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Last active November 7, 2017 10:29
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A Buble Chart with Axis
Rank CountryCode SecrecyJurisdiction FSI SecrecyScore GlobalScaleWeight Highlight
1 CHE Switzerland 1466.1 73 5.625 0
2 HKG Hong Kong 1259.4 72 3.842 0
3 USA USA 1254.8 60 19.603 0
4 SGP Singapore 1147.1 69 4.28 0
5 CYM Cayman Islands 1013.2 65 4.857 0
6 LUX Luxembourg 817 55 11.63 0
7 LBN Lebanon 760.2 79 0.377 1
8 DEU Germany 701.9 56 6.026 0
9 BHR Bahrain 471.4 74 0.164 0
10 ARE United Arab Emirates (Dubai) 440.8 77 0.085 0
11 MAC Macao 420.2 70 0.188 0
12 JPN Japan 418.4 58 1.062 0
13 PAN Panama 415.7 72 0.132 0
14 MHL Marshall Islands 405.6 79 0.053 0
15 GBR United Kingdom 380.2 41 17.394 1
16 JEY Jersey 354 65 0.216 0
17 GGY Guernsey 339.4 64 0.231 0
18 MYS Malaysia (Labuan) 338.7 75 0.05 0
19 TUR Turkey 320.9 64 0.182 0
20 CHN China 312.2 54 0.743 0
21 VGB British Virgin Islands 307.7 60 0.281 0
22 BRB Barbados 298.3 78 0.024 0
23 MUS Mauritius 297 72 0.049 0
24 AUT Austria 295.3 54 0.692 0
25 BHS Bahamas 273.1 79 0.017 0
26 BRA Brazil 263.7 52 0.678 0
27 MLT Malta 260.9 50 0.99 0
28 URY Uruguay 255.6 71 0.037 0
29 CAN Canada 251.8 46 1.785 0
30 RUS Russia 243.3 54 0.397 0
31 FRA France 241.9 43 3.104 0
32 IMN Isle of Man 228.6 64 0.068 0
33 LBR Liberia 218.2 83 0.006 0
34 BMU Bermuda 217.7 66 0.042 0
35 CYP Cyprus 213.9 50 0.518 0
36 LIE Liechtenstein 202.4 76 0.01 0
37 IRL Ireland 187.4 40 2.313 0
38 BEL Belgium 181.2 41 1.863 0
39 GTM Guatemala 177.2 76 0.007 0
40 ISR Israel 173.8 53 0.166 0
41 NLD Netherlands 168.4 48 0.322 0
42 CHL Chile 166.7 54 0.12 0
43 SAU Saudi Arabia 163.9 61 0.037 0
44 AUS Australia 148.1 43 0.586 0
45 IND India 148 39 1.487 0
46 PHL Philippines 146.1 63 0.02 0
47 VUT Vanuatu 142.8 87 0.001 0
48 GHA Ghana 139.2 67 0.01 0
49 KOR Korea 124.3 44 0.302 0
50 VIR US Virgin Islands 118.2 69 0.004 0
51 WSM Samoa 117.5 86 0.001 0
52 MEX Mexico 117.1 45 0.211 0
53 NOR Norway 110.7 38 0.731 1
54 NZL New Zealand 109.4 46 0.129 0
55 GIB Gibraltar 109.3 67 0.005 0
56 SWE Sweden 100.9 36 1.006 0
57 ABW Aruba 99.5 68 0.003 0
58 ITA Italy 98.7 35 1.218 0
59 LVA Latvia 92.8 45 0.113 0
60 BLZ Belize 92.5 79 0.001 0
61 ZAF South Africa 90.9 42 0.203 0
62 BWA Botswana 90.6 71 0.002 0
63 AIA Anguilla 89.4 69 0.002 0
64 VCT Saint Vincent & the Grenadines 79.7 78 0 0
65 ATG Antigua & Barbuda 79.6 81 0 0
66 ESP Spain 77.5 33 1.09 0
67 CRI Costa Rica 74.9 55 0.01 0
68 TCA Turks & Caicos Islands 72.5 71 0.001 0
69 KNA Saint Kitts & Nevis 68.4 78 0 0
70 CUW Curacao 67.8 68 0.001 0
71 ISL Iceland 67.1 46 0.035 0
72 SYC Seychelles 60.8 71 0 0
73 SVK Slovakia 60.1 50 0.011 0
74 MKD Macedonia 59.5 66 0.001 0
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var height = 400;
var width = 600;
var margin = {
global: 40,
top: 40,
right: 200,
bottom: 80,
left: 40
d3.csv("data.csv", function(d) {
return {
rank : +d.Rank,
CountryCode : d.CountryCode,
secrecyJurisdiction : d.SecrecyJurisdiction,
fsi: +d.FSI,
secrecyScore: +d.SecrecyScore,
globalScaleWeight: +d.GlobalScaleWeight,
y: +d.FSI,
x: +d.SecrecyScore,
color: +d.Highlight,
size:+ d.GlobalScaleWeight,
}, function(data) {
var labelY = 'FSI Value';
var labelX = 'Secrecy Score';
var svg ='.chart')
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var x = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([d3.min(data, function (d) { return d.x; }), d3.max(data, function (d) { return d.x; })])
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var y = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([d3.min(data, function (d) { return d.y; }), d3.max(data, function (d) { return d.y; })])
.range([height, 0])
var scale = d3.scaleSqrt()
.domain([d3.min(data, function (d) { return d.size; }), d3.max(data, function (d) { return d.size; })])
.range([3, 30]);
var opacity = d3.scaleSqrt()
.domain([d3.min(data, function (d) { return d.size; }), d3.max(data, function (d) { return d.size; })])
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.range(['#00796B', '#FF6D00']);
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.attr("dy", ".71em")
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// bubbles
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.attr("cx", width / 2)
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.attr("opacity", function (d) { return opacity(d.size); })
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.style("fill", function (d) { return color(d.color); })
.on('mouseover', function (d, i) {fade(d.rank, .25); }) //use rank as unique id
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.attr("cx", function (d) { return x(d.x); })
.attr("cy", function (d) {return y(d.y); })
// Annotations
var annotations = [];
data.forEach(function(d) {
id: d.rank,
note: {
title: '#'+ d.rank+ ': ' + d.secrecyJurisdiction,
label: "FSI Value " + d.fsi,
wrap: 100
x: x(d.x),
y: y(d.y),
// data: {
// x: d.x,
// y: d.y
// },
dy: 30,
dx: 35,
color: color(d.color),
className: 'r' + d.rank + ((d.rank < '11' || d.color > 0) ? ' top10' : ''),
var makeAnnotations = d3.annotation()
//accessors & accessorsInverse not needed
//if using x, y in annotations JSON
// .accessors({
// x: d => x(d.x),
// y: d => y(d.y)
// })
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.cellFilter(function(d){ return > 0})
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// helpers
function fade(rank, opacity) {
svg.selectAll(".bubbles circle")
.filter(function (d) {
return d.rank != rank;
.style("opacity", opacity);
.classed('hidden', true)".r"+rank)
.classed('hidden', false)
function fadeOut() {
.style("opacity", function (d) { opacity(d.size); });
// and, ...clumsy!
.classed('hidden', false)
.classed('hidden', true)
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