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Created January 1, 2020 20:43
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Day 20 of Adventofcode 2019 in Kotlin
Run like this:
val maze = Maze.loadFrom("prod") // prod is a file with the puzzle input
maze.shortestPathLength(maze.findPortal("AA"), maze.findPortal("ZZ"))
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
data class Pos(val row: Int, val col: Int) {
fun dist(other: Pos) =
(row - other.row).absoluteValue + (col - other.col).absoluteValue
enum class Orientation {
data class Portal(val pos: Pos , val label:String, val orientation: Orientation)
data class Node(val pos: Pos, val connectedSegments: List<Maze.Segment>)
data class PortalConnection(val portals: List<Portal>, val length: Int) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "${portals.first().label}-${portals.last().label}"
data class Maze(private val data: Map<Pos, Char>, private val nRows: Int, private val nCols: Int) {
val rawSegments = mutableListOf<Segment>()
val preparedSegments = mutableListOf<Segment>()
var nodes = mapOf<Pos, Node>()
var portals = mutableListOf<Portal>()
var portalConnections = listOf<PortalConnection>()
companion object {
fun loadFrom(fileName: String) : Maze {
val data = mutableMapOf<Pos, Char>()
var row = 0
File(fileName).forEachLine { line ->
line.trimEnd().forEachIndexed{ col,c -> data[Pos(row, col)] = c }
row += 1
val dim = data.keys.fold(-1 to -1){(max_row, max_col), (row, col) -> max_row.coerceAtLeast(row) to max_col.coerceAtLeast(col) }
return Maze(data, dim.first, dim.second)
data class Segment(val endA: Pos, val endB: Pos) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$endA-$endB"
fun otherEnd(pos: Pos) = if (pos == endA) endB else endA
fun getIntersection(other: Segment) : Pos? {
return if (other.endA.row > endB.row || other.endA.col > endB.col || endA.row > other.endB.row || endA.col > other.endB.col)
else if (endA.row == endB.row)
Pos(endA.row, other.endA.col)
Pos(other.endA.row, endA.col)
fun findPortal(label: String): Portal {
val p = portals.find { p -> p.label == label }
require(p != null) {"Find attempted for non-existing portal"}
return p
private fun splitSegments(segments: List<Segment>, other: List<Segment>) : List<Segment> {
val res: MutableList<Segment> = mutableListOf()
for (s in segments) {
val intersections = other.mapNotNull { os -> s.getIntersection(os) }.toMutableList()
if (intersections.isEmpty() || intersections[0] != s.endA) intersections.add(0, s.endA)
if (intersections.isEmpty() || intersections.last() != s.endB) intersections.add(s.endB)
for (ind in 1 until intersections.size) {
res.add(Segment(intersections[ind - 1], intersections[ind]))
return res
fun createNodeMesh() {
val rawNodes = preparedSegments.fold(mutableListOf<Node>(), {acc, seg -> acc.add(Node(seg.endA, mutableListOf(seg))); acc.add(Node(seg.endB, mutableListOf(seg))); acc})
val groupedNodes = rawNodes.groupBy{it.pos}
nodes = ( {entry -> entry.key to Node(entry.key, entry.value.flatMap {node -> node.connectedSegments}) }).toMap()
fun findPortalConnections(portal: Portal) : List<PortalConnection> {
val rootNode = nodes[portal.pos]!!
return findPortalConnections(portal, listOf(), rootNode)
private fun findPortalConnections(start: Portal, visits: List<Node>, cursor: Node) : List<PortalConnection> {
if (visits.isNotEmpty()) {
val foundPortal = portals.find { p -> p.pos == cursor.pos }
if (foundPortal != null) {
val v = visits.toMutableList()
val pathLength = (1 until v.size).fold(0, { acc, ind -> acc + v[ind].pos.dist(v[ind - 1].pos) })
return listOf(PortalConnection(listOf(start, foundPortal), pathLength))
val nextNodes = cursor.connectedSegments.mapNotNull { seg -> nodes[seg.otherEnd(cursor.pos)] }.filter{ node -> !visits.contains(node)}
val nextVisits = visits.toMutableList()
return nextNodes.flatMap { node -> findPortalConnections(start, nextVisits, node) }
fun createPortalConnections() {
portalConnections = portals.flatMap {portal ->
fun shortestPathLength(start: Portal, end: Portal) : Int {
val startConnections = portalConnections.filter{conn -> !conn.portals.any{ p -> p.orientation == Orientation.Outer && !listOf("AA", "ZZ").contains(p.label)} }.filter{ conn -> conn.portals.first() == start}
val paths = startConnections.fold(mutableListOf<List<PortalConnection>>(), {acc, conn -> val contrib = findPathsTo(end, 0, conn, listOf()); acc.addAll(contrib); acc})
return{p -> p.fold(-1, {acc, conn -> acc + conn.length + 1})}.min()!!
