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Created May 21, 2024 23:45
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A pytest test used to learn using 'schema' library to validate JSON structure
This is a demonstration and tutorial for "schema" library until its implementation is
finished since library documentation is painful to understand.
Schema validate data values and possibly coerces them if instructed to do so.
Basically schema respect given scheme structure. A callable item (like list or dict) is
followed recursively, a type object (like int or str) expect a value in this right type
and almost everything (like "foo" or 42) else is assumed as an exact value expected.
Then there are validatatable operators to combine the basics in more advanced
Basic value validation
Basically, the scheme can define allowed values or possible type, like this: ::
Schema([1, 0]).validate([1, 1, 0, 1])
It will succeeds because we defined 0 and 1 in list as allowed values but: ::
Schema([1, 0]).validate([1, 2, 0, 1])
It will fails since 2 is not an allowed value. Or: ::
Schema([1, 0]).validate(1)
Fails because this is just not a list.
Basic type validation
We can allow to validate against value type: ::
Schema((int, float)).validate((5, 7, 8.5)
Here, any integer or float values are allowed. If we try: ::
Schema((int, float)).validate((5, "foo", 8.5)
It will fails with an error about ``foo`` that is not an integer or a float.
Operator classes
There are schema operator classes that allow to combine validation rules for more
advanced needs.
Use(arg) is to coerce value with 'arg' callable.
``And(arg1, arg2)`` is to perform boolean assertion with ``arg2`` callable
on ``arg1`` value, like for ``And(str, len)`` the given value must be a string
with length greater than 0.
With ``And(int, lambda n: n > 0)`` the given value must be an integer greater
than 0.
``Or(*args)`` Allows for a list of possible rules, the value must validate against
one of them.
``Optional(arg)`` Allows to make the condition as optional.
from django import forms
import pytest
from schema import Schema, And, Or, Use, Optional, SchemaError
from canopy.forms.forge import FormClassForge
from canopy.factories import ControllerFactory, SlotFactory
from canopy.utils.tests import html_pyquery
def test_schema_basic_value():
# Require an unique exact value
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
# Require three possible exact values in a list
allowed = ["yep", 42, None]
Schema(allowed).validate(["yep", 42, None])
Schema(allowed).validate([42, 42, 42])
Schema(allowed).validate([None, None])
# Does not match allowed values
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
Schema(allowed).validate(["nope", 1, True])
def test_schema_basic_type():
# Required integer type
# Not an integer
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
def test_schema_validatable_and():
# Required integer greater than 0
# We use a lambda to validate positiveness
res = Schema(And(int, lambda n: n > 0)).validate(3000)
# Not an integer
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
Schema(And(int, lambda n: n > 0)).validate("")
# Less than 1 will result in False
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
Schema(And(int, lambda n: n > 0)).validate(0)
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
Schema(And(int, lambda n: n > 0)).validate(-42)
# Required string longer than 0
# We just use len() function that will be always True until an empty string
Schema(And(str, len).validate("yep"))
# Empty
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
Schema(And(str, len)).validate("")
# Not a string
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
Schema(And(str, len)).validate(42)
def test_schema_validatable_or():
# Required integer greater than 0
# We use a lambda to validate positiveness
allowed = [42, "yep"]
# Not an integer
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
Schema(And(int, lambda n: n > 0)).validate("")
# Require either a positive integer or exact string "yep"
allowed = Or(
And(int, lambda n: n > 0),
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
def test_schema_advanced():
schema = Schema(
Optional("max_length"): And(int, lambda n: n > 0),
"choices": [[str, str]],
Optional("unexpected"): And(str, len),
"max_length": 3000,
"choices": [
["fookey", "Foo label"],
["harari-soul-fire", "Harari - Soul Fire"],
# Only 'choices' is required but can be empty
"choices": [],
# max_length must be greater than 0
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
"choices": [],
"max_length": 0,
# Choice items must be list of 'string, string'
with pytest.raises(SchemaError):
"choices": ["one", "two"],
# assert 1 == 42
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