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Cheat Sheet of Classes/Function Modules, Transaction Codes and Views in SAP CRM

Classes and Function Modules

Name Type Description Purpose
cl_scmg_case_api CL Case: API A useful API class for performing operations against CRM Cases. This class implements the IF_SCMG_CASE_API interface.
rh_struc_get FM Read Structures A function module useful for reading the Organisation structure based on the Evaluation path and object you provide it. An example is that you can determine a user's organisational heirarchy.
end_time_determine FM Calendar: Determine end date and time A function module that will determine the end date based off the duration you provide (also depends on Calendar. E.g. working calendar).
if_crm_ui_navigation_service IF Navigation Service
cl_crm_ui_navigation_service CL Navigation Service
cl_crm_ui_descriptor_obj_srv CL Creation Service
if_bol_bo_property_access IF Access Interface for BO Attributes Interface which allows for the retrieval of information from context nodes (model and value). Please note, that a different interface must be used for mixed nodes (I think...).
guid_create FM Create GUID ('globally unique ID') This function module will generate a GUID for you. It can generate GUID_16, GUID_22, and GUID_32 typed data.
bapi_bupa_central_getdetail FM SAP BP, BAPI: Read Central Data This function module will read and return the general business partner information based off the BP ID that you provide.
bapi_bupa_existence_check FM SAP BP, BAPI: Check Existence of Business Partner This function module will check that the business partner exists.
bapi_bupa_relationships_get FM
bapi_bupa_roles_get FM
bapi_bupa_role_existence_check FM
crm_order_get_header_guid FM
crmd_orderadm_h_read_ow FM
crmd_orderadm_i_read_ow FM
crm_order_save FM
crm_intlay_get_handle FM
bapi_transaction_commit FM
coversion_exit_alpha_input FM Zeros to left
conversion_exit_alpha_output FM Destroy zeros
cl_bsp_wd_context_node CL WD Context Node
cl_bsp_wd_context_node_tree CL Special Context Node for Tree-Table View
cl_bsp_wd_tree_node_proxy CL Generic Proxy Object for Tree Node
bsp_dlc_delete_personalisation REP WebClient UI: Delete UI Personalisation Data User Personalisation can be deleted by "Reset to Default" in the WebUI. Administrators can delete it also using this report.
fssc_rds_catschema_exp_imp REP Export and Import Categorisation Schema Exports a Categorisation Schema to a tab separated text file. Can also be imported from a file.
crm_dataexchange_toolbox REP CRM Dataexchange Toolbox Provides a single view listing and allowing the execution of various reports related to analysis. In summary, a toolbox.
crm_order_read REP Test Program for CRM_ORDER_READ function module. Executes the function module. The biggest difference (imo) is the ability for you to easily enter a transaction id, instead of having to find out the Header GUID.

TCodes (Transaction Codes)

Transaction ID Short Text
AL08 Users Logged On
BP Business Partner Cockpit
BSP_WD_CMPWB UI Component Workbench
BWA1 DataSource Maintenance
BWA7 BW Adapter Monitor
COMM_HIERARCHY Maintain Categories and Hierarchies
COMMPR01 Product Workbench
CRM_BUPA_ARC Business partner archiving
CRM_BUPA_LOG Log of Business Partner Archiving
CRM_UI Start CRM WebClient
CRMD_ORDER Transaction Processing
CRMM_BUPA_MAP Business partner data exchange
CRMM_BUPA_SEND Business Partner: Sending Directly
CRMS_IC_CROSS_SYS Transaction Launcher Logical Systems
GENIL_BOL_BROWSER Browser for Business Object Layer
GENIL_MODEL_BROWSER Model Browser for genIL Applications
PFCG Role Maintenance
PP01 Maintain Plan Data (Menu-Guided)
PPOMA_CRM Change Organizational Model
RSA2 SAPI DataSource Repository
RSA5 Install Business Content
SA38 ABAP Reporting
SAAB Activate Checkpoint Groups
SCASE Case Management
SCC1 Client Copy - Special Selections
SCC4 Client Administration
SCI ABAP Code Inspector
SCID Code Inspector for Specified Object
SCII Code Inspector: Inspection
SDIMA Data Integrity Manager
SE01 Transport Organizer
SE11 ABAP Dictionary Maintenance
SE13 Maintain Technical Settings (Tables)
SE14 Utilities for Dictionary Tables
SE16 Data Browser
SE18 Business Add-Ins: Definitions
SE19 Business Add-Ins: Implementations
SE21 Package Builder
SE24 Class Builder
SE37 ABAP Function Modules
SE38 ABAP Editor
SE80 Object Navigator
SE91 Message Maintenance
SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes
SFP Form Builder
SFW_BROWSER Switch Framework Browser
SHMA Shared Objects: Management
SHMM Shared Objects Monitor
SICF HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance
SLICENSE Administer SAP Licenses
SLIN ABAP Extended Program Check
SM01 Lock Transactions
SM02 System Messages
SM04 User List
SM05 HTTP Session Management: Monitoring
SM12 Display and Delete Locks
SM30 Call View Maintenance
SM34 Viewcluster maintenance call
SM36 Schedule Background Job
SM37 Overview of job selection
SM50 Work Process Overview
SM58 Asynchronous RFC Error Log
SM66 Systemwide Work Process Overview
SMOEAC Administration Console
SMOF_MONITOR CRM Middleware Load Monitor
SMQ1 qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)
SMQ2 qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)
SMQR Registration of Inbound Queues
SMQS Registration of Destinations
SMW01 Display BDocs
SMW02 Display BDoc Summary
SMW03 Show stats of unproc. BDoc messages
SMW20 Process BDocs
SMWMFLOW Monitoring Middleware Message Flow
SMWP CRM Middleware Monitoring Cockpit
SMWT Middleware Trace
SNRO Number Range Objects
SOST SAPconnect Send Requests
SPPFP Process Actions
SPRO Customizing - Edit Project
SPROXY Enterprise Repository Browser
SPROXY Enterprise Repository Browser
SRT_TOOLS SOA Runtime Tools
ST01 System Trace
ST02 Setups/Tune Buffers
ST03 Workload and Performance Statistics
ST04 DB Performance Monitor (per AS)
ST05 Performance Trace
ST06 Operating System Monitor
ST10 Table Call Statistics
ST12 Single transaction analysis
ST22 ABAP Dump Analysis
STAUTHTRACE Authorization Trace
STMS Transport Management System
SU01 User Maintenance
SU3 Maintain Users Own Data
SU53 Evaluate Authorization Check
SVAR Entry Point for Service Variants
SXI_MONITOR XI: Message Monitoring
SXMB_ADM Integration Engine - Administration
SXMB_MONI Integration Engine – Monitoring
WUI Start the WebClient UI
WUI_DBG Start the WebClient UI (Debug mode)
WUI_SSO Start the WebClient UI (Single Sign-on)
CRMC_IC_AUI_FWD Define Recipient Profile for Forwarding (Agent Inbox)
CRMC_IC_AUI_QUICKS Define Quick Searches


