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Created August 9, 2013 06:04
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An annotation processor for localization using Java Resource Bundle
annotation Externalized {}
class ExternalizedProcessor extends AbstractClassProcessor implements CodeGenerationParticipant<ClassDeclaration> {
override doTransform(MutableClassDeclaration annotatedClass, extension TransformationContext context) {
for (field : annotatedClass.declaredFields) {
val initializer = field.initializerAsString
val msgFormat = try {
new MessageFormat(initializer)
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
field.initializer.addError("invalid format : "+e.message)
new MessageFormat("")
val formats = msgFormat.formatsByArgumentIndex
if (msgFormat.formats.length != formats.length) {
field.initializer.addWarning('Unused placeholders. They should start at index 0.')
annotatedClass.addMethod(field.simpleName) [
formats.forEach [format, idx|
addParameter("arg"+idx, switch format {
NumberFormat : primitiveInt
DateFormat : Date.newTypeReference()
default : string
returnType = string
docComment = initializer
static = true
val params = parameters
body = ['''
try {
String msg = RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("«field.simpleName»");
«IF formats.length > 0»
msg = «toJavaCode(MessageFormat.newTypeReference())».format(msg,«[simpleName].join(",")»);
return msg;
} catch («toJavaCode(MissingResourceException.newTypeReference())» e) {
// TODO error logging
return "«initializer»";
//private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCE_BUNDLE = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
annotatedClass.addField("RESOURCE_BUNDLE") [
static = true
final = true
type = ResourceBundle.newTypeReference
initializer = ['''ResourceBundle.getBundle("«annotatedClass.qualifiedName»")''']
override doGenerateCode(List<? extends ClassDeclaration> annotatedSourceElements, extension CodeGenerationContext context) {
for (clazz : annotatedSourceElements) {
val filePath = clazz.compilationUnit.filePath
val file = filePath.targetFolder.append(clazz.qualifiedName.replace('.','/')+".properties")
file.contents = '''
«FOR field : clazz.declaredFields»
«field.simpleName» = «field.initializerAsString»
def getInitializerAsString(FieldDeclaration f) {
val string = f.initializer?.toString
if (string == null)
return "empty string"
return string.substring(1, string.length-1)
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