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Created December 15, 2022 21:09
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Disl for UI
ui Web
* Defines a context for the screens
* A context is a set of screens that are related to each other.
* It can have preconditions that are checked before allowing the user to
* navigate to the screens in the context.
* A context can have preconditions that are checked before allowing the user
* to navigate to the screens in the context.
* Examples:
* context User
* preconditions
* user is logged in
* context Admin
* preconditions
* user is logged in
* user is admin
# When no context is specified, the default context is Public
context Public
// none
screen Home
section Header
image Logo
copy HeaderTagline
section LastChallenges
title "Last Challenges"
text "See what others are facing"
# GetLastChallenges returns Challenge[]
list GetLastChallenges(qty = 5)
item @goal,, @deadline, @price
form CreateChallenge
card Card
choice CreatedByPlayer
# option LABEL VALUE
option "Challenge yourself" true
option "Challenge a friend" false
* Renders a single line text input
* phrase ID
phrase Goal
* Renders a text input for a full name
* full_name ID
full_name PlayerName
* Renders an email input field
* email ID
email PlayerEmail
full_name SupervisorName
email SupervisorEmail
* Renders a date input
* date ID
date Deadline
* Renders a money (number with 2 decimals) input field
* number ID
money Price (
currency = "USD"
min = 0
max = 1000
when CreatedByPlayer's value is true
// # It is possible to use a custom component as a field
// # stripe_elements is a CUSTOM component
stripe_elements CardData (
token = @token
required when CreatedByPlayer's value is true
section ChallengeSuggestions
copy SuggestionsSectionTagline
section LatestTweetsTaggedEuDuvido
copy TweetsSectionTagline
paged_list tweets GetTweets
section Tweets
button Previous disabled={:start <= 0}
run tweets
list tweets's current_page
item @text,, @user.screen_name, @user.profile_image_url_https
button Next
run :tweets = NextTweets()
screen ConfirmChallengeResponse
# "Accepted" | "Rejected"
url response
copy AreYouSureOfChallengeResponse @response
button ConfirmChallengeResponse
when @response is "Accepted"
command AcceptChallenge
max_retry 3
on Success
open ChallengeAccepted
when @response is "Rejected"
command RejectChallenge
max_retry 3
on Success
open ChallengeRejected
button ChangeChallengeResponse
open ChallengeResponse
screen ConfirmSupervisionRequestResponse
# "Accepted" | "Rejected"
url response
copy AreYouSureOfSupervisionRequestResponse @response
button ConfirmSupervisionRequestResponse
when @response is "Accepted"
command AcceptSupervisionRequest
max_retry 3
on Success
open SupervisionRequestAccepted
when @response is "Rejected"
command RejectSupervisionRequest
max_retry 3
on Success
open SupervisionRequestRejected
button ChangeSupervisionRequestResponse
open SupervisionRequestResponse
screen CheckEmailToConfirmParticipation
copy CheckEmailToConfirmParticipation
ui Email
email ChallengeCreated
copy ChallengeCreatedEmailSubject
copy ChallengeCreatedEmailBody
button Share
open ShareYourChallenge
email YouHaveBeenChallenged
copy YouHaveBeenChallengedEmailSubject
copy YouHaveBeenChallengedEmailBody
button AcceptChallenge
open ConfirmChallengeResponse
data response=ChallengeResponse.Accepted
button RejectChallenge
open ConfirmChallengeResponse
data response=ChallengeResponse.Rejected
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