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Created July 11, 2012 06:45
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Routing setup
Uncaught exception #1301610453: Could not resolve a route and its corresponding URI for the given parameters. This may be due to referring to a not existing package / controller / action while building a link or URI. Refer to log and check the backtrace for more details.
71 TYPO3\Fluid\ViewHelpers\Link\ActionViewHelper_Original::render((show)show, array, (Solution)Solution, (Company.Solutions)Company.Solutions, NULL, (), (), array, boolean, array)
70 call_user_func_array(array, array)
69 TYPO3\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper::callRenderMethod()
68 TYPO3\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper::initializeArgumentsAndRender()
Currently registered routes:
1. {node}/service/{--typo3_typo3_typoscript_plugin.solution}.html Solutions :: Tryweb.Solutions Show Solution
2. typo3/login(/{@action}.{@format}) TYPO3 :: Authentication
3. typo3/logout TYPO3 :: Logout
4. typo3 TYPO3 :: Backend Overview
5. typo3/content/imageWithMetadata/{image} TYPO3 :: Backend - Content Module - Images
6. typo3/content/{@action} TYPO3 :: Backend - Content Module
7. typo3/{module} TYPO3 :: Backend - Modules
8. typo3/{module}/{moduleArguments} TYPO3 :: Backend - Modules & arguments
9. {node}.html/{type} TYPO3 :: Frontend content with format and type
10. {node}.html TYPO3 :: Frontend content with (HTML) format
11. ({node}) TYPO3 :: Frontend content without a specified format
Information for route 1:
Name: Solutions :: Company.Solutions Show Solution
Pattern: {node}/service/{solution}.html
- @package => TYPO3.TYPO3
- @controller => Frontend\Node
- @format => html
- @action => show
- --typo3_typo3_typoscript_plugin => Array
Append: FALSE
./flow3 routing:list
Currently registered routes:
1. {node}/service/{--typo3_typo3_typoscript_plugin.solution}.html Solutions :: Tryweb.Solutions Show Solution
2. typo3/login(/{@action}.{@format}) TYPO3 :: Authentication
3. typo3/logout TYPO3 :: Logout
4. typo3 TYPO3 :: Backend Overview
5. typo3/content/imageWithMetadata/{image} TYPO3 :: Backend - Content Module - Images
6. typo3/content/{@action} TYPO3 :: Backend - Content Module
7. typo3/{module} TYPO3 :: Backend - Modules
8. typo3/{module}/{moduleArguments} TYPO3 :: Backend - Modules & arguments
9. {node}.html/{type} TYPO3 :: Frontend content with format and type
10. {node}.html TYPO3 :: Frontend content with (HTML) format
11. ({node}) TYPO3 :: Frontend content without a specified format
./flow3 routing:show --index 1
Information for route 1:
Name: Solutions :: Tryweb.Solutions Show Solution
Pattern: {node}/service/{--typo3_typo3_typoscript_plugin.solution}.html
- @package => TYPO3.TYPO3
- @controller => Frontend\Node
- @format => html
- @action => show
Append: TRUE
# #
# Routes configuration #
# #
# This file contains the configuration for the MVC router. #
# Just add your own modifications as necessary. #
# #
# Please refer to the FLOW3 manual for possible configuration options. #
# #
# Tryweb.Solutions subroutes
name: 'Solutions'
uriPattern: '<SolutionsSubroutes>'
package: Tryweb.Solutions
# TYPO3 subroutes
name: 'TYPO3'
uriPattern: '<TYPO3Subroutes>'
package: TYPO3.TYPO3
<f:layout name="Default" />
<f:section name="Content">
<div class="row-fluid">
<p class="pull-right"><f:link.action class="btn btn-success" package="Company.Solutions" controller="Solution" action="new"><i class="icon-plus white-icon"></i>Create a new solution</f:link.action></p>
<f:if condition="{solutions}">
<f:for each="{solutions}" as="solution">
<div class="span12">
<div class="thumbnail">
<img src="" alt="">
<f:link.action class="btn btn-primary" package="Company.Solutions" controller="Solution" action="show" arguments="{solution: solution}">Show solution</f:link.action>
<f:link.action class="btn btn-warning" package="Company.Solutions" controller="Solution" action="edit" arguments="{solution: solution}"><i class="icon-pencil white-icon"></i>Edit</f:link.action>
<f:link.action class="btn btn-danger" package="Company.Solutions" controller="Solution" action="delete" arguments="{solution: solution}"><i class="icon-trash white-icon"></i>Delete</f:link.action>
<p>No solutions created yet.</p>
name: 'Tryweb.Solutions Show Solution'
uriPattern: '{node}/service/{--typo3_typo3_typoscript_plugin.solution}.html'
'@package': 'TYPO3.TYPO3'
'@controller': 'Frontend\Node'
'@format': 'html'
'@action': 'show'
appendExceedingArguments: true
handler: TYPO3\TYPO3\Routing\FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler
objectType: Tryweb\Solutions\Domain\Model\Solution
uriPattern: '{name}'
- package: Company.Solutions
controller: Solution
action: index
targetNode: e74277d0-8e2b-48c5-839b-118fc4bf13dc
- package: Company.Solutions
controller: Solution
action: show
targetNode: dede5c3f-c19f-4a62-8be7-aaf9f121e530
- package: Company.Solutions
controller: Solution
action: new
targetNode: dede5c3f-c19f-4a62-8be7-aaf9f121e530
- package: Company.Solutions
controller: Solution
action: edit
targetNode: dede5c3f-c19f-4a62-8be7-aaf9f121e530
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