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Created July 2, 2015 14:05
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Find if any of the given strings exists in any of .java source files in a folder
(ns playground
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as s])
(defn walk [dirpath pattern]
(doall (filter #(re-matches pattern (.getName %))
(file-seq (io/file dirpath)))))
(defn get-lib [lib-s]
(second (s/split (first (s/split lib-s #",")) #" ")))
(defn search-libs [fp]
(with-open [rdr ( fp)]
(reduce (fn [a b] (conj a (get-lib b))) [] (line-seq rdr))))
(defn get-all-files [path]
(reduce (fn [a b] (conj a b)) [] (walk path #".*\.java")))
(defn search-string-in-file [needle fp]
(let [haystack (slurp fp)]
(if (and needle haystack (.contains (.toLowerCase haystack) (.toLowerCase needle))) fp nil))
(catch Exception e nil)))
(defn search-libs-in-file [file libs]
(remove #(= nil %) (map #(search-string-in-file % file)
(defn search-package-in-source [package-txt-file source-path]
(let [files (get-all-files source-path)]
(reduce (fn [a b]
(let [found-files (search-libs-in-file b (search-libs package-txt-file))]
(if-not (empty? found-files)
(conj a found-files)
[] files)))
(search-package-in-source "e:/bundles.txt" "e:/svn/trunk")
; bundles.txt
; -, sometext
; -, sometext
; ....
; e:/svn/trunk
; is a folder containing a lot of .java files
; The goal is to find any file that contains at least one of the namespaces in bundles.txt.
; So import will hit, whereas
; import will not hit
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