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Last active August 30, 2022 10:04
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Detect confricted IPs
#!/usr/bin/env node
// eth0とdocker0がコンフリクトすると docker run によるコンテナが異常になる
// eth0とbr-xxxxがコンフリクトすると docker compose によるコンテナが異常になる
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
function ipAddr () {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
return [
'inet brd scope global eth0',
'inet brd scope global docker0',
'inet brd scope global br-xxyyzzaabbcc',
'inet brd scope global br-ddeeffgghhii'
return execSync('ip addr|grep global').toString().split(/[\r\n]+/);
function getMask (bits) {
const mbits = 32n - bits;
return (0xfffffffn >> mbits) << mbits;
function min_n (...values) {
return values.reduce((sum, v) => {
if (v < sum) return v;
return sum;
}, values[0]);
function resolveRange (str) {
const bits = BigInt(str.split('/')[1]);
const mask = getMask(bits);
const addr = str.split('/')[0].split('.').map(v => BigInt(v))
.reduce((sum, v) => {
sum = sum << 8n;
sum += v;
return sum;
}, 0n);
const range = addr & mask;
return { addr, range, bits };
const IPs = ipAddr()
.map(line => line.trim().split(/ +/).filter((_v, i) => [1, 6].includes(i)))
.filter(line => line[1]?.match(/^(eth|docker|br-)/))
.reduce((sum, v) => {
const [token, name] = v;
const range = resolveRange(token);
sum[name] = { ...range, token };
return sum;
}, {});
const minMask = getMask(min_n(...Object.values(IPs).map(v => v.bits)));
const eth0 = IPs.eth0.addr & minMask;
const confricted = Object.keys(IPs).filter(key => key !== 'eth0').reduce((sum, key) => {
if (eth0 === (IPs[key].addr & minMask)) {
console.log(`eth0 [${IPs.eth0.token}] and ${key} [${IPs[key].token}] is CONFRICTED.`);
return 1;
return sum;
}, 0);
if (process.argv.includes('-v')) {
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