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Created May 20, 2020 15:01
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import scala.util.Random;
import Ordering.Double.IeeeOrdering;
object GradientDescent {
import Util._;
import Util.CalculationCache.KeyValue;
sealed trait NodeTrait;
implicit def nodeCalculationKeyValue[Z] =
new KeyValue[Node[Z], NodeCalculationTrait, NodeCalculation[Z]]() {
def cast(v: NodeCalculationTrait) = v.asInstanceOf[NodeCalculation[Z]];
trait Node[Z] extends NodeTrait {
def output: Z = {
val cache = new CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]();
def lastOutput(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
val cacheElem = cache.getOrElse(this, {throw new Exception()});
def output(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z;
def backpropagation(derivative: Z, cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Unit;
def next(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Node[Z];
sealed trait NodeCalculationTrait;
trait NodeCalculation[Z] extends NodeCalculationTrait {
private[this] var _outputCounter: Int = 0;
private[this] var _output: Z = _;
private[this] var _backpropagationCounter: Int = 0;
private[this] var _backpropagationValues: List[Z] = Nil;
def lastOutput: Z = {
if (_outputCounter == 0) {
throw new Exception();
def output(p: => Z): Z = {
if (_outputCounter == 0) {
_output = p;
_outputCounter += 1;
def backpropagation(derivative: Z)(p: Z => Unit)(implicit shape: Shape[Z]): Unit = {
_backpropagationCounter += 1;
_backpropagationValues = derivative :: _backpropagationValues;
if (_backpropagationCounter == _outputCounter) {
trait Shape[Z] {
def sum(it: Iterable[Z]): Z;
case class Constant[Z](value: Z)
(implicit shape: Shape[Z])
extends Node[Z] {
def output(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
override def lastOutput(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
def backpropagation(derivative: Z, cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Unit = {
// nothing
def next(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Constant[Z] = this;
implicit def parameterNodeCalculationKeyValue[Z] =
new KeyValue[Parameter[Z], NodeCalculationTrait, ParameterNodeCalculation[Z]]() {
def cast(v: NodeCalculationTrait) = v.asInstanceOf[ParameterNodeCalculation[Z]];
case class Parameter[Z](param: (Z, Z, Z), deltaCalculator: DeltaCalculator[Z], id: Int)
(implicit shape: Shape[Z])
extends Node[Z] {
def value = param._1;
def output(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
val cacheElem = cache.getOrElse(this, new ParameterNodeCalculation[Z]);
cacheElem.output {
override def lastOutput(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
def backpropagation(derivative: Z, cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Unit = {
val cacheElem = cache.get(this);
cacheElem.backpropagation(derivative) { derivative =>
cacheElem.derivative = derivative;
def next(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Parameter[Z] = {
val cacheElem = cache.get(this); match {
case None =>
val n = Parameter(deltaCalculator.calcDelta(param._1, param._2, param._3, cacheElem.derivative),
deltaCalculator, id); = Some(n);
case Some(n) =>
object Parameter {
private[this] var _counter: Int = 0;
def create[Z](param: (Z, Z, Z), deltaCalculator: DeltaCalculator[Z])
(implicit shape: Shape[Z]): Parameter[Z] = {
_counter += 1;
val id = _counter;
Parameter(param, deltaCalculator, id);
def create[Z](initializer: Initializer[Z], deltaCalculator: DeltaCalculator[Z])
(implicit shape: Shape[Z]): Parameter[Z] = {
create(initializer.initialize(), deltaCalculator);
class ParameterNodeCalculation[Z] extends NodeCalculation[Z] {
var derivative: Z = _;
var next: Option[Parameter[Z]] = None;
trait AddShape[X, Y, Z] {
def add(x: X, y: Y): Z;
def backX(derivative: Z): X;
def backY(derivative: Z): Y;
implicit def addNodeCalculationKeyValue[X, Y, Z] =
