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Last active December 14, 2015 03:29
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LA RubyConf 2013
Refactoring Fat Models with Patterns: (
1 value objects # data clumps, attribute logic. if lot of methods have the same prefix
2 service objects # short lifecycle, coordinating multiple models, external service interaction.
3 form objects # one form, multiple models. create and update flows. use the Virtus gem.
4 query objects # first class objects encourage refactoring
5 view objects # .. (read about the two-step view pattern)
6 policy objects # use if you have complex reads, ancillary reads. whatever that means.
7 decorators # yeah.
Impressive Ruby Productivity with Vim and Tmux: (
brew install tmux # vim plugins
Dude where is my scalable API? (
@eljuanchosf # Fast job queueing - Beanstalk
Varnish-link # request caching
Ilya Grigorik ( # Highly recommended blog
How to make the most of a conference (
Corey Haines, Corey Haines. @coreyhaines
The Pragmatic Programmer by Dave Thomas
Smalltalk Dave Thomas
Jim Weirick
Python for Ruby (
Arrays are Lists
Hashes are Dicts
how python is different:
no blocks. but has function decorators which are similar to blocks.
first-class functions - functions as variables.
one-line lambdas by default.
[1,2,3] # a list
(1,2,3) # a tuple - immutable
from urllib2 import urlopen # select what you import from a lib, 'explicit is better than implicit'
false, None, [],(),{},'',0 all evaluate to false
doesn't have enumerables, has built-in functions # not as convenient as Enumerable
no case statements
no module mixins.
can't open a class and extend it. can't extend built-in types.
numpy, scipy # widely used scientific calculation libs, that ruby doesn't really have
python on windows is generally easier
community is bigger
"harder to write code that pisses of other developers in python"
Backbone.js, Jasmine and Rails: The Lust Story (
Why I like JRuby (
@msfionatay, pivotal
around since 2002, traction in prods since 2005
java libraries: NLP
actionmailer doesn't provide fine grained control. JavaMail allegedly better
directly call java code from ruby
other languages built on jvm: scala, clojure
might be ruby gems that wrap the java libs if you are lucky
leverage existing java deployment infrastructure
gem availability. gems with c-extensions don't work with j-ruby
long app startup time. inhibits TDD. difficult to set up Spork with jruby
concurrency. jruby has real threads. mri has threads with global interpreter lock.
- non-thread safe libraries results in bugs - rails, airbrake.
It's not your test framework, it's you (
jbehave # first BDD tool out there
rbehave # ruby
story runner /rspec
gherkin # state diagrams
given (start state)
when (event)
then (state transition)
fight pain
reveal intent
Recommendation Systems Using Ruby (
two main categories:
1. collaborative Filtering (nearest neighbor)
memory based
similarity functions
Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Cosine Similarity
model based
2. content based - classification
k-means clustering
3. hybrid of 1. and 2.
either combine them, or feed one into each other
evaluate recommendation quality
precision vs recall # textbook
clicks and click through rate # actual data
thumbs up thumbs down # user feedback
apache mahout
jruby mahout gem
recommenderlab for R
recommender systes: an introduction recommendation: item to item collaborative filtering"
grouplens an open architecture..
Keynote, Ron Evans
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