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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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A sequence type that iterates over pairs of the underlying sequence
import Foundation
struct PairGenerator<T: GeneratorType> : GeneratorType {
typealias Pair = (first: T.Element?, second: T.Element?)
var baseGenerator: T
var previousPair: Pair
init(_ baseGenerator: T) {
self.baseGenerator = baseGenerator
self.previousPair = (nil, nil)
mutating func next() -> Pair? {
let pair = (first: previousPair.second, second:
previousPair = pair
if pair.first == nil && pair.second == nil {
return nil
} else {
return pair
extension SequenceType {
func pairs() -> GeneratorSequence<PairGenerator<Self.Generator>> {
return GeneratorSequence(PairGenerator(generate()))
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sveinhal commented Jul 3, 2015

Given any SequenceType this adds a method pairs() which returns another kind of SequenceType. It lets you iterate over pairs in a sequence, like so:

let words = ["good", "morning", "swift"]
for (a, b) in words.pairs() {
    print("\(a), \(b)")
    // nil, "good"
    // "good", "morning"
    // "morning", "swift"
    // "swift", nil

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