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#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
#coding: utf-8
import gevent
import gevent.pool
class TestPool(object):
def __init__(self, maxsize=10):
from flask import Flask, Blueprint
app = Flask(__name__)
bp = Blueprint(__name__, "bp")
def test():
return "BP.test"
(function b() {
//The file goes through heuristics that turn object properties into
//a hash table
//run with
//d8 --enable-natives-syntax prop_heuristics.js
//Note that even if object has fast properties, there are still 2 kinds of
//fast properties (in and out of object) and only one of them is even faster.
svieira /
Last active December 25, 2015 00:09
If things are ugly, you may want another font.


These characters are all characters that can look similar - I use this to test monspace fonts for legibility.

gradient-with-fallback(fallback=none, gradient-args...) {
args = unquote(join(", ", gradient-args))
fallback = typeof(fallback) == "string" ? unquote(fallback) : fallback
background: fallback
background-image: -vendor-linear-gradient(args)
background-image: linear-gradient(args)
.test {
gradient-with-fallback(#FFF 150px, #CCC 100%, fallback: top left repeat-y url("some/image.jpg"))
svieira / generatorsAsCoroutines.js
Last active December 22, 2015 11:29
Possible reasons for wanting generator expressions to be generators / coroutines rather than simply iterable iterators. In response to questions from Dominic Denicola in
* Treat generators and coroutines the same
* This means we need to treat all generators
* as coroutines, rather than the other way around.
function *loggingDecorator(gen) {
let processed =;
while (!processed.done) {
console.log("INFO:", processed);
let unprocessed = yield processed.value;
from time import time
from logging.config import fileConfig
from twisted.internet import epollreactor
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
#!/usr/bin/env python
Tail-Recursion helper in Python.
Inspired by the trampoline function at
Tail-recursive functions return calls to tail-recursive functions
(themselves, most of the time). For example, this is tail-recursive:
svieira /
Created February 6, 2013 19:23 — forked from beala/
Inspired by:
def parse_args(target):
"""A generator that parses a stream of arguments one character at a time.
As soon as a flag, or flag value pair ("-a" or "-a value") is processed
the pair is sent off as a tuple to the 'target' generator.