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Created November 14, 2022 01:05
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Vagrant up Virtualbox 7 public adapter log
vagrant destroy -f; vagrant up
==> homestead: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> homestead: Destroying VM and associated drives...
Bringing machine 'homestead' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> homestead: Importing base box 'laravel/homestead'...
==> homestead: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> homestead: Checking if box 'laravel/homestead' version '12.2.0' is up to date...
==> homestead: Setting the name of the VM: homestead
==> homestead: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> homestead: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
homestead: Adapter 1: nat
homestead: Adapter 2: intnet
homestead: Adapter 3: bridged
==> homestead: Forwarding ports...
homestead: 80 (guest) => 8000 (host) (adapter 1)
homestead: 443 (guest) => 44300 (host) (adapter 1)
homestead: 33060 (guest) => 3306 (host) (adapter 1)
homestead: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)
==> homestead: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> homestead: Booting VM...
==> homestead: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
homestead: SSH address:
homestead: SSH username: vagrant
homestead: SSH auth method: private key
homestead: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
homestead: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
homestead: Inserting generated public key within guest...
homestead: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
homestead: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
==> homestead: Machine booted and ready!
==> homestead: Checking for guest additions in VM...
homestead: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
homestead: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
homestead: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
homestead: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
homestead: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
homestead: your host and reload your VM.
homestead: Guest Additions Version: 6.1.36
homestead: VirtualBox Version: 7.0
==> homestead: Setting hostname...
==> homestead: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> homestead: Mounting shared folders...
homestead: /vagrant => /Users/halo/Code/homestead
homestead: /home/vagrant/fresh => /Users/halo/Code/fresh
==> homestead: Detected mount owner ID within mount options. (uid: 1000 guestpath: /home/vagrant/fresh)
==> homestead: Detected mount group ID within mount options. (gid: 1000 guestpath: /home/vagrant/fresh)
==> homestead: Running provisioner: file...
homestead: /Users/halo/Code/homestead/aliases => /tmp/bash_aliases
==> homestead: Running provisioner: handle_aliases (shell)...
homestead: Running: inline script
==> homestead: Running provisioner: setting authorize key (shell)...
homestead: Running: inline script
homestead: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDBeub1sTnpX7Tp7f0ukLAz7dMn7CS9w6eHmc1wtJNp/iXHzyBRKZ+ov8z+voCVJOrSDyTsG0IKcby8+UxwpzR2nyqiBPw+oaSD1elIHFS48h7Wd5f41S6QeHUlhac20fa5EHTnNw9jphtxDuYPa+xiaNdbdvJKC1jZuipsqc4qlcDC1LISOtIsAzMF1fnByWEe3JBvRxvCmegruu424chIGG23elIoBHsOvY/6BI+5G2BNSBvqzHxfQ2mK6j4tEj2K2s+4M3r4FrgZIYgHxxZtADdNGwditFu5ipfaQSc1n5YFQiI87iTO5OZCBdffMY3qQWaE3ne+hAVDSdJLWFDn halo@mobile-rage-work
==> homestead: Running provisioner: setting authorize permissions for id_rsa (shell)...
homestead: Running: inline script
==> homestead: Running provisioner: mk_features (shell)...
homestead: Running: inline script
==> homestead: Running provisioner: own_features (shell)...
homestead: Running: inline script
==> homestead: Running provisioner: apt_update (shell)...