Name Type Short Text Description
BSPC_DL_PERSSTOR Trans Storage Table for XML Personalised Layout Descriptions This table contains Users' personalisation in the WebUI. If a user doesn’t have an entry in this table, then they don't have anything personalised.
BSPDLCV_OBJ_TYPE Mntn Object Type This view displays all the Objects in the system. Most notably, it lists all the BOR Object Types and names.
BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT Cluster Enhancement Set Definition This view cluster lists the enhancement sets defined. It also lists each BSP component that has been definied under the sets, as well as each view that has been enhanced in that component.
BUT000 Trans BP: General data I This table stores General Information on the Business Partners (who would have guessed from the name).
BUT001 Trans BP: General data II This table also stores General Information on the Business Partners (who would have guessed from the name).
BUT0BK Trans BP: Bank Details This table stores all the Bank Details on a Business Partner. I have no idea what use this would be in any of the applications I have developed but can imagine lots of uses in DHS.
BUT0ID Trans BP: ID Numbers This table stores all the indentification details on the Business Partner. In DHS' case, you would expect to find a CRN here.
BUT100 Trans BP: Roles This is a table which stores which Roles are related to which Business Partner. For example, it would store that my BP is an employee (BUP003 role or something).
COMM_PRODUCT Trans Product Table This table stores all the general information about the Products configured.
CRMC_PROC_TYPE Trans Business Transaction Type This table stores all configurations of a business transaction done in SPRO.
CRMD_CASE_INDEX Trans Index table for Case document This is an index table (as obvious from the short text) for Cases. Please note, this table stores a different entry for every partner procedure against the Case.
CRMD_ORDER_INDEX Trans Index table for one-order document This is an index table (as obvious from the short text) for One-Order transactions. Please note, this table stores a different entry for every partner procedure against the transaction.
CRMD_ORDERADM_H Trans Business Transaction: Header This table stores all the header information on One-Order transactions. Please note, Cases are not One-Order.
CRMD_ORDERADM_I Trans Business Transaction: Item This table stores all the item-level information on One-Order transactions. Please note, Cases are not One-Order.
CRMV_IC_APP_COMP Mntn For maintaining IC application components. This view allows for the viewing and changing of the mapping of Interaction Centre components to the classes that provide that functionality.
CRMV_IC_BORADM Mntn Administration of system settings for Business Objects Maintenance table for the Logical Systems utilised by Transaction Launcher. For example, you specific the RFC destinations of the ERP system etc.
CRMV_PROCESS_MA Cluster Define Business Transaction Type This view cluster is used for the maintenance and configuration of business transactions. This is what the 'Define Transaction Type' object in SPRO references to.
E070 Trans Change & Transport System: Header of Requests/Tasks This table contains the header information of all transports created within the system. This is particularly handy when grabbing specific information from a number of transports (such as description).
SCMG_T_CASE_ATTR Trans Case Attributes This table stores all the Case information.
T778A Mntn Evaluation Paths This table lists all the evaluation paths and essentially tells the system how to pull the data back based on the relationship between objects.
TJ30 Trans User Status Lists every user status that has been maintained.
TJ30T Trans Texts for User Status Lists every user status text that has been maintained. It also stores the User Status ID and the Status Profile making it easy to differentiate.
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