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Last active February 7, 2018 09:39
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<h1>Country By Country Reporting</h1>
<h2>What is being measured?</h2>
<p> KFSI 6 measures whether the companies listed on the stock exchanges or incorporated in a given jurisdiction are required to publish worldwide financial reporting data on a country-bycountry reporting (CBCR) basis, and if the data is accessible to the public. A full credit is awarded when country-by-country reporting1 is required by all companies (which is not yet the case). A 25% credit is awarded if a country requires limited, but periodic worldwide country-by-country reporting for specific economic sectors, namely banking or extractive industries. </p> <p> In principle, any jurisdiction could require all companies incorporated under its laws (including subsidiaries and holding companies) to publish in their accounts financial information on their global activity on a country-by-country basis. In practice, however, no jurisdiction does this today. Appropriate reporting requirements can be implemented either through regulations issued by the stock exchange or by a legal or regulatory provision enacted by the competent regulatory or legislative body. </p> <p> Country-by-country reporting for financial institutions was adopted by EU member states in 20152 . The EU-CBCR rules for banks include annual disclosure of turnover, number of employees, profit or loss before tax, tax on profit or loss, and public subsidies received. On this ground, a quarter of a transparency credit (0.25 credits) has been awarded to all EU member states. </p>
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