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Last active November 6, 2018 17:07
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Dear Google / GMail Team:

[Update,05Nov2018]: Since linking my phone, each time I login it sends a verification code to my phone without which I cannot login. This problem is the same as before, see the steps listed before. Lately, the google security system is hyperactive in kicking genuine users out and locking them out of their own account in the name of security. The Irony!

Since 21-Sept-2018, you have been locking me out of my 14-year old gmail account repeatedly. Though I got some support, your effort is inconsistent and superficial without fixing the root of the problem - locking my account each time I login {suport# [8-0106000023584]}. It is very annoying to get locked out each time I llog out of the account.

Each time I recover my 'locked' account, it gets locked again as soon as I log out thanks to your hyper-active safety/security system, an infinite loop that is roughly in this order:

  • Step#1. I use the reset password link (sent to the recovery mail or phone number) and change the password.
  • Step#2. Then login, and log out. Shut the browser.
  • Step#3. Reopen the browser, then, when I try to login again, you lock me out (of the just recovered account. WTH?)
  • Step#4. Now, I have to go through the whole process again (asking for a reset, signing into that email to use the reset password link to change the password - step#1, rinse, repeat...)

I am tired of you sending me a link each time I want to login to my account. Seriously, I have better things to do in my life. I hope this problem will be fixed by you ASAP as I have been using your Gmail services since 2004 and many important mails are associated and linked to my gmail account - see {support ticket # [8-0106000023584]. Forcing users to suffer at the hands of your over-active security system isnt nice.

I realised that your AI system gets triggered on the flimsiest excuse - when I used a different machine to login it quickly locked me out as soon as I enter the CORRECT password. A probable reason for the security system to be 'hyper-sensitive' could be the detection of duplicate alias spam accounts by spammers?

Out of curiosity, is this a new trick to force users to link their phone numbers with the gmail account? Even that seems b0rked. I dont know how the AI/ ML/ and security system is implemented but here is some unsolicited ML advice:

    1. People (gmail account users like me) use multiple devices to login to their OWN accounts from different locations at different times so their IP address and MAC address will keep changing. DONT kick them out and lock their accounts for no reason.
    1. Users (account owners) value their privacy so please dont force me to share or link my phone number with Google under the pretext of Security. Your ML and AI system must take into account the GDPR guidelines on privacy while implementing technical infrastructure catering to millions of people around the world.
    1. People use TOR for protecting their privacy. Dont block their accounts on the flimsy pretext that the IP has changed. Dont force me to give up my privacy for your financial gain.
    1. Security that is hyper-sensitive to the smallest change isnt necessarily secure and will only throw up false alarms that causes a lot of inconvenience and keeps the GoodPeople out, as in my case; while the Spammers continue to thrive.

Please train and fix your Machine learning system to respect the above scenarios AND please FIX your security bug and STOP wasting my time in an infinite security loop,

KThxBai! And again, please #DontBeEvil !

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