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Created September 12, 2018 02:20
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private bool RayIntersectsTriangle(ISupportMappable support, ref TSMatrix orientation, ref TSMatrix invOrientation,
ref TSVector position, ref TSVector origin, ref TSVector direction, out FP fraction, out TSVector normal)
fraction = FP.Zero;
normal =;
TriangleMeshShape inTriangle = support as TriangleMeshShape;
TSVector[] vertices = inTriangle.Vertices;
TSVector vertex0 = vertices[0];
TSVector vertex1 = vertices[1];
TSVector vertex2 = vertices[2];
TSVector edge1, edge2, h, s, q;
FP a, f, u, v;
edge1 = inTriangle.edge1;
edge2 = inTriangle.edge2;
h = TSVector.Cross(direction, edge2);
a = TSVector.Dot(edge1, h);
if (a > -EPSILON && a < EPSILON)
return false;
f = 1 / a;
s = origin - vertex0;
u = f * (TSVector.Dot(s, h));
if (u < FP.Zero || u > FP.One)
return false;
q = TSVector.Cross(s, edge1);
v = f * TSVector.Dot(direction, q);
if (v < FP.Zero || u + v > FP.One)
return false;
// At this stage we can compute t to find out where the intersection point is on the line.
fraction = f * TSVector.Dot(edge2, q);
if (fraction > EPSILON) // ray intersection
return true;
else // This means that there is a line intersection but not a ray intersection.
return false;
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