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Created November 25, 2013 09:50
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Simple module approach for ceating a user on a Ubuntu host with puppet * Tested with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. * Does not need libshadow1.8 and ruby-shadow. * Creates home folder and adds groups
# moudles/user/init.pp
class user {
exec { 'Removing existing user':
command => "deluser $user_name",
cwd => "/tmp",
path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/bin"],
before => Exec["Creating user"],
onlyif => "grep -c $user_name /etc/shadow"
exec { 'Creating user':
command => "adduser --quiet --disabled-password $user_name && usermod -aG $user_groups $user_name",
cwd => "/tmp",
path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/bin"],
exec { 'Setting password':
command => "openssl passwd -1 $user_password > /tmp/passwd.hash && hash=`cat /tmp/passwd.hash` && usermod -p \$hash $user_name && rm /tmp/passwd.hash",
cwd => "/tmp",
path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/bin"],
subscribe => Exec["Creating user"]
$user_name = "dev"
$user_password = 'qwertzu88'
$user_groups = 'adm,sudo,ssh'
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