private fun findPathsTo(end: Portal, level: Int, nextConn: PortalConnection, rootConnectionPath: List<Pair<PortalConnection, Int>>) : List<List<PortalConnection>> {
if (nextConn.portals.last().pos == end.pos && level == 0) {
// If we have reached the end return the path
val connectionPath = rootConnectionPath.toMutableList()
connectionPath.add(nextConn to level)
return listOf({it.first})
} else if (rootConnectionPath.contains(nextConn to level) || level > 25) {
// If there is a loop return empty
return listOf()
} else {
// Now passing through an inner portal will recurse downwards
// While passing through an outer portal will pop the level
// On the top level only AA and ZZ are functioning outer labels
// On all other levels AA and ZZ are functioning as walls.
val newRootConnectionPath = rootConnectionPath.toMutableList()
newRootConnectionPath.add(nextConn to level)
val newLevel = if (nextConn.portals.last().orientation == Orientation.Inner) level + 1 else level - 1
val nextConnections = portalConnections
.filter{conn -> conn.portals.first().label == nextConn.portals.last().label && conn.portals.first().orientation != nextConn.portals.last().orientation}
.filter{conn -> (newLevel == 0 && (conn.portals.last().orientation == Orientation.Inner || listOf("AA", "ZZ").contains(conn.portals.last().label))) || (newLevel > 0 && conn.portals.last().label != "ZZ" && conn.portals.last().label != "AA")}
return nextConnections.fold(mutableListOf(),
{acc, next ->
val contrib = findPathsTo(end, newLevel, next, newRootConnectionPath)
} )
fun prepareSegments() {
val horizontal = rawSegments.filter { p -> p.endA.row == p.endB.row }
val vertical = rawSegments.filter { p -> p.endA.col == p.endB.col }
preparedSegments.addAll(splitSegments(horizontal, vertical))
preparedSegments.addAll(splitSegments(vertical, horizontal))
fun scan() {
var pathStart: Pos? = null
for (row in 0..nRows) {
for (col in 1..nCols) {
val pos = Pos(row, col)
val prevPos = Pos(row, col - 1)
val nextPos = Pos(row, col + 1)
val prevPrevPos = Pos(row, col - 2)
val c = data[pos]
if (c != null) {
if (c == '.') {
if (pathStart == null) pathStart = pos
} else {
if (pathStart != null) {
if (pos.col - pathStart.col > 1) rawSegments.add(Segment(pathStart, Pos(pos.row, pos.col -1 )))
pathStart = null
val prevC = data[prevPos]
if (prevC != null && c.isUpperCase() && prevC.isUpperCase()) {
if (data[prevPrevPos] == '.') {
// In this case the portal is to the left of the label
val orientation = if (col == nCols) Orientation.Outer else Orientation.Inner
portals.add(Portal(prevPrevPos, "$prevC$c", orientation))
} else if (data[nextPos] == '.') {
// In this case the portal is to the right of the level
val orientation = if (col == 1) Orientation.Outer else Orientation.Inner
portals.add(Portal(nextPos, "$prevC$c", orientation))
pathStart = null
for (col in 0..nCols) {
for (row in 1..nRows) {
val pos = Pos(row, col)
val prevPos = Pos(row - 1, col)
val prevPrevPos = Pos(row - 2, col)
val nextPos = Pos(row + 1, col)
val c = data[pos]
if (c != null) {
if (c == '.') {
if (pathStart == null) pathStart = pos
} else {
if (pathStart != null) {
if (pos.row - pathStart.row > 1) rawSegments.add(Segment(pathStart, Pos(pos.row - 1, pos.col)))
pathStart = null
val prevC = data[prevPos]
if (prevC != null && c.isUpperCase() && prevC.isUpperCase()) {
if (data[prevPrevPos] == '.') {
// In this case the portal is above the label
val orientation = if (row == nRows) Orientation.Outer else Orientation.Inner
portals.add(Portal(prevPrevPos, "$prevC$c", orientation))
} else if (data[nextPos] == '.') {
// In this case the portal is below the label
val orientation = if (row == 1) Orientation.Outer else Orientation.Inner
portals.add(Portal(nextPos, "$prevC$c", orientation))
fun paint() {
for (row in 0..nRows) {
for (col in 0..nCols) {
val c = data[Pos(row, col)]
if (c != null) print(c)
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