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Created January 3, 2020 18:03
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Save svantelidman/e4b14688760d50fdff4e80d6677e0625 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Messy - the mistake I made was not to go for memoization from the beginning which led to a lot
of churn which is obvious from the currrent look of the code.
Run like so:
val maze = Maze.loadFrom("prod")
val preparedSegments = maze.prepareSegments()
val nodes = maze.createNodeMesh(preparedSegments)
assertEquals(3146, maze.findShortestPath(nodes))
where prod is a file with the puzzle input
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
data class Pos(val row: Int, val col: Int) {
fun dist(other: Pos) =
(row - other.row).absoluteValue + (col - other.col).absoluteValue
fun offset(o: Pos) = Pos(row + o.row, col + o.col)
data class PathInfo(val length: Int, val traversedDoors: Set<Char>)
data class Node(val pos: Pos, val connectedSegments: List<Maze.Segment>)
data class Lock(val pos: Pos, val c: Char)
data class Key(val pos: Pos, val c: Char)
data class Maze(private val data: Map<Pos, Char>, private val nRows: Int, private val nCols: Int) {
val rawSegments = mutableListOf<Segment>()
var locks = mutableListOf<Lock>()
var keys = mutableListOf<Key>()
var allKeys: MutableSet<Char> = mutableSetOf()
var startPos: Pos? = null
var memoized: MutableMap<Pair<Char, Set<Char>>, Int?> = mutableMapOf()
companion object {
fun loadFrom(fileName: String) : Maze {
val data = mutableMapOf<Pos, Char>()
var row = 0
File(fileName).forEachLine { line ->
line.trimEnd().forEachIndexed{ col,c -> data[Pos(row, col)] = c }
row += 1
val dim = data.keys.fold(-1 to -1){(max_row, max_col), (row, col) -> max_row.coerceAtLeast(row) to max_col.coerceAtLeast(col) }
return Maze(data, dim.first, dim.second)
data class Segment(val endA: Pos, val endB: Pos) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$endA-$endB"
fun length() = (endA.row - endB.row).absoluteValue + (endA.col -endB.col).absoluteValue
fun otherEnd(pos: Pos): Pos {
require(pos == endA || pos == endB)
return if (pos == endA) endB else endA
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other !is Segment) return false
return (endA == other.endA && endB == other.endB) || (endA == other.endB && endB == other.endA)
fun horizontal() = endA.row == endB.row
fun getIntersection(other: Segment) : Pos? {
return if (other.endA.row > endB.row || other.endA.col > endB.col || endA.row > other.endB.row || endA.col > other.endB.col)
else if (endA.row == endB.row)
Pos(endA.row, other.endA.col)
Pos(other.endA.row, endA.col)
fun createNodeMesh(preparedSegments: List<Segment>) : Map<Pos, Node> {
val rawNodes = preparedSegments.fold(mutableListOf<Node>(), { acc, seg -> acc.add(Node(seg.endA, mutableListOf(seg))); acc.add(Node(seg.endB, mutableListOf(seg))); acc})
val groupedNodes = rawNodes.groupBy{it.pos}
return { entry ->
entry.key to Node(
entry.value.flatMap { node -> node.connectedSegments })}.toMap()
private fun splitAtKeyOrLockOrStartPosition(seg: Segment) : List<Segment> {
val cursorInc = if (seg.horizontal()) Pos(0,1) else Pos(1,0)
val nInc = seg.endA.dist(seg.endB)
var segStart = seg.endA
var cursor = seg.endA
val newSegments = mutableListOf<Segment>()
for (inc in 1..nInc) {
cursor = cursor.offset(cursorInc)
if (isNodeChar(data[cursor])) {
newSegments.add(Segment(segStart, cursor))
segStart = cursor
if (segStart != seg.endB) {
newSegments.add(Segment(segStart, seg.endB))
return newSegments.toList()
fun prepareSegments(): List<Segment> {
val horizontal = rawSegments.filter { p -> p.endA.row == p.endB.row }
val vertical = rawSegments.filter { p -> p.endA.col == p.endB.col }
val horizontalAfterJunctionSplit = splitSegments(horizontal, vertical)
val verticalAfterJunctionSplit = splitSegments(vertical, horizontal)
val horizontalAfterKeyLockSplit = horizontalAfterJunctionSplit.flatMap{ seg -> splitAtKeyOrLockOrStartPosition(seg)}
val verticalAfterKeyLockSplit = verticalAfterJunctionSplit.flatMap{seg -> splitAtKeyOrLockOrStartPosition(seg)}
val segments = mutableListOf<Segment>()
return segments
private fun splitSegments(segments: List<Segment>, other: List<Segment>) : List<Segment> {
val res: MutableList<Segment> = mutableListOf()
for (s in segments) {
val intersections = other.mapNotNull { os -> s.getIntersection(os) }.toMutableList()
if (intersections.isEmpty() || intersections[0] != s.endA) intersections.add(0, s.endA)
if (intersections.isEmpty() || intersections.last() != s.endB) intersections.add(s.endB)
for (ind in 1 until intersections.size) {
res.add(Segment(intersections[ind - 1], intersections[ind]))
return res
fun findShortestPath(nodes: Map<Pos, Node>): Int? {
val keyPaths: MutableMap<Char, MutableMap<Char, List<PathInfo>>> = mutableMapOf()
for (startKey in keys) {
keyPaths[startKey.c] = mutableMapOf()
for (goalKey in keys) {
if (goalKey != startKey) {
val startNode = nodes[startKey.pos]!!
