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Created April 16, 2018 21:20
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Hypernova server implementation suporting async rendering
// hypernova server implementation with support for async react components
// Serge van den Oever, Macaw
// If the hypernova server is run from iisnode we can access the appsettings in the web.config as
// environment variable, i.e.
// <configuration><appSettings><add key="GLOBAL_PREFIX" value="somevalue"></appSettings>...
// then use var globalPrefix = process.env.GLOBAL_PREFIX; to access the setting
// Example post body:
// {
// "sheep": {
// "name": "HypernovaSheep",
// "data": { "name": "Abracadabra" }
// },
// "counter": {
// "name": "HypernovaCounter",
// "data": { "counter": 5 },
// "metadata": { "strategy": "asyncRedux", "timeout": 2500, "baseUrl": "" }
// }
// }
// hypernova server configuration
const defaultHypernovaPort = 8080;
const defaultTimeoutMilliseconds = 30 * 1000;
const bundle = require('./server-bundle.js');
const hypernova = require('hypernova/server');
const domainTask = require('domain-task');
const domainTaskRun = require('domain-task/main').run;
const domainTaskBaseUrl = require('domain-task/main').baseUrl;
const domain = require('domain');
const path = require('path');
const express = require('express');
const connectDomain = require('connect-domain');
function getHypernovaPort() {
// if (!!process.env.HypernovaPort) {
// return parseInt(process.env.HypernovaPort);
// }
return process.env.PORT || defaultHypernovaPort;
function getTimeOutMilliseconds(metadata) {
if (!!metadata && !!metadata.timeout) {
return metadata.timeout;
if (!!process.env.HypernovaAsyncComponentTimeoutMilliseconds) {
return parseInt(process.env.HypernovaAsyncComponentTimeoutMilliseconds);
return defaultTimeoutMilliseconds;
function getBaseUrl(metadata) {
if(!!metadata && !!metadata.baseUrl) {
return metadata.baseUrl;
if (!!process.env.HypernovaFetchBaseUrl) {
return process.env.HypernovaFetchBaseUrl;
return `http://localhost:${getHypernovaPort()}`;
function wrapWithTimeout(promise, timeoutMilliseconds, timeoutRejectionValue) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => {
}, timeoutMilliseconds);
resolvedValue => {
rejectedValue => {
function bindPromiseContinuationsToDomain(promise, domainInstance) {
const originalThen = promise.then;
promise.then = (function then(resolve, reject) {
if (typeof resolve === 'function') {
resolve = domainInstance.bind(resolve);
if (typeof reject === 'function') {
reject = domainInstance.bind(reject);
return, resolve, reject);
function getComponentAsyncRedux(component, context) {
// create a component with Redux store that is initialized with the initial store data
let initializedComponent = component(context.props);
let domainTaskCompletionPromiseResolve;
let domainTaskCompletionPromiseReject;
const domainTaskCompletionPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
domainTaskCompletionPromiseResolve = resolve;
domainTaskCompletionPromiseReject = reject;
domainTaskRun(/* code to run */ () => {
// Workaround for Node bug where native Promise continuations lose their domain context
// (
// The property is set by the domain-context module
bindPromiseContinuationsToDomain(domainTaskCompletionPromise, domain['active']);
// Make the base URL available to the 'domain-tasks/fetch' helper within this execution context
// first render of the initialized component - should register promises using addTask
const domainTaskCompletionPromiseWithTimeout = wrapWithTimeout(domainTaskCompletionPromise, getTimeOutMilliseconds(context.metadata));
// When all registered promises are completed do the final rendering
domainTaskCompletionPromiseWithTimeout.then(successResult => {
}, error => {
}, /* completion callback */ errorOrNothing => {
if (errorOrNothing) {
} else {
// There are no more ongoing domain tasks (typically data access operations), so we can resolve
// the domain tasks promise which notifies the boot code that it can do its final render.
// return a promise that will resolve in the component to be rendered
return domainTaskCompletionPromise;
function getComponent(componentName, context) {
component = bundle[componentName];
if (component === null) {
console.log(`Component '${componentName}' not found in server bundle`);
return null;
if (!context.metadata || !context.metadata.strategy) {
return component;
switch (context.metadata.strategy) {
case "asyncRedux":
return getComponentAsyncRedux(component, context);
return component;
console.log('Hypernova server running node version: ' + process.version);
let app = hypernova({
devMode: false,
getComponent: getComponent,
port: getHypernovaPort()
// implement your custom express logic
app.use('/images/logo.svg', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../public/images/logo.svg')));
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