new KeyValue[Add[X, Y, Z], NodeCalculationTrait, AddNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]]() {
def cast(v: NodeCalculationTrait) = v.asInstanceOf[AddNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]];
case class Add[X, Y, Z](x_node: Node[X], y_node: Node[Y])
(implicit addShape: AddShape[X, Y, Z], outputShape: Shape[Z])
extends Node[Z] {
def output(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
val cacheElem = cache.getOrElse(this, new AddNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]);
cacheElem.output {
val x_value = x_node.output(cache);
val y_value = y_node.output(cache);
addShape.add(x_value, y_value);
def backpropagation(derivative: Z, cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Unit = {
val cacheElem = cache.get(this);
cacheElem.backpropagation(derivative) { derivative =>
x_node.backpropagation(addShape.backX(derivative), cache);
y_node.backpropagation(addShape.backY(derivative), cache);
def next(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Add[X, Y, Z] = {
class AddNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z] extends NodeCalculation[Z] {
trait MultiplyShape[X, Y, Z] {
def multiply(x: X, y: Y): Z;
def backX(y: Y, derivative: Z): X;
def backY(x: X, derivative: Z): Y;
implicit def multiplyNodeCalculationKeyValue[X, Y, Z] =
new KeyValue[Multiply[X, Y, Z], NodeCalculationTrait, MultiplyNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]]() {
def cast(v: NodeCalculationTrait) = v.asInstanceOf[MultiplyNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]];
case class Multiply[X, Y, Z](x_node: Node[X], y_node: Node[Y])
(implicit multiplyShape: MultiplyShape[X, Y, Z], outputShape: Shape[Z])
extends Node[Z] {
def output(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
val cacheElem = cache.getOrElse(this, new MultiplyNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]);
cacheElem.output {
cacheElem.x_value = x_node.output(cache);
cacheElem.y_value = y_node.output(cache);
multiplyShape.multiply(cacheElem.x_value, cacheElem.y_value);
def backpropagation(derivative: Z, cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Unit = {
val cacheElem = cache.get(this);
cacheElem.backpropagation(derivative) { derivative =>
x_node.backpropagation(multiplyShape.backX(cacheElem.y_value, derivative), cache);
y_node.backpropagation(multiplyShape.backY(cacheElem.x_value, derivative), cache);
def next(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Multiply[X, Y, Z] = {
class MultiplyNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z] extends NodeCalculation[Z] {
var x_value: X = _;
var y_value: Y = _;
trait DivideShape[X, Y, Z] {
def divide(x: X, y: Y): Z;
def backX(y: Y, derivative: Z): X;
def backY(x: X, y: Y, derivative: Z): Y;
implicit def divideNodeCalculationKeyValue[X, Y, Z] =
new KeyValue[Divide[X, Y, Z], NodeCalculationTrait, DivideNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]]() {
def cast(v: NodeCalculationTrait) = v.asInstanceOf[DivideNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]];
case class Divide[X, Y, Z](x_node: Node[X], y_node: Node[Y])
(implicit divideShape: DivideShape[X, Y, Z], outputShape: Shape[Z])
extends Node[Z] {
def output(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
val cacheElem = cache.getOrElse(this, new DivideNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z]);
cacheElem.output {
cacheElem.x_value = x_node.output(cache);
cacheElem.y_value = y_node.output(cache);
divideShape.divide(cacheElem.x_value, cacheElem.y_value);
def backpropagation(derivative: Z, cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Unit = {
val cacheElem = cache.get(this);
cacheElem.backpropagation(derivative) { derivative =>
x_node.backpropagation(divideShape.backX(cacheElem.y_value, derivative), cache);
y_node.backpropagation(divideShape.backY(cacheElem.x_value, cacheElem.y_value, derivative), cache);