val goalNode = nodes[goalKey.pos]!!
keyPaths[startKey.c]?.set(goalKey.c, findAllNodePaths(startNode, goalNode, nodes, listOf(), listOf(), setOf()))
require(startPos != null)
val startNode = nodes[startPos!!]!!
val startPaths = {
key ->
val keyNode = nodes[key.pos]!!
key to findAllNodePaths(startNode, keyNode, nodes, listOf(), listOf(), setOf()) }
.map{ p -> p.first to p.second.filter { pi -> pi.traversedDoors.isEmpty() }.minBy { pi -> pi.length }?.length }
.filter{ p -> p.second != null}.sortedBy { p -> p.second }
sp ->
val childLength = findShortestKeyCollectionPath(sp.first.c, setOf(sp.first.c), setOf(sp.first.c.toUpperCase()), sp.second!!, keyPaths)
if (childLength == null)
childLength + sp.second!!
}.fold<Int?, Int?>(null, {acc, i ->
if (acc == null) i else if ( i==null ) acc else acc.coerceAtMost(i)
fun findShortestKeyCollectionPath(currentKey: Char, foundKeys: Set<Char>, openedDoors: Set<Char>, accLength: Int, keyPaths: Map<Char, Map<Char, List<PathInfo>>>): Int? {
val remainingKeys = (allKeys - foundKeys) - currentKey
val memoKey = currentKey to remainingKeys
if (memoized.containsKey(memoKey)) return memoized[memoKey]
if (keys.size == foundKeys.size) return 0 // Path found
val nextPaths = keyPaths[currentKey]?.
filter{ kv -> !foundKeys.contains(kv.key)}!!
kv -> kv.key to
kv.value.filter{ pi -> (pi.traversedDoors - openedDoors).isEmpty() }.minBy { pi -> pi.length }?.length
.filter{ kv -> kv.second != null}
.sortedBy { p -> p.second }
val result = nextPaths.
map { kv ->
val newFoundKeys = foundKeys.toMutableSet()
val newOpenedDoors = openedDoors.toMutableSet()
val childLength = findShortestKeyCollectionPath(kv.first, newFoundKeys, newOpenedDoors, accLength + kv.second!!, keyPaths )
if (childLength != null) {
childLength + kv.second!!
} else {
.fold<Int?, Int?>(null, {acc: Int?, i: Int? ->
if (acc == null) {
} else if (i == null) {
} else {
memoized[memoKey] = result
return result
fun pathLength(path: List<Segment>) = path.fold(0, {acc, seg -> acc + seg.length()})
fun findAllNodePaths(cursor: Node, goal: Node, nodes: Map<Pos, Node>, visits: List<Node>, rootPath: List<Segment>, traversedDoors: Set<Char>) : List<PathInfo> {
if (cursor == goal) return listOf(PathInfo(pathLength(rootPath), traversedDoors)) // Path found
if (visits.contains(cursor)) return listOf() // Loop
val newVisits = visits.toMutableList()
val newTraversedDoors = traversedDoors.toMutableSet()
val c = data[cursor.pos]!!
if (c.isUpperCase()) {
val nextSegments = cursor.connectedSegments
.filter{ seg -> rootPath.isEmpty() || seg != rootPath.last()} // Don't go backwards
if (nextSegments.isEmpty()) return listOf() // Dead end
return nextSegments.fold(mutableListOf(),
{ acc, seg ->
val newCursor = nodes[seg.otherEnd(cursor.pos)]!!
val newRootPath = rootPath.toMutableList()
val contrib = findAllNodePaths(newCursor, goal, nodes, newVisits, newRootPath, newTraversedDoors)
private fun isPenetrable(c: Char) = c == '.' || isKeyOrLock(c) || c == '@'
private fun isKeyOrLock(c: Char) = c.isUpperCase() || c.isLowerCase()
private fun isNodeChar(c: Char?) = c != null && (isKeyOrLock(c) || c == '@')
fun scan() {
var pathStart: Pos? = null
for (row in 0..nRows) {
for (col in 1..nCols) {
val pos = Pos(row, col)
val c = data[pos]
if (c != null) {
if (isPenetrable(c)) {
if (pathStart == null) pathStart = pos
if (isNodeChar(c)) {
if (c.isUpperCase()) {
locks.add(Lock(pos, c))
} else if (c.isLowerCase()) {
keys.add(Key(pos, c))
} else if (c == '@') {
startPos = pos
} else {
if (pathStart != null) {
if (pos.col - pathStart.col > 1) rawSegments.add(Segment(pathStart, Pos(pos.row, pos.col -1 )))
pathStart = null
pathStart = null
for (col in 0..nCols) {
for (row in 1..nRows) {
val pos = Pos(row, col)
val c = data[pos]
if (c != null) {
if (isPenetrable(c)) {
if (pathStart == null) pathStart = pos
} else {
if (pathStart != null) {
if (pos.row - pathStart.row > 1) rawSegments.add(Segment(pathStart, Pos(pos.row - 1, pos.col)))
pathStart = null
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