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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Module Module1
Dim GlobalWord As String
Class PersonType
Public Sub New()
SecretName = "hushhush"
End Sub
Public Property FirstName As String
Public Property LastName As String
Private Property SecretName As String
Public Function AskMeMySecretName() As String
Return SecretName
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim PersonA As New PersonType
Dim PersonB As New PersonType
'These Properties can be retrieved or set from anywhere because
'they are declared as public.
'Notice how each instance of the class as it's own FirstName and
'LastName variable.
PersonA.FirstName = "Steve"
PersonA.LastName = "M"
PersonB.FirstName = "Dan"
PersonB.LastName = "W"
'The below will not compile because SecretName is Private and cannot
'be accessed from outside.
' PersonA.SecretName = "Svenski"
GlobalWord = "hola"
Dim LocalWord = "hello"
'We can get PersonAs SecretName by calling a public Function that
'returns it.
Dim PersonASecretName As String = PersonA.AskMeMySecretName()
Console.WriteLine("PersonA's first name is " & PersonA.FirstName & ". " &
"PersonB's first name is " & PersonB.FirstName & ". " &
"GlobalWord is " & GlobalWord & ".")
Console.WriteLine("PersonA's super secret name is " & PersonASecretName)
End Sub
Sub Aux()
' GlobalWord can be accessed from anywhere, but LocalWord is local to Main().
' Likewise, PersonA and PersonB objects are local to Main().
GlobalWord = "something else"
' Won't compile
' LocalWord = "blah"
End Sub
End Module
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