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Last active August 15, 2022 09:29
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How to access a ublox GNSS-receivier with U-center when the receiver is connected to a Raspberry Pi and is only accessible through SSH

How to access a ublox GNSS-receivier with U-center when the receiver is connected to a Raspberry Pi and is only accessible through SSH

System topology

Systemsketch-Copy of Page-1

Config of the Raspberry Pi with the serial device connected (e.g. a ublox ZED-F9R)

  • Ensure that the computer is accessible with SSH and that socat is installed.
  • For a one time test, it is only necessary to run stty once like this: stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 38400 raw This is to ensure that baudrate is fixed, and that raw data traffic is used. Else it will probably fail in strange ways.
  • For a more permanent setup, it is probably smart to run this command whenever the device is connected. To do this, we use udev by adding a rule file named ublox.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ with the following content: SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1546", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01a9", MODE="0666", RUN+="/bin/stty -F /dev/%k 230400 raw" To find out what the idVendor and idProduct is, run lsusb -v and find the correct device in the output. The MODE="0666" isn't strictly necessary, but if accessing the serial device from a docker container, it will need elevated permissions on the device. The udev rule will run whenever the device is reconnected or on reboot.


How to set baud rate automatically when device connects?

Pass ATTR{idVendor} as argument in udev script

WSL/Linux PC

  • Ensure that it has socat installed.
  • Run: socat tcp-l:6000,fork,nodelay,keepalive,reuseaddr EXEC:"ssh user@raspberrypi socat - /dev/ttyACM0" This line will connect to the Raspberry Pi over SSH, start socat and clone port /dev/ttyACM0. It will then clone it onto TCP port 6000 for the WSL/Linux PC making it possible to use network connection in U-center by connecting to tcp://localhost:6000 or tcp://[IP-address]:6000


How can I create a virtual serial port that relays data over ssh?


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