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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Django datas dump script writer
["sites", {
"comments": "django.contrib.sites: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "sites"
["auth", {
"comments": "django.contrib.auth [user and groups, no perms]: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["","auth.user"]
["emencia.django.countries", {
"comments": "emencia.django.countries: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "emencia.django.countries"
["tagging", {
"comments": "django-tagging: standalone, using natural keys seems to broke the dump",
"use_natural_key": false,
"models": "tagging"
["taggit", {
"comments": "django-taggit [alternative to tagging]: standalone, using natural keys seems to broke the dump",
"use_natural_key": false,
"models": "taggit"
["contact_form_app", {
"comments": "contact_form: depends of emencia.django.countries",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "project.contact_form",
"dependancies": "emencia.django.countries"
["googletools", {
"comments": "googletools: depends of sites",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "googletools",
"dependancies": "sites"
["zinnia", {
"comments": "zinnia: depends of sites, auth and tagging",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "zinnia",
"dependancies": ["sites","auth","tagging"]
["south", {
"comments": "south: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "south"
["easy_thumbnails", {
"comments": "easy-thumbnails: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "easy_thumbnails"
["filer", {
"comments": "django-filer: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "filer"
["porticus", {
"comments": "porticus: depends of tagging",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "porticus",
"dependancies": "tagging"
["djangocms-placeholder", {
"comments": "djangocms placeholders: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "cms.placeholder"
["djangocms", {
"comments": "djangocms base: depends of sites, auth and cms placeholders",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["cms", "-e cms.usersettings"],
"dependancies": ["sites","auth","djangocms-placeholder","cmsplugin-ckeditor", "cmsplugin-base"]
["cmsplugin-base", {
"comments": "djangocms plugins: depends of cms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["picture", "link", "file", "flash", "video", "googlemap", "twitter", "teaser"],
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["cmsplugin-ckeditor", {
"comments": "djangocms_text_ckeditor: required for cms but depends of cms [circular dependancy]",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "djangocms_text_ckeditor",
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["cmsplugin-snippet", {
"comments": "djangocms common plugins: depends of cms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "snippet",
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["cmsplugin-filer", {
"comments": "django-filer's cms plugins: depends of filer and djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["cmsplugin_filer_file","cmsplugin_filer_folder","cmsplugin_filer_image"],
"dependancies": ["filer","djangocms"]
["cmsplugin-zinnia", {
"comments": "zinnia's cms plugins: depends of zinnia and djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "cmsplugin_zinnia",
"dependancies": ["zinnia","djangocms"]
["cmsplugin-porticus", {
"comments": "porticus's cms plugins: depends of porticus and djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "cmsplugin_porticus",
"dependancies": ["porticus","djangocms"]
["slideshows", {
"comments": "slideshows and its cms plugin: depends of djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "slideshows",
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["socialaggregator", {
"comments": "socialaggregator and its cms plugin: depends of djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "socialaggregator",
"dependancies": ["taggit", "djangocms"]
["sites", {
"comments": "django.contrib.sites: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "sites"
["auth", {
"comments": "django.contrib.auth [user and groups, no perms]: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["","auth.user"]
["emencia.django.countries", {
"comments": "emencia.django.countries: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "emencia.django.countries"
["tagging", {
