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Last active March 16, 2023 06:58
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Backup of images of my orgnizations on Docker Hub

Backup of my organizations on Docker Hub

Needs, xz and jq

hub-tool login
hub-tool org ls --verbose
# Dies
# Create orgs.txt from log
cat orgs.txt |xargs mkdir -p
cat orgs.txt | xargs -I % hub-tool repo ls --format json % | jq -r '.[].Name' > repos.txt
cat repos.txt | xargs -I % hub-tool tag ls --format json % | jq -r '.[].Name' > tags.txt

Prune tags.txt, to remove old versions and latest tags which have version next to it.

cat tags.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'docker pull %;docker image save % | xz -T 0 > %.tar.xz;docker rmi -f %'
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compress with multiple threads

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