homestead: Running: inline script
homestead: Hit:1 focal InRelease
homestead: Get:2 focal InRelease [57.7 kB]
homestead: Get:3 focal-updates InRelease [114 kB]
homestead: Hit:4 focal InRelease
homestead: Get:5 focal InRelease [4,583 B]
homestead: Get:6 focal-pgdg InRelease [91.6 kB]
homestead: Get:7 focal-backports InRelease [108 kB]
homestead: Get:8 focal/stable amd64 Packages [20.8 kB]
homestead: Get:9 focal InRelease [23.9 kB]
homestead: Get:10 focal-security InRelease [114 kB]
homestead: Get:11 focal-updates/main amd64 Packages [2,197 kB]
homestead: Get:12 focal/main amd64 Packages [773 B]
homestead: Get:13 focal-pgdg/main amd64 Packages [254 kB]
homestead: Get:14 focal-updates/main Translation-en [385 kB]
homestead: Get:15 focal-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [1,385 kB]
homestead: Get:16 focal-updates/restricted Translation-en [196 kB]
homestead: Get:17 focal-updates/universe amd64 Packages [976 kB]
homestead: Get:18 focal-updates/universe Translation-en [222 kB]
homestead: Get:19 focal-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [24.4 kB]
homestead: Get:20 focal-updates/multiverse Translation-en [7,316 B]
homestead: Get:21 focal-backports/main amd64 Packages [45.7 kB]
homestead: Get:22 focal-backports/universe amd64 Packages [24.0 kB]
homestead: Get:23 focal-security/main amd64 Packages [1,822 kB]
homestead: Get:24 focal-security/main Translation-en [301 kB]
homestead: Get:25 focal-security/restricted amd64 Packages [1,293 kB]
homestead: Get:26 focal-security/restricted Translation-en [183 kB]
homestead: Get:27 focal-security/universe amd64 Packages [747 kB]
homestead: Get:28 focal/main amd64 Packages [106 kB]
homestead: Get:29 focal-security/universe Translation-en [138 kB]
homestead: Get:30 focal/main Translation-en [34.6 kB]
homestead: Fetched 10.9 MB in 4s (2,559 kB/s)
homestead: Reading package lists...
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Installing dockstead (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Installing dockstead
homestead: Swarm initialized: current node (ab4dq5s65de2o3h6icvmjk181) is now a manager.
homestead: To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
homestead: docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4nvfrkkkkq4gtk3ctvcnvd964zl3n30jd6w7gxbbg1wwfyhgbx-0u2wno6k2zhm91ml6mwezhmdv
homestead: To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: inline script
homestead: Invalid feature: mysql
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: inline script
homestead: Ignoring feature: mariadb because it is set to false
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: inline script
homestead: Ignoring feature: postgresql because it is set to false
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: inline script
homestead: Ignoring feature: ohmyzsh because it is set to false
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: inline script
homestead: Ignoring feature: webdriver because it is set to false
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: /var/folders/x7/_nqmg9c124v4y2q164lwxzjh0000gn/T/
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: /var/folders/x7/_nqmg9c124v4y2q164lwxzjh0000gn/T/
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating Certificate: fresh.test (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating Certificate: fresh.test
homestead: Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
homestead: rehash: warning: skipping duplicate certificate in ca.homestead.homestead.pem
homestead: rehash: warning: skipping ca-certificates.crt,it does not contain exactly one certificate or CRL
homestead: 1 added, 0 removed; done.
homestead: Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...
homestead: done.
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating Site: fresh.test (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating Site: fresh.test
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: inline script
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: /var/folders/x7/_nqmg9c124v4y2q164lwxzjh0000gn/T/
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Checking for old Schedule (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Checking for old Schedule
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Clear Variables (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Clear Variables
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Restarting Cron (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Restarting Cron
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Restart Webserver (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Restart Webserver
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: ccx (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: ccx
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: vcdt (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: vcdt
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: horizon (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: horizon
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: isboxer (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: isboxer
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: db_vb (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: db_vb
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: nerdsaredrinking (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: nerdsaredrinking
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: portfolio (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: portfolio
homestead: We didn't find MySQL ($mysql), skipping $DB creation
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: fresh (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: fresh
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: paste (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: paste
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: joemultiboxer (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: joemultiboxer
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: snipe_it (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: snipe_it
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: snipe_it_test (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Creating MySQL / MariaDB Database: snipe_it_test
homestead: We didn't find MariaDB ($mariadb), skipping $DB creation
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Update Composer (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Update Composer
homestead: Upgrading to version 2.4.4 (stable channel).
homestead: Use composer self-update --rollback to return to version 2.3.10
==> homestead: Running provisioner: shell...
homestead: Running: /var/folders/x7/_nqmg9c124v4y2q164lwxzjh0000gn/T/
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Update motd (shell)...
homestead: Running: script: Update motd
==> homestead: Running provisioner: Run (shell)...
homestead: Running: /var/folders/x7/_nqmg9c124v4y2q164lwxzjh0000gn/T/
vagrant destroy -f; vagrant up: 02:00
┌─(~/Code/homestead)(main S:3)
└── ping fresh.test
PING fresh.test ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.584 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.780 ms
--- fresh.test ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.584/0.682/0.780/0.098 ms
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