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Created January 10, 2016 17:23
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Basic script to patch Stylesheet import paths
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This should enforce relative @import using the full path in sass files
Problem is, Compass resolve relative path as relative to the current file even into sass libraries.
'libsass' does not do that and allways resolves relative path to the current sass source file directory.
So some sass library like Foundation use the way from Compass do (and like node-sass seems to do also with some sugar).
Solution is, walk into all sass files from the given dir, search for all @import rule and prepend them with the right relative path.
* Add rich CLI interface with "click" or very minimal with argparse;
* Add possibility either to just search for import and resolving (and output them) or performe path patching;
import os, re
class InvalidImportRule(Exception):
class PatchStylesheetImports(object):
Recursively walk through a directory and correct every finded path within
'@import' rule to a path relative to the library root (given as instance argument)
REGEX_IMPORT_RULE = re.compile(ur'@import\s*(url)?\s*\(?([^;]+?)\)?;', re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, sources_dir):
self.sources_dir = sources_dir
def strip_quotes(self, content):
Naive quote stripping
if not content.startswith('"') and not content.startswith("'"):
return content
return content[1:-1]
def build_possibilites(self, lead, tail, ext):
return [
os.path.join(lead, "{}.{}".format(tail, ext)),
os.path.join(lead, "_{}.{}".format(tail, ext)),
def get_name_variants(self, lead, tail):
Return a list of all filename possibilities:
* Three available extensions (scss, sass, css);
* Filename can be prefixed or not with '_' character;
clean_ext = lambda x: '.'.join(tail.split('.')[:-1])
if tail.endswith('.scss'):
possibilities = self.build_possibilites(lead, clean_ext(tail), 'scss')
elif tail.endswith('.sass'):
tail = tail.split('.')[:-1]
possibilities = self.build_possibilites(lead, clean_ext(tail), 'sass')
elif tail.endswith('.css'):
tail = tail.split('.')[:-1]
possibilities = self.build_possibilites(lead, clean_ext(tail), 'css')
possibilities = self.build_possibilites(lead, tail, 'scss')
possibilities += self.build_possibilites(lead, tail, 'sass')
possibilities += self.build_possibilites(lead, tail, 'css')
return possibilities
def search_file_path(self, path):
Try to find accurate path for given import rule
Path resolving is the following:
1. Search for file relative to current file;
2. If not finded search for file relative to library root;
Each file searching is done on various filename possibility in order:
1. FILENAME.scss
2. _FILENAME.scss
3. FILENAME.sass
4. _FILENAME.sass
As soon as a file is finded, it's returned and stop further search.
lead, tail = os.path.split(path)
name_variants = self.get_name_variants(lead, tail)
# Possible paths for current relative position (starts from the current file)
local_name_variants = [os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self._current_path, p)) for p in name_variants]
# Possible paths for absolute relative position (starts from the library root)
absolute_name_variants = [os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.sources_dir, p)) for p in name_variants]
# Return the first valid path
for var in local_name_variants+absolute_name_variants:
if os.path.exists(var):
return os.path.relpath(var, self.sources_dir)
return None
def search_import_rules(self, path, filename):
Import rules search using a (not so bad) regex
filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
# Find all rules in file
with open(filepath, 'rb') as fp:
content =
declarations = self.REGEX_IMPORT_RULE.findall(content)
# All rules on same declaration line
paths = []
for declaration in declarations:
# Split multiple rule in the same declaration and unquote them
rules = [self.strip_quotes(v.strip()) for v in declaration[1].split(',')]
for item in rules:
print " * Original:", item
path = self.search_file_path(item)
paths.append("{}".format(path or ''))
if path:
print " - ", path
print " - Unable to find any valid path"
return paths
def rule_replacer(self, matchobj):
Path each path in @import declaration
declarations = matchobj.groups()
# Dont modify 'url' kind
if declarations[0] == 'url':
return u"@import url({});".format(declarations[1])
elif self.strip_quotes(declarations[1]).startswith('http://') or self.strip_quotes(declarations[1]).startswith('https://'):
return u"@import {};".format(', '.join(declarations[1:]))
# All rules on same declaration line
paths = []
for declaration in declarations[1:]:
# Split multiple rule in the same declaration and unquote them
rules = [self.strip_quotes(v.strip()) for v in declaration.split(',')]
for item in rules:
#print " * Original:", item
path = self.search_file_path(item)
head, tail = os.path.split(path)
# Remove '_' if any (TODO: should not be performed on other than sass/scss)
if tail.startswith('_'):
path = os.path.join(head, tail[1:])
#print "path:", path
if not path:
raise InvalidImportRule(u'Unable to find file for path "{source}" in "{filepath}"'.format(source=item, filepath=self._current_file))
# Remove extension for sass files
root, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if ext in ('.scss', '.sass'):
return u"@import {};".format(', '.join(paths))
def patch_import_rules(self, path, filename):
Patch import rules
filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
# Find all rules in file
with open(filepath, 'rb') as fp:
content =
declarations = self.REGEX_IMPORT_RULE.findall(content)
result = self.REGEX_IMPORT_RULE.sub(self.rule_replacer, content)
#print result
with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp:
content = fp.write(result)
def do(self):
Walk source directory to patch @import rules paths in every sass/scss files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.sources_dir):
self._current_path = root
self._current_dir = os.path.relpath(self._current_path, self.sources_dir)
if self._current_dir == '.':
self._current_dir = ''
print u"========= {} =========".format(self._current_path)
print u" [Relative dir: '{}']".format(self._current_dir)
#i = 0
for filename in files:
#for filename in ['foundation_toast.scss']:
if filename.endswith('.scss') or filename.endswith('.sass'):
print u"@ SOURCE FILE: {}".format(filename)
self._current_file = filename
#self.search_import_rules(self._current_path, filename)
self.patch_import_rules(self._current_path, filename)
## Temp breakpoint to avoid too much debug output
#i += 1
#if i >= 1:
# Very basic usage during development
SASS_DIR_PATH = "foundation5/bower_components/foundation/scss"
cleaner = PatchStylesheetImports(SASS_DIR_PATH)
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