"comments": "django-tagging: standalone, using natural keys seems to broke the dump",
"use_natural_key": false,
"models": "tagging"
["taggit", {
"comments": "django-taggit [alternative to tagging]: standalone, using natural keys seems to broke the dump",
"use_natural_key": false,
"models": "taggit"
["contact_form_app", {
"comments": "contact_form: depends of emencia.django.countries",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "project.contact_form",
"dependancies": "emencia.django.countries"
["googletools", {
"comments": "googletools: depends of sites",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "googletools",
"dependancies": "sites"
["zinnia", {
"comments": "zinnia: depends of sites, auth and tagging",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "zinnia",
"dependancies": ["sites","auth","tagging"]
["south", {
"comments": "south: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "south"
["easy_thumbnails", {
"comments": "easy-thumbnails: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "easy_thumbnails"
["filer", {
"comments": "django-filer: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "filer"
["porticus", {
"comments": "porticus: depends of tagging",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "porticus",
"dependancies": "tagging"
["djangocms-placeholder", {
"comments": "djangocms placeholders: standalone",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "cms.placeholder"
["djangocms", {
"comments": "djangocms base: depends of sites, auth and cms placeholders",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["cms", "-e cms.usersettings"],
"dependancies": ["sites","auth","djangocms-placeholder","cmsplugin-ckeditor"]
["cmsplugin-ckeditor", {
"comments": "djangocms_text_ckeditor: required for cms but depends of cms [circular dependancy]",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "djangocms_text_ckeditor",
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["cmsplugin-snippet", {
"comments": "djangocms common plugins: depends of cms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "djangocms_snippet",
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["cmsplugin-various", {
"comments": "djangocms common plugins: depends of cms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["djangocms_file", "djangocms_flash", "djangocms_picture"],
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["cmsplugin-filer", {
"comments": "django-filer's cms plugins: depends of filer and djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": ["cmsplugin_filer_file","cmsplugin_filer_folder","cmsplugin_filer_image"],
"dependancies": ["filer","djangocms"]
["cmsplugin-zinnia", {
"comments": "zinnia's cms plugins: depends of zinnia and djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "cmsplugin_zinnia",
"dependancies": ["zinnia","djangocms"]
["cmsplugin-porticus", {
"comments": "porticus's cms plugins: depends of porticus and djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "cmsplugin_porticus",
"dependancies": ["porticus","djangocms"]
["slideshows", {
"comments": "slideshows and its cms plugin: depends of djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "slideshows",
"dependancies": "djangocms"
["socialaggregator", {
"comments": "socialaggregator and its cms plugin: depends of djangocms",
"use_natural_key": true,
"models": "socialaggregator",
"dependancies": ["taggit", "djangocms"]
Django datas dump script writer
Produce command line script usable within a Makefile or as a simple shell script to dump or load data with Django from the many app name you give it.
It need a dependancies map to know what is required to be dumped, actually this is only for "emencia-paste-djangocms-2" or "emencia-paste-djangocms-3" projects so it only knows about:
* Django contrib auth;
* Django sites;
* emencia.django.countries;
* contact_form;
* DjangoCMS and its common plugins;
* Zinnia;
* Porticus;
* South;
* django-tagging;
* django-taggit;
* easy-thumbnails;
* django-filer;
* django-google-tools;
* emencia-django-socialaggregator;
* emencia-django-slideshows;
Note : Many app depends on Django's content types but we don't matter because it is automatically filled by Django and we should never try to dump/load it.
import StringIO
from collections import OrderedDict
class DataDumpScriptMakefile(OrderedDict):
Object to store a catalog of available dumps with some methods to get a
clean dump map with their required dependancies.