def next(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Divide[X, Y, Z] = {
class DivideNodeCalculation[X, Y, Z] extends NodeCalculation[Z] {
var x_value: X = _;
var y_value: Y = _;
trait SquareShape[X, Z] {
def square(x: X): Z;
def backX(x: X, derivative: Z): X;
implicit def squareNodeCalculationKeyValue[X, Z] =
new KeyValue[Square[X, Z], NodeCalculationTrait, SquareNodeCalculation[X, Z]]() {
def cast(v: NodeCalculationTrait) = v.asInstanceOf[SquareNodeCalculation[X, Z]];
case class Square[X, Z](x_node: Node[X])
(implicit squareShape: SquareShape[X, Z], outputShape: Shape[Z])
extends Node[Z] {
def output(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Z = {
val cacheElem = cache.getOrElse(this, new SquareNodeCalculation[X, Z]);
cacheElem.output {
cacheElem.x_value = x_node.output(cache);
def backpropagation(derivative: Z, cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Unit = {
val cacheElem = cache.get(this);
cacheElem.backpropagation(derivative) { derivative =>
x_node.backpropagation(squareShape.backX(cacheElem.x_value, derivative), cache);
def next(cache: CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]): Square[X, Z] = {
class SquareNodeCalculation[X, Z] extends NodeCalculation[Z] {
var x_value: X = _;
trait Initializer[Z] {
def initialize(): (Z, Z, Z);
case class SingleRandomInitializer(center: Double, width: Double,
derivativeWidth: Double, deltaWidth: Double) extends Initializer[Double] {
type A = Double;
private[this] val start = center - width;
private[this] val derivativeStart = - derivativeWidth;
private[this] val deltaStart = - deltaWidth;
def initialize(): (A, A, A) = {
Random.nextDouble() * 2.0 * width + start,
Random.nextDouble() * 2.0 * derivativeWidth + derivativeStart,
Random.nextDouble() * 2.0 * deltaWidth + deltaStart,
trait DeltaCalculator[Z] {
def calcDelta(value: Z, prevDerivative: Z, prevDelta: Z, derivative: Z): (Z, Z, Z);
case class SingleSimpleDeltaCalculator(eta: Double) extends DeltaCalculator[Double] {
type A = Double;
def calcDelta(value: A, prevDerivative: A, prevDelta: A, derivative: A): (A, A, A) = {
val nextDelta = derivative * eta;
val nextValue = value + nextDelta;
(nextValue, derivative, nextDelta);
case class SingleBetterDeltaCalculator() extends DeltaCalculator[Double] {
type A = Double;
def calcDelta(value: A, prevDerivative: A, prevDelta: A, derivative: A): (A, A, A) = {
val nextDelta = if (prevDelta * prevDerivative <= 0.0) {
derivative * 0.01;
} else {
val a1 = derivative / prevDerivative;
val a2 = 2.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(1.09861229 * (1 - 3 * a1))) - 0.5;
val a3 = a2 * prevDelta;
val nextValue = value + nextDelta;
(nextValue, derivative, nextDelta);
implicit object SingleShape extends Shape[Double] {
type Z = Double;
def sum(it: Iterable[Z]): Z = {
it.foldLeft[Z](0.0) { (s, e) => s + e }
implicit object ArrayShape extends Shape[Array[Double]] {
type Z = Array[Double];
def sum(it: Iterable[Z]): Z = {
it.reduceLeft { (a, b) => (0 until a.size) => a(i) + b(i)) }
implicit object SingleAddShape extends AddShape[Double, Double, Double] {
type X = Double;
type Y = Double;
type Z = Double;
def add(x: X, y: Y): Z = x + y;
def backX(derivative: Z): X = derivative;
def backY(derivative: Z): Y = derivative;
implicit object ArrayBroadcastAddShape extends AddShape[Array[Double], Double, Array[Double]] {
type X = Array[Double];
type Y = Double;
type Z = Array[Double];
def add(x: X, y: Y): Z = + y);
def backX(derivative: Z): X = derivative;
def backY(derivative: Z): Y = derivative.sum;
implicit object ArrayAddShape extends AddShape[Array[Double], Array[Double], Array[Double]] {
type X = Array[Double];
type Y = Array[Double];
type Z = Array[Double];
def add(x: X, y: Y): Z = (0 until x.size) => x(i) + y(i));
def backX(derivative: Z): X = derivative;
def backY(derivative: Z): Y = derivative;
