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Last active April 14, 2020 13:12
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Simulate Ordinal Mixed Model Coefficients and Make Posterior Predictions
# Let's load the packages and the data. -----
# See this instead:
TV16 %>%
filter(racef == "White") %>%
filter(state %in% c("Indiana","Ohio","Pennsylvania","Wisconsin","Michigan")) %>%
mutate(whiteadvf = ordered(whiteadv)) -> Data
Data %>%
mutate_at(vars("age", "famincr","pid7na","ideo","lcograc","lemprac"),
list(z = ~r2sd(.))) %>%
~paste("z", gsub("_z", "", .), sep = "_") ) -> Data
# Simple ordinal model with state random effects. ----
Ord1 <- clmm(whiteadvf ~ z_age + z_famincr + z_pid7na + female + collegeed + z_ideo + (1 | state),
# Extract some model parameters and make sims ----
coefOrd1 <- coef(Ord1)
vcovOrd1 <- vcov(Ord1) # vcov without state random effect
vcovOrd1 <- vcovOrd1[-nrow(vcovOrd1), -ncol(vcovOrd1)]
simOrd1 <- MASS::mvrnorm(1000, coefOrd1, vcovOrd1) %>% tbl_df() %>%
mutate(sim = seq(1:1000)) %>% select(sim, everything())
# Get hypothetical data.
Data %>%
# Let's keep it simple and obvious. The min of z_ideo is "very liberal."
# The max of z_ideo is "very conservative."
# We should expect to see magnitude differences.
data_grid(.model = Ord1, z_ideo = c(min(z_ideo, na.rm=T), max(z_ideo, na.rm=T))) %>%
# because we got 1000 sims, we need to repeat this 1000 times
dplyr::slice(rep(row_number(), 1000)) -> newdatOrd1
simOrd1 %>%
# repeat it twice because we have two values of z_ideo
dplyr::slice(rep(row_number(), 2)) %>%
# arrange by simulation number after we repeated the data twice
arrange(sim) %>%
# rename these to be clear they're simulated coefficients
rename_at(vars("z_age", "z_famincr", "z_pid7na", "female", "collegeed", "z_ideo"),
~paste0("coef", .)) %>%
bind_cols(., newdatOrd1) %>%
# Manually calculate the logits
mutate(logit1 = `1|2` - ((z_age*coefz_age) + (z_famincr*coefz_famincr) + (z_pid7na*coefz_pid7na) +
(female*coeffemale) + (collegeed*coefcollegeed) + (z_ideo*coefz_ideo)),
logit2 = `2|3` - ((z_age*coefz_age) + (z_famincr*coefz_famincr) + (z_pid7na*coefz_pid7na) +
(female*coeffemale) + (collegeed*coefcollegeed) + (z_ideo*coefz_ideo)),
logit3 = `3|4` - ((z_age*coefz_age) + (z_famincr*coefz_famincr) + (z_pid7na*coefz_pid7na) +
(female*coeffemale) + (collegeed*coefcollegeed) + (z_ideo*coefz_ideo)),
logit4 = `4|5` - ((z_age*coefz_age) + (z_famincr*coefz_famincr) + (z_pid7na*coefz_pid7na) +
(female*coeffemale) + (collegeed*coefcollegeed) + (z_ideo*coefz_ideo))) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("logit")), list(p = ~plogis(.))) %>%
mutate(p1 = logit1_p,
p2 = logit2_p - logit1_p,
p3 = logit3_p - logit2_p,
p4 = logit4_p - logit3_p,
p5 = 1 - logit4_p,
sump = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5) -> simOrd1
simOrd1 %>%
group_by(z_ideo) %>%
list(mean = ~mean(.),
lwr = ~quantile(., .025),
upr = ~quantile(., .975))) %>%
select(z_ideo, p5_mean, p5_lwr, p5_upr)
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