* Dumps order does matter to respect module's dependancies;
* model or dependancy names can be string or either a list of names, take care that string is splitted on white spaces, if you use excude flag like '-e' with your model names, allways use a list;
* Circular dependancies is possible;
'use_natural_key': USE NATURAL KEY? BOOLEAN,
deps_index = {}
makefile_silencer = '@' # Make it empty to avoid silencer like without a Makefile
django_instance_path = 'bin/django-instance'
dumps_import_path = '$(IMPORTFROM_DATA_DUMP_DIR)/' # Must end with a slash
dumps_export_path = '$(EXPORTTO_DATA_DUMP_DIR)/' # Must end with a slash
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Perform string to list translation and dependancies indexing when setting an item
if isinstance(value['models'], basestring):
value['models'] = value['models'].split()
if 'dependancies' in value:
if isinstance(value['dependancies'], basestring):
value['dependancies'] = value['dependancies'].split()
for k in value['dependancies']:
if k not in self.deps_index:
self.deps_index[k] = set([])
OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
def get_dump_names(self, names, dumps=None):
Find and return all dump names required (by dependancies) for a given
dump names list
Beware, the returned name list does not respect order, you should only
use it when walking throught the "original" dict builded by OrderedDict
# Default value for dumps argument is an empty set (setting directly
# as a python argument would result as a shared value between
# instances)
if dumps is None:
dumps = set([])
#print "* Wanted:", names
# Add name to the dumps and find its dependancies
for item in names:
if item not in self:
raise KeyError("Dump name '{0}' is unknowed".format(item))
# Add dependancies names to the dumps
deps = self.__getitem__(item).get('dependancies', [])
# Avoid maximum recursion when we allready find all dependancies
if names == dumps:
return dumps
# Seem we don't have finded other dependancies yet, recurse to do it
return self.get_dump_names(dumps.copy(), dumps)
def get_dump_order(self, names):
Return ordered dump names required for a given dump names list
finded_names = self.get_dump_names(names)
return [item for item in self if item in finded_names]
def build_template(self, names, renderer):
Return a string contained all dumpdata lines for the given dump names
fp = StringIO.StringIO()
for i, item in enumerate(self.get_dump_order(names), start=1):
fp = renderer(fp, i, item, self.__getitem__(item))
content = fp.getvalue()
return content
def _get_dump_item_context(self, index, name, opts):
Return a formated dict context
c = {
'item_no': index,
'label': name,
'name': name,
'models': ' '.join(opts['models']),
'natural_key': '',
'silencer': self.makefile_silencer,
'django_instance': self.django_instance_path,
'import_path': self.dumps_import_path,
'export_path': self.dumps_export_path,
if opts.get('use_natural_key', False):
c['natural_key'] = ' -n'
return c
def build_dumpdata(self, names):
Build dumpdata commands
return self.build_template(names, self._dumpdata_template)
def _dumpdata_template(self, stringbuffer, index, name, opts):
StringIO "templates" to build a command line for 'dumpdata'
context = self._get_dump_item_context(index, name, opts)
stringbuffer.write('{silencer}echo "* {label}: dump.{item_no}.{name}.json"'.format(**context))
stringbuffer.write('{silencer}{django_instance} dumpdata {natural_key}--indent=2 {models} > {export_path}dump.{item_no}.{name}.json'.format(**context))
return stringbuffer
def build_loaddata(self, names):
Build loaddata commands
return self.build_template(names, self._loaddata_template)
def _loaddata_template(self, stringbuffer, index, name, opts):
StringIO "templates" to build a command line for 'loaddata'
context = self._get_dump_item_context(index, name, opts)
stringbuffer.write('{silencer}echo "* Importing: dump.{item_no}.{name}.json"'.format(**context))
stringbuffer.write('{silencer}{django_instance} loaddata {import_path}dump.{item_no}.{name}.json'.format(**context))
return stringbuffer
class DataDumpScriptCLI(DataDumpScriptMakefile):
Same as DataDumpScriptMakefile but for a simple shell script, so disable the silencer
makefile_silencer = ''
if __name__ == "__main__":
import json
AVAILABLE_DUMPS = json.load(open("data_dependancies_djangocms-3.json", "r"))
dump_manager = DataDumpScriptMakefile(AVAILABLE_DUMPS)
print "=== Dump map ==="
print dump_manager.build_dumpdata(['djangocms','porticus',])
#print dump_manager.build_loaddata(['deep-foo','socialaggregator',])
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sveetch commented Dec 4, 2014

Ok so i added a JSON file for dependancies with "emencia-paste-djangocms-2" that is pretty almost the same than "emencia-paste-djangocms-3" but the "cmsplugin-various" that become "cmsplugin-base" because in cms2 they were shipped in the cms and almost allways enabled, so the cms depend on them.

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