implicit object SingleMultiplyShape extends MultiplyShape[Double, Double, Double] {
type X = Double;
type Y = Double;
type Z = Double;
def multiply(x: X, y: Y): Z = x * y;
def backX(y: Y, derivative: Z): X = y * derivative;
def backY(x: X, derivative: Z): Y = x * derivative;
implicit object ArrayBroadcastMultiplyShape extends MultiplyShape[Array[Double], Double, Array[Double]] {
type X = Array[Double];
type Y = Double;
type Z = Array[Double];
def multiply(x: X, y: Y): Z = => x * y);
def backX(y: Y, derivative: Z): X = => y * z);
def backY(x: X, derivative: Z): Y = (0 until x.size).map(i => x(i) * derivative(i)).sum;
implicit object SingleDivideShape extends DivideShape[Double, Double, Double] {
type X = Double;
type Y = Double;
type Z = Double;
def divide(x: X, y: Y): Z = x / y;
def backX(y: Y, derivative: Z): X = derivative / y;
def backY(x: X, y: Y, derivative: Z): Y = - x * derivative / (y * y);
implicit object ArrayBroadcastDivideShape extends DivideShape[Array[Double], Double, Array[Double]] {
type X = Array[Double];
type Y = Double;
type Z = Array[Double];
def divide(x: X, y: Y): Z = => x / y);
def backX(y: Y, derivative: Z): X = => d / y);
def backY(x: X, y: Y, derivative: Z): Y = (0 until x.size).map(i => - x(i) * derivative(i) / (y * y)).sum;
implicit object SingleSquareShape extends SquareShape[Double, Double] {
type X = Double;
type Z = Double;
def square(x: X): Z = x * x;
def backX(x: X, derivative: Z): X = 2.0 * x * derivative;
implicit object ArraySquareShape extends SquareShape[Array[Double], Array[Double]] {
type X = Array[Double];
type Z = Array[Double];
def square(x: X): Z = => x * x);
def backX(x: X, derivative: Z): X = (0 until x.size) => 2.0 * x(i) * derivative(i));
object Util {
class CalculationCache[A, B] {
import CalculationCache._;
private[this] var cache: Map[A, B] = Map.empty;
def get[AE <: A, BE <: B](key: AE)(implicit kv: KeyValue[AE, B, BE]): BE = {
if (cache.contains(key)) {
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
def getBase(key: A): B = {
if (cache.contains(key)) {
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
def getOrElse[AE <: A, BE <: B](key: AE, p: => BE)(implicit kv: KeyValue[AE, B, BE]): BE = {
if (cache.contains(key)) {
} else {
val v = p;
cache = cache + (key -> v);
object CalculationCache {
trait KeyValue[AE, B, BE] {
def cast(v: B): BE;
import GradientDescent._;
import Util._;
def main1(initialNodes: (Node[Double], Parameter[Double]), loopCount: Int): Unit = {
val finalNode = (0 until loopCount).foldLeft(initialNodes) { (nodes, i) =>
val cache = new CalculationCache[NodeTrait, NodeCalculationTrait]();
val param1 = nodes._2.value;
val output = nodes._1.output(cache);
println("%d %+7.4f %+7.4f".format(i, output, param1));
nodes._1.backpropagation(-1.0, cache);
def main1_1(deltaCalculator: DeltaCalculator[Double]): Unit = {
val initialNodes = {
val param1 = Parameter.create(SingleRandomInitializer(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), deltaCalculator);
val node1 = Square(param1);
(node1, param1);
main1(initialNodes, 10);
def main1_1_1(): Unit = {
def main1_1_3(): Unit = {
def main1_2(deltaCalculator: DeltaCalculator[Double]): Unit = {
val initialNodes = {
val param1 = Parameter.create(SingleRandomInitializer(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), deltaCalculator);
val node1 = Multiply(Square(param1), Constant(1000.0));
(node1, param1);
main1(initialNodes, 10);
def main1_2_1(): Unit = {
def main1_2_2(): Unit = {
def main1_2_3(): Unit = {
def main1_3(deltaCalculator: DeltaCalculator[Double]): Unit = {
val initialNodes = {
val param1 = Parameter.create(SingleRandomInitializer(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), deltaCalculator);
val node1 = Divide(Constant(-1.0), Add(Square(param1), Constant(0.001)));
(node1, param1);
main1(initialNodes, 20);
def main1_3_1(): Unit = {
def main1_3_3(): Unit = {
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