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Last active May 31, 2021 18:57
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{peacesciencer} times
for (x in 1:100) {
# passing x to tic() makes it a label at time of the matching toc() call.
create_dyadyears(directed = FALSE, mry=FALSE) %>%
# start whittling to PRDs first.
# It means we start with contiguity
add_contiguity() %>%
mutate(landcontig = ifelse(conttype == 1, 1, 0)) %>%
# Add information about major power status
add_cow_majors() %>%
mutate(cowmajdyad = ifelse(cowmaj1 == 1 | cowmaj2 == 1, 1, 0)) %>%
# filter to PRDs
filter_prd() %>%
# Add GML-MID data (bare essentials)
add_gml_mids(keep=NULL) %>%
# Add peace years
add_peace_years() %>%
# Add NMC data
add_nmc() %>%
mutate(milperpop1 = milper1/tpop1,
milperpop2 = milper2/tpop2,
minmilperpop = ifelse(milperpop1 > milperpop2, milperpop2, milperpop1)) %>%
# create CINC proportion
mutate(cincprop = ifelse(cinc1 > cinc2, cinc2/cinc1, cinc1/cinc2)) %>%
# Add democracy data
add_democracy() %>%
# create weak-link specification
mutate(mindemest = ifelse(xm_qudsest1 > xm_qudsest2, xm_qudsest2, xm_qudsest1)) %>%
# Add alliance data
add_cow_alliance() %>%
# add SDP/GDP
add_sdp_gdp(system = "cow") %>%
mutate(wbgdppc2011est1 = exp(wbgdp2011est1)/exp(wbpopest1),
wbgdppc2011est2 = exp(wbgdp2011est2)/exp(wbpopest2),
minwbgdppc2011est = ifelse(wbgdppc2011est1 > wbgdppc2011est2, wbgdppc2011est2, wbgdppc2011est1)) -> Data
Data %>%
mutate_at(vars("cincprop", "mindemest", "minwbgdppc2011est", "minmilperpop"),
~r2sd(.)) -> Data
modDD <- glm(gmlmidonset ~ landcontig + cincprop + cowmajdyad + cow_defense +
mindemest + minwbgdppc2011est + minmilperpop +
gmlmidspell + I(gmlmidspell^2) + I(gmlmidspell^3), data= Data,
rm(M1, Data)
toc(log = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
Times <- tibble(x = unlist(lapply(tic.log(format = FALSE), function(x) x$toc - x$tic)))
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