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Created August 2, 2017 14:18
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// Ajaxify
// v1.0.1 - 30 September, 2012
// Prepare our Variables
History = window.History,
$ = window.jQuery,
document = window.document;
// Check to see if History.js is enabled for our Browser
if ( !History.enabled ) {
return false;
// Wait for Document
// Prepare Variables
/* Application Specific Variables */
contentSelector = '#content',
$content = $(contentSelector).filter(':first'),
contentNode = $content.get(0),
//filter(':first') means it finds the firts item
//$menu = $('.slicknav_menu, #menu-header-menu,.nav-menu,#site-navigation,#menu-menu-1,#menu,#nav,nav:first,.nav:first'),
$menu = $('#site-navigation').filter(':first'),
activeClass ='current-menu-item',
// activeClass ='active, selected, current, youarehere',
activeSelector = '.current-menu-item',
// activeSelector = '.current-menu-item, .current-page-item, .active, .selected, .current, .youarehere',
menuChildrenSelector = '> li,> ul > li',
completedEventName = 'statechangecomplete',
/* Application Generic Variables */
$window = $(window),
$body = $(document.body),
rootUrl = History.getRootUrl(),
scrollOptions = {
duration: 800,
// Ensure Content
if ( $content.length === 0 ) {
$content = $body;
// Internal Helper
$.expr[':'].internal = function(obj, index, meta, stack){
// Prepare
$this = $(obj),
url = $this.attr('href')||'',
// Check link
isInternalLink = url.substring(0,rootUrl.length) === rootUrl || url.indexOf(':') === -1;
// Ignore or Keep
return isInternalLink;
// HTML Helper
var documentHtml = function(html){
// Prepare
var result = String(html)
.replace(/<\!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/i, '')
.replace(/<(html|head|body|title|meta|script)([\s\>])/gi,'<div class="document-$1"$2')
// Return
return $.trim(result);
// Ajaxify Helper
$.fn.ajaxify = function(){
// Prepare
var $this = $(this);
// Ajaxify
// Prepare
$this = $(this),
url = $this.attr('href'),
title = $this.attr('title')||null,
hashPos = url.indexOf('#'), hash;
// Continue as normal for cmd clicks etc
if ( event.which == 2 || event.metaKey ) { return true; }
//edit to ensure we can still use /# -
if (hashPos > -1) {
hash = url.substr(hashPos);
url = url.substring(0, hashPos);
// Ajaxify this link
if (hash) window.location.hash = hash;
return false;
// Chain
return $this;
// Ajaxify our Internal Links
// Hook into State Changes
// Prepare Variables
State = History.getState(),
url = State.url,
relativeUrl = url.replace(rootUrl,'');
// Set Loading
console.log('startloading ajax')
// check if the toggle is on
if( $body.hasClass('toggled-on')) {
var storeclass = 'toggled-on';
}; // if the toggle is on
// $(".home-icon").addClass('loading');
// $body.addClass('timer'); // timer anim
// $("#home-fill").attr("class", "on");
// $('#home-timer').addClass('on');
// $('#loader').addClass('on');
// $('.logo-mask').removeClass('off');
// Start Fade Out
// Animating to opacity to 0 still keeps the element's height intact
// Which prevents that annoying pop bang issue when loading in new content
// Ajax Request the Traditional Page
url: url,
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
// Prepare
$data = $(documentHtml(data)),
$dataBody = $data.find('.document-body:first'),
bodyClasses = $data.find('.document-body:first').attr('class'),
$dataContent = $dataBody.find(contentSelector).filter(':first'),
$menuChildren, contentHtml, $scripts;
//Add classes to body
$("body").attr("class", data.match(/body class=\"(.*?)\"/)[1]);
// $("body").addClass('timer'); // timer anim
// $("#home-fill").attr("class", "on");
//var trigger_fill = document.getElementById("trigger_fill");
// Fetch the scripts
$scripts = $dataContent.find('.document-script');
if ( $scripts.length ) {
// Fetch the content
contentHtml = $dataContent.html()||$data.html();
if ( !contentHtml ) {
document.location.href = url;
return false;
// Update the menu
$menuChildren = $menu.find(menuChildrenSelector);
$menuChildren = $menuChildren.has('a[href^="'+relativeUrl+'"],a[href^="/'+relativeUrl+'"],a[href^="'+url+'"]');
if ( $menuChildren.length === 1 ) { $menuChildren.addClass(activeClass); }
// Update the content
$content.html(contentHtml).ajaxify().css('opacity',100).show(); /* you could fade in here if you'd like */
// Update the title
document.title = $data.find('.document-title:first').text();
try {
document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerHTML = document.title.replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;').replace(' & ',' &amp; ');
catch ( Exception ) { }
// Add the scripts
var $script = $(this), scriptText = $script.text(), scriptNode = document.createElement('script');
if ( $script.attr('src') ) {
if ( !$script[0].async ) { scriptNode.async = false; }
scriptNode.src = $script.attr('src');
// Complete the change
if ( $body.ScrollTo||false ) {
/* */
// close menu and reset page
$("body").addClass('ggs-hidden ggs-animated'); // This make sure the 'grid classes' are always there afer page load; sometimes they were disappearing on page transition. Unsure why?
$(function() {
if(window.location.hash) {
var hash = $(location).attr('hash');
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top},'slow');
// Fragment exists
} else {
// Fragment doesn't exist
$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); // temporirly disabled because it clases iwth #linking - fix!
console.log('no hashs')
if(storeclass) { // check if the toggle was on
// console.log("toggled-on class was on!!");
} // if(storeclass)
// $('#loader').removeClass('on');
// $('.logo-mask').addClass('off');
// Add further scripts
$.getScript( "", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
// console.log( data ); // Data returned
// console.log( textStatus ); // Success
// console.log( jqxhr.status ); // 200
// console.log( "Load was performed." );
// Inform Google Analytics of the change
if ( typeof window._gaq !== 'undefined' ) {
window._gaq.push(['_trackPageview', relativeUrl]);
// Inform ReInvigorate of a state change
if ( typeof window.reinvigorate !== 'undefined' && typeof window.reinvigorate.ajax_track !== 'undefined' ) {
// ^ we use the full url here as that is what reinvigorate supports
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
document.location.href = url;
return false;
}); // end ajax
}); // end onStateChange
}); // end onDomLoad
})(window); // end closure
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This needs tidying up; badly..

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