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Created March 25, 2021 17:16
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  • Save suvl/481e3109619608d508b1efa8b9ba8f37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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type = "internal_metrics"
type = "kafka"
bootstrap_servers = "kafka-all-broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092"
group_id = "gcs-shipper"
auto_offset_reset = "beginning"
topics = ["syslog-norm"]
type = "remap"
inputs = ["kafka_in"]
drop_on_error = true
source= '''
parsed = parse_json!(.message)
.timestamp = .@timestamp
.timeuploaded = now()
.procId = int(.procId) ?? 0
.total = int(.total) ?? 0
type = "gcp_cloud_storage"
inputs = ["all_transforms"]
bucket = "logs"
compression = "none"
# Auth
credentials_path = "/creds/credentials.json"
# Buffering
buffer.type = "memory"
buffer.max_size = 10240000
# Encoding
encoding.codec = "ndjson"
# File Naming
key_prefix = "%F/%H/" # optional, default
# Storage settings
storage_class = "STANDARD"
batch.max_bytes = 268435456
# Healthcheck
healthcheck.enabled = false # optional, default
type = "prometheus_exporter"
inputs = ["internal"]
address = ""
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