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Created December 9, 2015 21:14
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module Main where
data BTree a = Nil | Node (BTree a) a (BTree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
inverse :: BTree a -> BTree a
inverse Nil = Nil
inverse (Node a b c) = Node (inverse c) b (inverse a)
buildBalanced :: [a] -> BTree a
buildBalanced [] = Nil
buildBalanced xs = Node (buildBalanced $ take half xs)
(xs !! half)
(buildBalanced $ drop (half+1) xs)
where half = length xs `quot` 2
tests :: [(BTree Int, BTree Int)]
tests = [
l 1 ==> l 1,
n (l 1) 2 (l 3) ==> n (l 3) 2 (l 1),
n (n (l 1) 2 (l 3)) 4 (n (l 6) 7 (l 9)) ==> n (n (l 9) 7 (l 6)) 4 (n (l 3) 2 (l 1)),
n (l 2) 3 (n (l 1) 4 (l 5)) ==> n (n (l 5) 4 (l 1)) 3 (l 2),
buildBalanced [1..50] ==> (inverse $ buildBalanced [1..50])
(==>) = (,)
l = \a -> Node Nil a Nil
n = Node
tester :: (Show a, Eq a) => (BTree a, BTree a) -> IO ()
tester (input, expected) = if actual == expected
then putStr "."
else do
putStrLn "Error! Got: "
print actual
putStrLn "Expected: "
print expected
actual = inverse input
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ tester tests
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