = ysumsquares;
xroot = yroot;
if (x < 0) {
xnextsquare = xroot * xroot;
while (x < 0 && screenx) {
*dst = qadd8(*dst, divide[xroot]); dst++;
xsumsquares += 2 * x++ + 1;
if (xsumsquares < xnextsquare)
xnextsquare -= 2 * xroot-- - 1;
// Quadrant IV (bottom right)
if (screenx) {
xnextsquare = (xroot + 1) * (xroot + 1);
while (screenx--) {
*dst = qadd8(*dst, divide[xroot]); dst++;
xsumsquares += 2 * x++ + 1;
if (xsumsquares >= xnextsquare)
xnextsquare += 2 * ++xroot + 1;
ysumsquares += 2 * y++ + 1;
if (ysumsquares >= ynextsquare)
ynextsquare += 2 * ++yroot + 1;
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