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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Save suwardany/36b799127aed5952236a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sentinel Migration Guide (master to 1.0.0)

Sentinel upgrade guide master to 1.0.*

WARNING 1: Make sure you have a backup of your application and database before attempting any upgrades.

WARNING 2: All active sessions will be flushed. Logged users will have to login again.

  1. Require "doctrine/dbal": "*", on your composer.json
  2. Run composer update
  3. Copy the class below into your routes file.
  4. Add MigrateSentinel::run(); to your routes file.
  5. Hit the app in the browser to trigger the migration.
  6. Remove the class and the MigrateSentinel::run(); call.
  7. Remove 'doctrine/dbal'.
  8. Run composer update.
  9. Republish sentinel's configuration (only required if you have it published already)
  10. Groups have been renamed to Roles, make sure you update any references accordingly.
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
class MigrateSentinel {
public static function run()
$migrator = app('migrator');
$migratorRepository = $migrator->getRepository();
$migrations = [
// Get the batch to replace on the new migration
$migration = $migratorRepository->getConnection()->table('migrations')->where('migration', $migrations[0])->first();
if ( ! $migration)
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot find the old migrations');
$batch = $migration->batch;
// Modify the tables
// Requires `doctrine/dbal`
Schema::table('groups_users', function(Blueprint $table)
$table->renameColumn('group_id', 'role_id');
Schema::create('persistences', function(Blueprint $table)
$table->engine = 'InnoDB';
Schema::table('users', function(Blueprint $table)
Schema::rename('groups', 'roles');
Schema::rename('groups_users', 'role_users');
$mig = new StdClass;
$mig->migration = '2014_07_02_230147_migration_cartalyst_sentinel';
foreach ($migrations as $migration)
$mig = new StdClass;
$mig->migration = $migration;
// Log new migration
$migratorRepository->log('2014_07_02_230147_migration_cartalyst_sentinel', $batch);
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'lottery' => [2, 100],

should be added to both reminders and activations arrays in the config (if you use custom config in app/config/cartalyst/sentinel)

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