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Created August 3, 2017 10:47
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Urban Terror Config
// Bindings
bind x "weapnext"
bind z "+movedown"
bind ENTER "ui_selectgear"
// Funstuff
funfree patch,pimpbk,pbeard
funred patch,pimpbk,pbeard
funblue patch,pimpbk,pbeard
// Location shout
set location_shout1 "say Found Mark's raincoat at $location; set next_location_shout vstr location_shout2"
set location_shout2 "say Spotted a couple of abandoned JIRA tasks at $location; set next_location_shout vstr location_shout3"
set location_shout3 "say Walked past an empty Dr. Noodles box at $location; set next_location_shout vstr location_shout1"
set next_location_shout "vstr location_shout1"
bind BACKSPACE "vstr next_location_shout"
// Boss
set boss_shout1 "say !Bring up the spreadsheets!; set next_boss_shout vstr boss_shout2"
set boss_shout2 "say !Seppuku!; set next_boss_shout vstr boss_shout3"
set boss_shout3 "say !Abandon ship!; set next_boss_shout vstr boss_shout1"
set next_boss_shout "vstr boss_shout1"
bind CAPSLOCK "vstr next_boss_shout"
//===== Custom Zoom =====
// Zooms in on right click, but then a second right-click will simply zoom out.
set iy_zoom "vstr iy_zoomin"
set iy_zoomin "ut_zoomin; cg_fov 90; play sound/zoom.wav; set iy_zoom vstr iy_zoomout"
set iy_zoomout "ut_zoomreset; cg_fov 90; play sound/zoom.wav; set iy_zoom vstr iy_zoomin"
bind MOUSE2 "vstr iy_zoom"
// Performance
seta cg_drawfps "1" //Draw FPS in top right
seta cg_drawHands "0" //0 to disable gun being shown
seta cg_gunsize "1" //1 = small gun
seta cg_markTotaltime "0" // Milliseconds That A Mark Of A Bullet Will Stay On A Surface
seta cg_maxFragments "0" // Determines The Maximum Number Of Fragments A Breakable Object Will Break Into
seta cg_sfxbrasstime "0" //How long shell casing stay on the ground, in ms
seta cg_sfxMuzzleFlash "0" //Muzzle flashes from guns
seta cg_sfxParticles "0" //Smoke from bullets hitting walls
seta cg_sfxShowDamage "0" //Damage skins
seta cg_sfxSurfaceImpacts "0" //Sparks from bullets hitting walls
seta cg_sfxVisibleItems "0" // Shows Guns On Players Backs And Pistol
seta cg_visibleBleeding "0" //Bleeding from wounds. Does not affect blood trails
seta com_blood "0" //Blood! If set to 0, sfxvisiblebleeding is disabled too
seta com_hunkmegs "1024" //256 is good for 512 MB total system RAM. If you have more RAM, you can increase this. Never exeed 3/4 total system RAM. Don't exceed 1024 MB either because UrT will give you an error.
seta com_maxfps "60" //Max fps at maximum allowed in UrT. Set this lower if you want to avoid huge drops in firefights.
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