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Forked from kas240sx89/sampleMatchv2.js
Created April 7, 2023 11:51
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"UUID": "ed3d51dd-a88c-4697-80f3-361fc514d844",
"PatchVersion": "1.0.2alpha",
"GameMode": "casual",
"Timestamp": 1476088221,
"Duration": 1706,
"Stats": {
"endGameReason": "victory",
"losingTeam": 0,
"difficulty": "very_hard",
"freeunlocks": [
"gameMode": 9,
"queue": "casual"
"Teams": [{
"Players": [{
"Actor": "*Glaive*",
"Name": "Scribejewel",
"Stats": {
"banReason": 0,
"elo": 1282,
"elo_aral": 1217,
"elo_ranked": 1268,
"firstAfkTime": -1,
"guildTag": "",
"items": [
"Tornado Trigger",
"Tornado Trigger",
"karma": 15.375,
"karmaLevel": 1,
"l10wins": [
"lossStreak": 0,
"assists": 5,
"crystalMineCaptures": 3,
"deaths": 10,
"farm": 2266,
"goldMineCaptures": 0,
"itemGrants": {
"*1000_Item_HalcyonPotion*": 13,
"*1004_Item_SwiftShooter*": 1,
"*1005_Item_SixSins*": 2,
"*1010_Item_BlazingSalvo*": 2,
"*1012_Item_Sorrowblade*": 1,
"*1014_Item_TornadoTrigger*": 2,
"*1022_Item_CoatOfPlates*": 1,
"*1024_Item_MetalJacket*": 1,
"*1030_Item_SprintBoots*": 1,
"*1032_Item_TravelBoots*": 1,
"*1049_Item_TyrantsMonocle*": 1,
"*1065_Item_HeavySteel*": 1,
"*1068_Item_LuckyStrike*": 3,
"*1080_Item_MinionsFoot*": 2
"itemSells": {
"*1000_Item_HalcyonPotion*": 1
"itemUses": {
"*1000_Item_HalcyonPotion*": 12,
"*1032_Item_TravelBoots*": 1
"jungleKills": 16,
"kills": 5,
"krakenCaptures": 0,
"level": 12,
"minionKills": 48,
"nonJungleMinionKills": 32,
"turretCaptures": 1,
"skillTier": -1,
"skinKey": "Glaive_DefaultSkin",
"wentAfk": false,
"winStreak": 3,
"winner": false,
"wins": 51
"UUID": "54a0a1fa-2f64-418a-94cf-85fbe55ea758"
"Name": "",
"UUID": "",
"Won": false,
"Stats": {
"AcesEarned": 2,
"Gold": 49588,
"HeroKills": 16,
"KrakenCaptures": 0,
"TurretKills": 1,
"TurretsRemaining": 0
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